Form Es 515 PDF Details

In today's fast-paced job market, timely and efficient recruitment strategies are paramount for businesses aiming to attract top talent. The New York State Department of Labor, recognizing this need, has streamlined the job posting process through the introduction of the ES 515 form, a convenient tool designed to expedite job postings across various Department of Labor offices. This form allows employers to quickly disseminate information about job openings by simply completing and forwarding it via fax or mail, thus ensuring a wide-reaching announcement across all relevant labor offices. The ES 515 form seeks detailed information including the employer's registration number, company description, job requirements, and preferred contact method, amongst other pertinent details that assist in the precise matching of job vacancies with suitable candidates. It also inquires about the company's interest in receiving information on tax incentives for hiring from targeted groups and obliges businesses to reflect on the kind of benefits they offer, which could be a decisive factor for many job seekers. Notably, the form facilitates national exposure for job listings through the JobCentral National Labor Exchange, broadening the search for qualified candidates beyond state lines. Additionally, it emphasizes the Department of Labor's commitment to veterans by ensuring their preferential treatment in the job matching process. This form, part of the Department's technology enhancements, is a testament to its efforts in making the recruitment process more efficient and responsive, adhering to the needs of the modern workforce and the businesses seeking to employ them.

Form NameForm Es 515
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other nameses515 nyc fast fax job order form

Form Preview Example

New York State Department of Labor


Business: Please complete one FAST FAX for each job title and, fax,/ mail it

to us. It is only necessary to notify one office of your opening. By



using this form to post your openings you will reach all Department of Labor offices.













Unemployment Insurance Employer




Registration No. ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ ___











Telephone # (_______) _________ - _____________ Ext.



Fax # (_______) _________ - _______________

What goods or services does your company produce?









Person to contact for interview










E-Mail Address ________________________________Worksite, if different from company address

Travel Directions (Include public transportation, if available):______________________________________________________________________

Does your company have a Federal Contract requiring job openings to be listed with the Department of Labor (FCJL)?



Does your company wish to receive more information on tax incentives for hiring from targeted groups?



Title of Job Opening






Number of Job Openings:





Referral Instructions: Fax/Send Resume

Send Direct

Call Before Sending




Number of persons you wish to interview__________________ Number of resumes you wish to review ___________________

















Job Requirements






Years of education needed ____________________

Specialized education? (Type of degree) ___________________________________

Years of experience required __________________

Will you accept a trainee?

Yes No




Will you accept related experience? Yes

No If Yes, specify ____________________________________________________________

Job is: Full Time

Part-Time Regular

Temporary (From _________________________To _______________________)

Work Hours: Frome ________To ________ Total hours per week ___________ Overtime: Yes No Circle Work Days S M


Salary Range: From $ __________________To _______________ Per _____________

Pay Period: Weekly




Salary Negotiable? Yes No






Other Hiring Requirements / Benefits

Driver License



Own Tools



* Physical Exam



* Drug Testing



Employment/Security Test



Other Tests



Must Join Union







Health Insurance






Life Insurance






Dental Insurance






Paid Vacation




Paid Sick Leave






Retirement Plan



Other ________________________


Job Description

Please describe your job opening. List your special knowledge, skills, aptitudes, abilities required; equipment used or operated; special physical demands or working conditions. If available, provide a detailed job description. Include the worksite location, if different from the company address. Attach additional sheets if necessary.

Job descriptions:

*Required only after job hire and if relevant to job opening.

All hiring requirements must be bona fide occupational qualifications.

ES 515. (12/11)

New York State Department of Labor

Division of Employment and Workforce Solutions

The information you provide on the other side of this form will help us to understand your hiring needs. Please review the information below, and use it as a guide when completing the FAST FAX Job Order form. Then mail, fax the form to office nearest you, or use the form as a guide if you prefer to telephone us with your job order.

Unemployment Insurance Employer Registration Number: Please provide this number when faxing or calling in a job order. This verifies that you are authorized to operate within New York State. If you are a new employer and have just applied for this number, please advise us; we will use your Federal Tax I.D. number on an interim basis.

Referral Instructions: On job listings made available for job seekers’ review, the Department of Labor will provide the employer’s name, address, and contact information unless you tell us not to. This will allow employers the opportunity to receive direct inquiries from qualified job seekers and will additionally increase the volume of job seeker responses to posted openings

Referral Results:It is critical for us to get feedback concerning the quantity and quality of the referrals that we make to your company. This will help us in our constant goal of improving our service to you and to the business community. For this reason, if we do not hear from you about referral results, Department of Labor staff may contact you for this information.

National Exposure: Your job will be posted on the JobCentral National Labor Exchange , which serves as a network for other state public job banks. Your job openings will reach a nationwide audience of job seekers.

Veterans Preference: The Department of Labor makes every effort to find the most suitable candidates for your job opening(s). Our job seeker file contains military veterans skilled in many occupations and job duties. Department of Labor policy is to refer qualified veterans to job openings before qualified non-veterans.

Benefits: To attract the best applicants, it is important for you to let potential employees know the benefits that you offer with your job. To some individuals, the benefits you provide may be more important than salary.


The New York State Department of Labor helps employers fill thousands of job openings with qualified workers each year. Like any other service agency, we are always looking for ways to make our operation more efficient and responsive to the people we serve. As part of this continuing effort, we have introduced some enhancements for matching candidates to job openings, using computer technology:

Computer Matching – A computerized notification system that alerts potential candidates of your job opening, matching your job requirements with an applicant’s special skills and abilities.

Internet – Job openings listed with the Department of Labor can be viewed on our Internet Home Page. This web site includes a direct link to our State Job Bank, as well as a variety of resource information for both employers and job seekers. Visit our web site at


In conducting placement activities, the New York State Department of Labor, acts as a portal for prospective employees and businesses. The department does not represent or guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of information supplied by prospective employees or businesses, nor does it engage in any form of screening or independent investigation of prospective employees and businesses other than matching a prospective employee’s self-stated qualifications to those prescribed by a business. The department is not responsible for any employment decisions made by prospective employees or businesses, for whatever reason made. New York State Law may limit the types of disclosures that the department can make to a business regarding a prospective employee. Businesses should not forgo any form of screening otherwise prudent to ensure a prospective employee’s qualifications and background meets the needs of the workplace.

How to Edit Form Es 515 Online for Free

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This document will require particular information to be entered, therefore you should take your time to fill in exactly what is expected:

1. The Form Es 515 will require particular details to be entered. Be sure that the following blank fields are filled out:

Form Es 515 completion process clarified (portion 1)

2. Once your current task is complete, take the next step – fill out all of these fields - Internet Job openings listed, This web site includes a direct, Disclaimer, and In conducting placement activities with their corresponding information. Make sure to double check that everything has been entered correctly before continuing!

A way to fill in Form Es 515 step 2

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Step 3: Spell-check the information you have entered into the blanks and then hit the "Done" button. Sign up with FormsPal today and instantly gain access to Form Es 515, available for download. Every change made is handily preserved , so that you can change the form at a later time when required. FormsPal is devoted to the privacy of our users; we always make sure that all information entered into our editor continues to be protected.