Form Cocf1011 PDF Details

The COCF1011 form is a crucial document for students who have reported specific milestones in their academic careers while applying for Federal Student Aid for the academic year 2012-2013. This form serves to gather updated information regarding a student's academic status, which may include having already obtained a bachelor's degree, embarking on graduate studies, or pursuing a graduate degree during the specified academic year. The information collected is crucial for adjustments that may need to be made to the student's awards based on any change in their status or classification. The form is structured to collect detailed personal information, including contact details and academic intentions, through a series of direct questions and checkboxes regarding academic level for each semester within the year. Additionally, the COCF1011 form outlines the eligibility criteria for federal aid for various academic paths, such as second bachelor's degree seekers and graduate certificate programs, and emphasizes the importance of accurate and truthful information which, if falsified, could lead to severe penalties including fines or imprisonment. This document also requires a student's signature to certify the accuracy of the provided information, reflecting a commitment to integrity in the financial aid process.

Form NameForm Cocf1011
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesCoCF1213 ucf confirmation of career form

Form Preview Example
















PID: _________________________

E-mail Address:____________________________

Phone #:_______________________





You reported on the 2012-2013 Free Application for Federal Student Aid that you either:

(1)had a bachelor’s degree, (2) would be in graduate school, or (3) would be working on a graduate degree. Your awards may have to be adjusted as a result of any change in your status or classification. We need your assistance in determining what your academic status will be for 2012-2013.

I. Please answer the following questions:

1.Will you have your first bachelor's degree prior to the beginning of the Fall 2012 semester?

_____ Yes ______ No

2.What date did you or do you expect to earn your first bachelor’s degree? _____________

3.Will you be working on a master’s or doctorate program during the 2012-2013 school year?

_____ Yes ______ No

II. Please mark an X next to your expected academic level for each of the 3 semesters below:

Fall 2012

Spring 2013

Summer 2013













____Second Bachelor Degree Seeking

____Second Bachelor Degree Seeking

____Second Bachelor Degree Seeking







____Graduate Certificate

____Graduate Certificate

____Graduate Certificate

____Non-Degree Seeking

____Non-Degree Seeking

____Non-Degree Seeking

____Not attending

____Not attending

____Not attending

Non-Degree Seeking students are not eligible for federal aid.

Second Bachelor Degree Seeking students must have declared majors different from the major in which they have already earned a degree.

Only certain Graduate Certificate programs are approved for financial aid purposes.

Our office may make corrections to your FAFSA. In some cases; however, UCF cannot make the corrections and may require you, the student, to make the necessary corrections.

If you have applied to a graduate program but have not been fully admitted as of the day this form is submitted you will need to submit proof of admission with no contingencies once you are admitted.

University records must reflect information indicated on this form. Discrepancies may delay processing.

By signing this form, I certify that the information provided on this form is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. *

Student Signature: ______________________________ Date: ______________________

* By purposely giving false or misleading information, you may be fined, sent to prison, or both.
