Form Dlse 666 PDF Details

Did you know that the Department of Labor and Industries (DOLI) requires all employers in Washington State to file Form DOLSE 666? The purpose of this form is to report wages paid to employees and independent contractors. If you've never filed this form before, don't worry - we'll walk you through everything you need to know. Keep reading for a detailed overview of the filing process, including who needs to file and when the deadline is. We also provide some tips for ensuring a smooth submission.

Form NameForm Dlse 666
Form Length4 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min
Other namesCW App EN john melius link den form

Form Preview Example

State of California

Department Of Industrial Relations



(If additional space is needed, please attach a separate page and indicate the number of the item for which the information is being provided.)


N am e of legal entity (em p loyer) ap p lyin g for registration



2. Fictitiou s bu siness nam e (d oing bu siness as (d ba)), if ap p licable









Applicant’s street address (number, street, city, county, state, zip code)




4. Telep hone nu m ber












) __________________








5. Applicant’s mailing address, if d ifferent from street ad d ress (e.g., P.O . Box)









6. Fictitiou s bu siness nam e (d ba) and street ad d ress (nu m ber, street, city, cou nty, state, zip cod e) of all car w ashing and

7. Telep hone nu m ber of

p olishing facilities op erated by app licant:








location listed in item 6

A) Dba:













) _________________

Ad d ress:














B) Dba:













) _________________

Ad d ress:














C) Dba:













) _________________

Ad d ress:














D) Dba:













) _________________

Ad d ress:

















8. This is an ap p lication for

9. Is ap p licant p erm issively self-insured against liability to pay workers’ compensation

10. If renew al, give p reviou s



claim s?


N o





registration nu m ber

N ew Registration

If the answ er to th e above is “no,” does applicant have current workers' compensation

CW - ___________________



insu rance coverage?

Yes N o





Renew al Registration

N am e of Insu rer: __________________________________________________________________









Ad d ress::_________________________________________________________________________





Policy N o ________________________________________________________________________





Effective d ate _________________________

Exp iration d ate__________________________













11. Applicant’s form of legal

entity (check one):









Sole Prop rietorship (an ind ivid u al)



Corp oration

Lim ited Liability Com pany





12. If sole p rop rietorship - fu ll n am e, resid ential ad d ress and social secu rity nu m ber of ow ner


13. H om e telep hone nu m ber

N am e:










) _________________




H om e Ad d ress:














Social Secu rity











N u m ber:__________________________________________________________________________________________






14. If p artnership - fu ll nam e, resid ential ad d ress, and social secu rity nu m ber of all p artners


15. H om e telep hone nu m ber

N am e: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

of each p erson nam ed in item














H om e Ad d ress: ________________________________________________________________________________________________


) _________________

Social Secu rity N u m ber:_________________________________________________________________________________________



N am e: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________



H om e Ad d ress: ________________________________________________________________________________________________


) _________________

Social Secu rity N u m ber:_________________________________________________________________________________________



N am e: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________



H om e Ad d ress: ________________________________________________________________________________________________


) _________________

Social Secu rity N u m ber: _________________________________________________________________________________________















DLSE 666 (09/05) (English)










16. If corp oration or LLC - fu ll nam e, title, resid ential ad d ress, and social secu rity nu m ber of all corp orate officers/ LLC

17. H om e telep hone nu m ber

m em bers

of each p erson nam ed in item

N am e and title:_________________________________________________________________________________________________





H om e Ad d ress: ________________________________________________________________________________________________



Social Secu rity N u m ber: _________________________________________________________________________________________



N am e and title:_________________________________________________________________________________________________


) _________________



H om e Ad d ress:_________________________________________________________________________________________________



Social Secu rity N u m ber: _________________________________________________________________________________________



N am e: and title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________


) _________________



H om e Ad d ress: ________________________________________________________________________________________________



Social Secu rity N u m ber: _________________________________________________________________________________________





) _________________



18. Fu ll nam e, resid ential ad d ress, and social secu rity nu m ber of all p ersons em p loyed by the ap p licant w ho exercise

19. H om e telep hone nu m ber

management responsibility over any car washing and polishing facility operated by applicant, regardless of applicant’s

of each p erson nam ed in item

form of legal entity



N am e: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________



H om e Ad d ress:_________________________________________________________________________________________________



