Form Aoc 292 PDF Details

The AOC-292 form plays a crucial role in the adoption process within the Commonwealth of Kentucky, embodying a legal document designed to facilitate and formalize the consent to adoption by a child's natural parent or parents. Its purpose is manifold, serving not only as a waiver of appearance in court proceedings aimed at terminating parental rights but also as express consent to the adoption of the child in question. This two-page document, updated in June 2019, carefully outlines the requirements and stipulations set forth under specific Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS), specifically KRS 625.041(3), 199.011(17), and 199.500. By completing this form, a parent acknowledges their voluntary and informed decision to relinquish their rights to their child, allowing for the child’s adoption. The form requires thorough completion, including personal declarations and consent that is both sworn before a notary and signified through the parent's signature. Furthermore, the document addresses several critical aspects such as the identification—or the decision not to identify—the adoptive parents, legal fee disclosures, coercion and compensation clarifications, and the irrevocability of consent post a seventy-two hour period after its execution, ensuring that the consent given is well-informed and definitive. This process ensures the protection of all parties involved, especially the child, by fostering a legal environment of transparency and consent.

Form NameForm Aoc 292
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesaoc 292, step parent adoption kentucky forms, appearance waiver form, adoption in kentucky

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Doc. Code: AWCA









Case No.










Rev. 6-19



















































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l e x



q District

q Family















e t









j u s t i t i a


Commonwealth of Kentucky












































Court of Justice




















KRS 625.041(3); 199.011(17); and











_____________________________________________, a child







I, ___________________________________________________________, hereby state that I am the natural parent of

the above-named child and I hereby voluntarily, and with full knowledge and agreement, waive my right to appear in the

above-styled proceeding to terminate my parental rights.


Parent's Signature


Parent's Name (please print)


Counsel for Parent


Guardian ad litem for Minor Parent


Cabinet Designee

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this ________ day of __________________________, 2________

My Commission Expires: _________________________





By: ____________________________________, D.C.

q Please mail a copy of the FINAL JUDGMENT to:







Rev. 6-19


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I, ______________________________________________, hereby state that I am the natural q mother q father of

(parent's name)

_______________________________________________, the child to be adopted, who was born to me q in wedlock

(child's name)

q out-of-wedlock on __________________ in ________________________________________________________.

(child's date of birth)

(city, state, country of child's birth)

I also state, and acknowledge by my initials, that:

_____ I do not desire to know the identification of the proposed adoptive parent(s) of my child; or

_____ The proposed adoptive parent of my child is:______________________________________________.

_____ I understand that if the adoption is not adjudged, that the disposition of my child will be made pursuant to KRS 199.550.

_____ The total amount of my legal fees related to the execution of this consent are $___________________ to be paid

by _______________________________________.

_____ That I have reviewed this consent and the legal effect of this consent has been fully explained to me.

_____ That I have not been coerced in any way to execute this consent, nor have I been given or promised anything of

value, except those expenses allowable under KRS 199.590(6), to execute this consent.

_____ That it is my intention to consent to the adoption of my child.

I understand that this consent to the adoption of my child will become final and irrevocable seventy-two (72) hours after the execution of this consent and that this consent may be withdrawn only by written notification sent to the proposed

adoptive parent or the attorney for the proposed adoptive parent on or before the expiration of the seventy-two (72) hours by certified or registered mail and also by first class mail.

I hereby acknowledge, by my signature, executed this ______ day of _________________________, 2______ in

___________________________, __________________________ County, Kentucky at __________ q a.m. q p.m.

that I have voluntarily and knowingly given my informed consent to the adoption of my child.




Consenting Parent's Signature


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this ________ day of __________________________, 2________

My Commission Expires: _________________________




By: ____________________________________, D.C.

Preparer's Name & Address




Reviewer's Name & Address




I received a completed and signed copy of this consent on the same day I signed it.




Consenting Parent's Signature


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this ________ day of __________________________, 2________

My Commission Expires: _________________________




By: ____________________________________, D.C.

How to Edit Form Aoc 292 Online for Free

aoc 292 can be filled out online in no time. Just make use of FormsPal PDF tool to complete the task without delay. The editor is consistently upgraded by our team, getting cool features and growing to be better. All it requires is a few simple steps:

Step 1: Open the form in our tool by pressing the "Get Form Button" at the top of this webpage.

Step 2: As soon as you launch the file editor, you'll see the document prepared to be filled in. Apart from filling out different blanks, it's also possible to do other sorts of actions with the form, specifically adding your own textual content, changing the initial textual content, adding illustrations or photos, affixing your signature to the PDF, and more.

It will be straightforward to finish the form using this practical tutorial! Here is what you want to do:

1. To begin with, once filling out the aoc 292, start out with the form section containing subsequent blank fields:

Tips to prepare kentucky stepparent adoption part 1

2. Now that the last section is completed, you should insert the needed details in WAIVER OF APPEARANCE, I hereby state that I am the, Parents Signature, Parents Name please print, Counsel for Parent, Guardian ad litem for Minor Parent, and Cabinet Designee so you can go further.

Completing section 2 in kentucky stepparent adoption

3. In this specific part, review SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, My Commission Expires, NotaryClerk, By DC, and q Please mail a copy of the FINAL. These will have to be filled in with highest accuracy.

Learn how to fill out kentucky stepparent adoption portion 3

4. You're ready to proceed to the next form section! Here you've got these AOC Rev Page of, CONSENT TO ADOPTION, I hereby state that I am the, the child to be adopted who was, parents name, q outofwedlock on in, childs name, childs date of birth, city state country of childs birth, I also state and acknowledge by my, I understand that if the adoption, The total amount of my legal fees, That I have reviewed this consent, value except those expenses, and That it is my intention to blank fields to complete.

Filling out part 4 in kentucky stepparent adoption

5. This last section to complete this document is crucial. Make certain to fill in the required blanks, for instance I understand that this consent to, Consenting Parents Signature, SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, My Commission Expires, NotaryClerk, By DC, Preparers Name Address, and Reviewers Name Address, before using the pdf. Failing to do it might result in an unfinished and probably invalid paper!

How one can fill in kentucky stepparent adoption stage 5

Be very attentive when filling out Preparers Name Address and Consenting Parents Signature, since this is where a lot of people make some mistakes.

Step 3: Immediately after taking another look at your form fields you have filled in, hit "Done" and you are all set! Grab your aoc 292 after you join for a free trial. Readily gain access to the document from your personal cabinet, together with any edits and changes conveniently kept! FormsPal is focused on the privacy of all our users; we always make sure that all personal information going through our editor remains secure.