Form Dv 120 PDF Details

In the realm of domestic violence law, one of the critical pieces of documentation is the DV-120 form, officially titled "Response to Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order." This form serves as a formal response from an individual who has been served with a request for a restraining order, enabling them to present their side of the story to the court. It is a comprehensive document that covers a wide range of responses, allowing the respondent to agree or disagree with the orders requested, specify their reasons, and even request changes or provide alternate proposals for the court's consideration. The form includes sections on personal conduct orders, stay-away orders, move-out orders, and even specifics like child custody and visitation, spousal support, property control, and more. Respondents are required to address each area with their consent or denial, and in cases of disagreement, they are prompted to give detailed explanations. Additionally, crucial to the proceedings, the DV-120 form advises on the handling of firearms, stipulating actions like turning in guns or requesting exemptions. All of this culminates in a hearing where the judge will consider the response alongside the original request for a restraining order, making decisions that could significantly impact the lives of all involved. The form underscores the importance of legal representation and thorough preparation in navigating the complexities of domestic violence cases, reflecting the legal system's multifaceted approach to ensuring justice and protection for its citizens.

Form NameForm Dv 120
Form Length5 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min 15 sec
Other namesdv declaration form, dv 120, restraining order form dv, dv 120 info

Form Preview Example

State Bar No.:



Response to Request for Domestic




Violence Restraining Order




1Name of Person Asking for Protection:

(See Form DV-100, item 1 ):

2Your Name:

Your lawyer in this case (if you have one):


Firm Name:

Address (If you have a lawyer for this case, give your lawyer’s information. If you do not have a lawyer and want to keep your home address private, give a different mailing address instead. You do not have to give your telephone, fax, or e-mail.):


































E-Mail Address:




















3Use this form to respond to the Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order (Form DV-100).

Clerk stamps date here when form is filed.

Fill in court name and street address:

Superior Court of California, County of

Fill in case number:

Case Number:

Fill out this form and take it to the court clerk.

Have the person in 1 served by mail with a copy of this form and any attached pages. (See Form DV-250, Proof of Service by Mail.)

For more information, read Form DV-120-INFO, How Can I Respond to a Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order?

This form is for a response to a restraining order request. For more information about how to request your own restraining order, read Form DV-505-INFO and Form DV-120-INFO (see the section called “What if I need a restraining order against the other person?”)

The judge will consider your Response at the hearing.

Write your hearing date, time, and place from Form DV-109, Notice of Court Hearing, item 3 , here:

Hearing Ł Date:














You must obey the orders in Form DV-110, Temporary Restraining Order, until the hearing. At the hearing, the court may make restraining orders against you that could last up to five years and could be renewed.

4 Relationship to Person Asking for Protection


I agree to the relationship listed in item 4 on Form DV-100.

b. I do not agree that the other party and I have or had the relationship listed in item 4 on Form DV-100 because:

5 Other Protected People

a. I agree to the order requested.


I do not agree to the order requested,

but I would agree to:

(Specify your reasons in item 25, page 5, of this form.)

This is not a Court Order.

Judicial Council of California, Revised July 1, 2016, Mandatory Form Family Code, § 6200 et seq.

Response to Request for Domestic Violence

Restraining Order

DV-120, Page 1 of 5

(Domestic Violence Prevention)

Case Number:

6 Personal Conduct Orders

a. I agree to the orders requested.


I do not agree to the order requested,

but I would agree to:

(Specify your reasons in item 25, page 5, of this form.)

7 Stay-Away Order


I agree to the order requested.



I do not agree to the order requested,

but I would agree to:

(Specify your reasons in item 25, page 5, of this form.)

8 Move-Out Order

a. I agree to the order requested.


I do not agree to the order requested,

but I would agree to:






(Specify your reasons in item 25, page 5, of this form.)