Social Secu rity N u m ber: _________________________________________________________________________________________



N am e:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________


) _________________



H om e Ad d ress:_________________________________________________________________________________________________



Social Secu rity N u m ber _________________________________________________________________________________________



N am e:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________


) _________________



H om e Ad d ress:_________________________________________________________________________________________________



Social Secu rity N u m ber: _________________________________________________________________________________________



N am e:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________


) _________________



H om e Ad d ress:_________________________________________________________________________________________________



Social Secu rity N u m ber: _________________________________________________________________________________________





) _________________



20. Fu ll nam e, resid ential ad d ress, and social secu rity nu m ber of all p ersons, excep t bona fid e em p loyees on regu lar salaries ,

21. H om e telep hone nu m ber

who have a financial interest of 10 percent or more in applicant’s business, regardless of applicant’s form of legal entity.

of each p erson nam ed in item

A) N am e:______________________________________________________________________________________________________





H om e Ad d ress:_________________________________________________________________________________________________



Social Secu rity N u m ber: _________________________________________________________________________________________



B) N am e: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________


) _________________



H om e Ad d ress:_________________________________________________________________________________________________



Social Secu rity N u m ber: _________________________________________________________________________________________



C) N am e:


) _________________






H om e Ad d ress:_________________________________________________________________________________________________



Social Secu rity N u m ber: _________________________________________________________________________________________


) _________________

D) N am e:






H om e Ad d ress:_________________________________________________________________________________________________


) _________________


Social Secu rity N u m ber: _________________________________________________________________________________________






22.Actu al p ercent ow ned by each p erson nam ed in item 20.





23.If a corp oration: Date of incorp oration:


State of incorp oration:


24.Fed eral and state em p loyer id entification nu m bers

FEIN : ________________

SEIN : ________________

25.If a foreign corp oration, d ate articles of incorporation w ere filed w ith the California Secretary of State


26.If a corp oration, is corp oration in good stand ing w ith the California Secretary of

State? Yes

N o

DLSE 666 (09/05) (English)


27. Does any p erson nam ed in item s 12, 14, 16, 18, or 20 p resently:


A. Ow e an em ployee any unpaid wages?...……………………………………………………………...…..Yes

N o

B. Have an unpaid judgment outstanding? ………………………………………………………………....Yes

N o

C. Have an outstanding lien or lawsuit pending against him/ her?..……………………………………..Yes

N o

D. Ow e payroll taxes, p ersonal, p artnership or corp orate incom e taxes, social secu rity taxes


or disability insurance contributions?……………………………………………………………..……...Yes

N o

If “yes” to any of the above, provide details below, including name, ad d ress and telep hone nu m ber of the em p loyee(s), ju d gm ent cred itor(s),

lienhold er(s), other party(ies) to the law su it, and / or governm ental agency that is ow ed m oney, case/ file nu m ber, a d escrip tio n of the type of d ebt, tax, lien, or law su it, am ou nt ow ed , cou rt w here the law su it is p end ing, and a d escrip tion of any paym ent arrangem ents, if any.





28. H as a bu siness nam ed in item s 1 or 6, or a p erson nam ed in item s 12, 14, 16, 18, or 20, ever been cited or assess ed a p enalty for violating a p rovision of the

California Labor Cod e, or an ord er of the Ind u strial Welfare Com m ission regu lating w ages, hou rs and w orking cond itions? Yes

N o

If “yes,” provide details below, including, name of the busin ess/ p erson cited , d ate and natu re of citation, am ou nt of p enalties assessed for each citation, and the d isp osition of the citation, if any. Describe any ap p eal filed contesting the citation, and the ou tcom e. If the citatio n w as not ap p ealed , or if it w as

ap p ealed and u p held , ind icate w hether or not the p enalty assessm ent w as p aid , and if so, the d ate on w hich it w as paid .





29. Does ap p licant have any final ju d gm ents against him , her, or it for u np aid w ages d u e an em p loyee or form er em p loyee of a car w ashing and p olishing

bu siness that is requ ired to be registered p u rsu ant to California law that has not been fu lly satisfied ?


N o

If, ”yes,” provide details below, including, name of pa rties, nam e and location of cou rt and case nu m ber, am ou nt of ju d gm ent, d ate ju d gm ent becam e final, and an exp lanation as to w hy ju d gm ent has not been fu lly satisfied .





30. H as ap p licant rem itted the p rop er am ou nt of contribu tions required by the California Unem p loym ent Insu rance Cod e?


N o

If “no,” has the Employment Development Department (EDD) made an assessment for those unpaid contributions that has become fi nal?

Yes N o

If “yes,” has the amount of delinquency been paid in full?


N o



If “yes,” provide the amount of the delinquency and the date it was paid in full. $______________________________Date________________________________

If “no,” describe the nature and amount of delinquency, and explain why it has not been paid in full.



31. H as ap p licant rem itted the fu ll am ou nt of Social Secu rity and Med icare tax contribu tions requ ired by the Fed eral Insu ran ce Contribu tions Act (FICA) to

the Internal Revenu e Service (IRS)?


N o



If “no,” has applicant fully paid the amount or delinquency for those unpaid contributions?


N o

If “no,” explain why the full amoun t of contribu tions w as not rem itted to the IRS, and w hy the d elinqu ency has not been paid in fu ll.



DLSE 666 (09/05) (English)


Ap p licant hereby acknow led ges that he/ she/ it is aw are of and agrees to com p ly w ith the p rovisions of Labor Cod e Section 3700 that requ ires every em p loyer to secure the payment of compensation for liability under the State’s worker compensations law . Applicant hereby submits pro of that the p aym ent of compensation for liability under the State’s workers’ compensation law has been se cu red in a law fu l m anner.

Applicant understands and acknow ledges that any misrepresentation, falsification, or material omission on this application or any document submitted in connection herew ith is a ground for denial of this application or subsequent revocation of registration.

Ap p licant hereby agrees to com p lete and su bm it to the IRS an IRS Form 8821, Tax Inform ation Authorization .

The undersigned hereby certify(ies) under penalty of perjury that the statements made and information provided on this application are true and correct and that the applicant is in complete compliance with the local government’s business licensing and regional regulatory


Execu ted at *_____________________________________, California, this ______________ d ay of ______________________________, 2 __________.

SIGN ATURES (Th e ind ivid ual ow ner or all general p artners m u st sign . If bu siness is a corp oration or lim ited liability com p any, any auth orized corporate officer or m em ber m ay sign .)

____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

*If place of execution is outside California, the foregoing statements must be sworn to before a notary public or other officer authorized to take oaths and affirmations.


Th e social secu rity nu m ber w ill be collected p u rsu ant to California Fam ily Cod e section 17520(d ) and Labor Cod e section 2061(a)(6). It is u sed in the administration of registering employer’s in the car washing and polishing industry, and to aid in the collection of monies ow ed p u rsu ant to a ju d gm ent or

ord er for child or fam ily su p p ort in a case being enforced u nd er Title IV-D of the Social Secu rity Act.

Collection of the social security number is mandatory. Failure to furnish the social security number may result in D EN IAL of an application for issuance or renew al of a registration to engage i n the business of car w ashing and polishing.

IN FORMATION PRACTICES ACT N OTICE (California Civil Code Section 1798.17)

1. Th e inform ation on this ap p lication is being requ ested by the Dep artm ent of Ind u strial Relations, Division of Labor Stand ard s En forcem ent.

2. Th e state official resp onsible for m aintaining this ap p lication, and w ho shall, u p on w ritten requ est, inform you of the l ocation of w here this ap p lication is m aintained and the categories of any p ersons w ho u se the inform ation contained herein is:

Manager, Licensing and Registration Unit

Division of Labor Stand ard s En forcem ent, 9th Floor West P.O . Box 420603

San Francisco, CA 94142

Telep hone: (415) 703-4810

3.Th e inform ation on this ap p lication is collected and m aintained pu rsu ant to C alifornia Labor Cod e section 2061.

4.With resp ect to the inform ation requ ested on this ap p lication, all of it is either m and ated by California Labor Cod e sect ion 2061 or m ust be ascertained by the Labor Com m issioner in ord er to issu e a registration, exce p t for the follow ing inform ation, w hich is p rovid ed volu ntarily:

A) Title of corp orate officers/ LLC m em bers

5. If you fail to p rovid e all or any p art of the inform ation requ ested in this ap p lication, the Labor Com m issioner m ay d eny issu ance/ renew al of a registration to engage in the bu siness of car w ashing and polishing.