9Guns or Other Firearms or Ammunition

If you were served with Form DV-110, Temporary Restraining Order, you must turn in any guns or firearms in your immediate possession or control. You must file a receipt with the court from a law enforcement agency or a licensed gun dealer within 48 hours after you received Form DV-110.

a. I do not own or have any guns or firearms.

b. I ask for an exemption from the firearms prohibition under Family Code section 6389(h) because


c. I have turned in my guns and firearms to law enforcement or sold them to, or stored them with, a licensed gun dealer. A copy of the receipt showing that I turned in, sold, or stored my firearms (check all that apply):

is attached

has already been filed with the court.

10 Record Unlawful Communications


I agree to the order requested.



I do not agree to the order requested,

but I would agree to:

(Specify your reasons in item 25, page 5, of this form.)

11 Care of Animals

a. I agree to the order requested.


I do not agree to the order requested,

but I would agree to:






(Specify your reasons in item 25, page 5, of this form.)

This is not a Court Order.

Revised July 1, 2016

Response to Request for Domestic Violence

Restraining Order

DV-120, Page 2 of 5

(Domestic Violence Prevention)

Case Number:



Child Custody and Visitation

a. I agree to the order requested.

b. I do not agree to the order requested. (Specify your reasons in item 25, page 5, of this form.)

c. I am not the parent of the child listed in Form DV-105, Request for Child Custody and Visitation Orders.

d. I ask for the following custody order (specify):


I do

I do not agree to the orders requested to limit the child’s travel as listed in Form DV-108,


Request for Order: No Travel with Children.

You and the other parent may tell the court that you want to be legal parents of the children (use Form DV-180, Agreement and Judgment of Parentage).

Child Support (Check all that apply):

a. I agree to the order requested.

b. I do not agree to the order requested. (Specify your reasons in item 25, page 5, of this form.)

c. I agree to pay guideline child support.

Whether or not you agree to pay support, you must fill out, serve, and file Form FL-150, Income and Expense Declaration, or Form FL-155, Financial Statement (Simplified).

14 Property Control

a. I agree to the order requested.


I do not agree to the order requested,

but I would agree to:






(Specify your reasons in item 25, page 5, of this form.)

15 Debt Payment

a. I agree to the order requested.


I do not agree to the order requested,

but I would agree to:






(Specify your reasons in item 25, page 5, of this form.)

16 Property Restraint

a. I agree to the order requested.


I do not agree to the order requested,

but I would agree to:






(Specify your reasons in item 25, page 5, of this form.)

17 Spousal Support

a. I agree to the order requested.


I do not agree to the order requested,

but I would agree to:

(Specify your reasons in item 25, page 5, of this form.)

Whether or not you agree, you must fill out, serve, and file Form FL-150, Income and Expense Declaration.

This is not a Court Order.

Revised July 1, 2016

Response to Request for Domestic Violence

Restraining Order

DV-120, Page 3 of 5

(Domestic Violence Prevention)

Amount: $

Case Number:

18 Rights to Mobile Device and Wireless Phone Account a. I agree to the order requested.


I do not agree to the order requested,

but I would agree to:






(Specify your reasons in item 25, page 5, of this form.)






I agree to the order requested.




I do not agree to the order requested,

but I would agree to:

(Specify your reasons in item 25, page 5, of this form.)

20 Lawyer's Fees and Costs a. I agree to the order requested.


I do not agree to the order requested,

but I would agree to:

(Specify your reasons in item 25, page 5, of this form.)

c. I request the court to order payment of my lawyer’s fees and costs.

Whether or not you agree, you must fill out, serve, and file Form FL-150, Income and Expense Declaration.

21 Payments for Costs and Services a. I agree to the order requested.


I do not agree to the order requested,

but I would agree to:






(Specify your reasons in item 25, page 5, of this form.)

22 Batterer Intervention Program a. I agree to the order requested.


I do not agree to the order requested,

but I would agree to:



(Specify your reasons in item 25, page 5, of this form.)

Other Orders (see item 22 on Form DV-100)



I agree to the order requested.



I do not agree to the order requested,

but I would agree to:

(Specify your reasons in item 25, page 5, of this form.)