6.Th e p rincip al p u rp oses w ithin the Division of Labor Stand ard s Enforcem ent for w hich the inform ation on this ap p lication w ill be u sed are: (1) ad m inistration of the registration p rogra m for the car washing and polishing industry, and (2) enforcement of California’s labor laws.

7.Th e follow ing are know n or foreseeable d isclosu res of the inform ation contained herein w hich m ay be m ad e p u rsu ant to su bd ivision (e) or (f) of Section 1798.24 of the California Civil Cod e by the Division of Labor Stand ard s En forcem ent: Resp onse to a requ est u nd er the California Pu blic Record s Act.

8.You have the right to access record s containing you r p ersonal inform ation that are m aintained by the Division of Labor Stand ard s Enforcem ent. To m ake an ap p ointm ent to access su ch record s, p lease contact the Manager, Licensing and Registration Unit at the ad d ress show n in it em 2 above.



Application N umber______________________

Approved: State Labor Commissioner__________________________________



D ate Received

D ate Posted

















WCI _______________

Articles of Incorporation


LLC Articles of Organization

IRS ________________

Business License/Regional Regulatory Requirements

Date Cleared

Leased Employee Agreement



I.D .

Citation(s)/Judgment(s) _______________

SOS _______________


D ate


DLSE 666 (09/05) (English)


How to Edit Form Dlse 666 Online for Free

Using PDF files online can be super easy using our PDF tool. You can fill in Form Dlse 666 here effortlessly. The editor is continually updated by our team, receiving handy features and turning out to be better. It merely requires a couple of easy steps:

Step 1: First, open the pdf editor by clicking the "Get Form Button" in the top section of this site.

Step 2: As soon as you launch the tool, you'll notice the document made ready to be completed. Apart from filling out various fields, you can also do various other things with the file, namely adding any words, editing the initial textual content, inserting graphics, placing your signature to the form, and much more.

Filling out this PDF will require thoroughness. Make sure that all necessary areas are filled in properly.

1. To get started, once filling out the Form Dlse 666, start out with the part that contains the next blank fields:

Step number 1 in submitting Form Dlse 666

2. Once your current task is complete, take the next step – fill out all of these fields - This is an ap p lication for a N, Is ap p licant p erm issively, N am e of Insu rer Ad d ress, If renew al give p reviou s, Applicants form of legal entity, If sole p rop rietorship fu ll, N am e, H om e telep hone nu m ber, H om e Ad d ress, Social Secu rity N u m ber If p, N am e, H om e Ad d ress, Social Secu rity N u m ber, N am e, and H om e Ad d ress with their corresponding information. Make sure to double check that everything has been entered correctly before continuing!

Form Dlse 666 completion process clarified (stage 2)

3. This next segment is about Social Secu rity N u m ber, and DLSE English - complete each one of these blank fields.

Tips to complete Form Dlse 666 stage 3

4. Your next section will require your input in the following parts: If corp oration or LLC fu ll nam, m em bers, N am e and title, H om e Ad d ress, Social Secu rity N u m ber, N am e and title, H om e Ad d ress, Social Secu rity N u m ber, N am e and title, H om e Ad d ress, Social Secu rity N u m ber, Fu ll nam e resid ential ad d, management responsibility over any, N am e, and H om e Ad d ress. Ensure you provide all needed info to move further.

Form Dlse 666 completion process shown (stage 4)

5. The very last section to conclude this document is crucial. Be certain to fill out the required blanks, like Social Secu rity N u m ber, N am e, H om e Ad d ress, Social Secu rity N u m ber, Fu ll nam e resid ential ad d, A N am e, H om e Ad d ress, Social Secu rity N u m ber, B N am e, H om e Ad d ress, Social Secu rity N u m ber, C N am e, H om e Ad d ress, Social Secu rity N u m ber, and D N am e, prior to submitting. In any other case, it could generate an incomplete and potentially invalid document!

Form Dlse 666 conclusion process shown (part 5)

As to D N am e and H om e Ad d ress, be certain you get them right in this current part. Those two are the key fields in this form.

Step 3: Just after rereading the entries, hit "Done" and you're all set! Go for a free trial account at FormsPal and get immediate access to Form Dlse 666 - download or edit inside your FormsPal account page. FormsPal offers risk-free document editor devoid of data recording or sharing. Rest assured that your data is in good hands here!