24 Out-of-Pocket Expenses

I ask the court to order payment of my out-of-pocket expenses because the temporary restraining order was issued without enough supporting facts. The expenses are:

Item:Amount: $Item:

You must fill out, serve, and file Form FL-150, Income and Expense Declaration.

This is not a Court Order.

Revised July 1, 2016

Response to Request for Domestic Violence

Restraining Order

DV-120, Page 4 of 5

(Domestic Violence Prevention)

Case Number:

25 Reasons I Do Not Agree to the Orders Requested

Explain your answers to each of the orders requested (give specific facts and reasons):

Check here if there is not enough space below for your answer. Put your complete answer on an attached sheet of paper and write, “DV-120, Reasons I Do Not Agree” as a title.

26Number of pages attached to this form, if any:

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above is true and correct.


Type or print your name

Sign your name


Lawyer’s name, if you have one

Lawyer’s signature

This is not a Court Order.

Revised July 1, 2016

Response to Request for Domestic Violence

Restraining Order

DV-120, Page 5 of 5

(Domestic Violence Prevention)

How to Edit Form Dv 120 Online for Free

Using PDF files online is easy with our PDF editor. Anyone can fill in form dv 120 here within minutes. The tool is continually improved by us, getting additional functions and growing to be better. By taking some basic steps, you are able to begin your PDF editing:

Step 1: Access the PDF doc in our editor by pressing the "Get Form Button" above on this page.

Step 2: With our handy PDF editing tool, you may accomplish more than just fill out blank fields. Express yourself and make your documents appear high-quality with customized textual content added in, or fine-tune the original content to perfection - all accompanied by the capability to incorporate any type of photos and sign the PDF off.

Be mindful while completing this form. Ensure that each and every blank field is done accurately.

1. It's important to complete the form dv 120 accurately, hence take care while filling out the sections containing these specific blanks:

Tips to complete form dv 120 info stage 1

2. The subsequent part is to submit these blanks: of Service by Mail For more, The judge will consider your, Hearing Ł, Date, Date Dept, Time Room, You must obey the orders in Form, Relationship to Person Asking for, I agree to the relationship listed, Other Protected People a b, I agree to the order requested I, but I would agree to, Specify your reasons in item page, This is not a Court Order, and Judicial Council of California.

Step number 2 in filling in form dv 120 info

3. Completing Case Number, Personal Conduct Orders a b, I agree to the orders requested I, but I would agree to, Specify your reasons in item page, StayAway Order a b, I agree to the order requested I, but I would agree to, Specify your reasons in item page, MoveOut Order a b, I agree to the order requested I, but I would agree to, Specify your reasons in item page, Guns or Other Firearms or, and If you were served with Form DV is essential for the next step, make sure to fill them out in their entirety. Don't miss any details!

Filling in section 3 in form dv 120 info

Concerning but I would agree to and MoveOut Order a b, make certain you get them right here. Both these are viewed as the most important ones in this form.

4. To move forward, your next form section will require filling out a few empty form fields. These include If you were served with Form DV, I do not own or have any guns or, specify I have turned in my guns, is attached, has already been filed with the, Record Unlawful Communications a b, I agree to the order requested I, but I would agree to, Specify your reasons in item page, Care of Animals a b, I agree to the order requested I, but I would agree to, and Specify your reasons in item page, which are fundamental to going forward with this process.

Part no. 4 for filling out form dv 120 info

5. This very last stage to complete this PDF form is essential. You must fill out the appropriate form fields, for instance Case Number, Child Custody and Visitation I, I do Request for Order No Travel, I do not agree to the orders, You and the other parent may tell, Child Support Check all that apply, I agree to the order requested I, and Whether or not you agree to pay, prior to submitting. In any other case, it might give you an incomplete and potentially nonvalid form!

Guidelines on how to complete form dv 120 info step 5

Step 3: Make sure that your information is accurate and then simply click "Done" to complete the task. After setting up afree trial account at FormsPal, it will be possible to download form dv 120 or send it through email immediately. The PDF will also be readily available via your personal account page with your each edit. FormsPal is focused on the privacy of all our users; we make certain that all information put into our system is kept protected.