Form Hud 2516 PDF Details

The HUD-2516 form, known officially as Contract and Subcontract Activity, plays a crucial role within the framework of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) oversight and regulatory mechanisms. With the primary intention of monitoring and evaluating the activities of Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) in relation to HUD's total program activities and objectives, this form gathers pivotal data that informs the federal agency's strategies and oversight concerning minority business development. The implicit goal behind this structured approach is to ensure that MBEs receive fair opportunities in obtaining contracts and subcontracts across various HUD-funded initiatives, including but not limited to Community Development Block Grants, Urban Development Action Grants, Housing Development Grants, and activities under Public and Indian Housing Authorities. In essence, the form captures detailed information about contracts and subcontracts amounting to $10,000 or more, mandating the inclusion of data concerning the contractor or subcontractor's trade type, racial/ethnic background, and their status as woman-owned businesses, among other important facets. It is notable that the collection of this data is not just for bureaucratic record-keeping; it directly aligns with HUD's commitments under Executive Order 12421 to foster minority business enterprise development. By requiring the submission of such information, HUD attempts to balance the scales of economic opportunity, making strides toward a more inclusive economic landscape in housing and urban development projects across the nation.

Form NameForm Hud 2516
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesOMB, hud 2516, numeric, mortgagor

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Contract and Subcontract Activity

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

OMB Approval No.: 2535-0117 (exp. 1/31/2013)

Public Reporting Burden for this collection of information is estimated to average .50 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This information is voluntary. HUD may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.

Executive Order 12421 dated July 14, 1983, directs the Minority Business Development Plans shall be developed by each Federal Agency and that these annual plans shall establish minority business development objectives. The information is used by HUD to monitor and evaluate MBE activities against the total program activity and the designated minority business enterprise (MBE) goals. The Department requires the information to provide guidance and oversight for programs for the development of minority business enterprise concerning Minority Business Development. If the information is not collected HUD would not be able to establish meaningful MBE goals nor evaluate MBE performance against these goals.

While no assurances of confidentiality is pledged to respondents, HUD generally discloses this data only in response to a Freedom of Information request.

Privacy Act Notice - The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Housing Administration, is authorized to solicit the information requested in this form by virtue of Title 12, United States Code, Section 1701 et seq., and regulations promulgated thereunder at Title 12, Code of Federal Regulations. It will not be disclosed or released outside the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development without your consent, except as required or permitted by law.

1. Grantee/Project Owner/Developer/Sponsor/Builder/Agency

Check if:


















2. Location (City, State, ZIP Code)

3a. Name of Contact Person

3b. Phone Number (Including Area Code)

4. Reporting Period




Oct. 1 - Sept. 30 (Annual-FY)





5.Program Code (Not applicable for CPD programs.) See explanation of codes at bottom of page.

Use a separate sheet for each program code.

6. Date Submitted to Field Office

Grant/Project Number or HUD Case Number or

other identification of property, subdivision, dwelling unit, etc.


Amount of

Contract or Subcontract


Contractor or Type of Subcontractor

Trade Business Code Racial/Ethnic

(See Code below) (See below)





(Yes or



Prime Contractor

Identification (ID)



Sec. Subcontractor Sec.

3 Identification (ID) 3





Contractor/Subcontractor Name and Address






Zip Code


7c: Type of Trade Codes:

7d: Racial/Ethnic Codes:

5: Program Codes (Complete for Housing and Public and Indian Housing programs only):






= White Americans


Housing/Public Housing:

1 = All insured, including Section 8

5 = Section 202

1 = New Construction


= New Construction

6 = Professional


= Black Americans

2 = Flexible Subsidy

6 = HUD-Held (Management)

2 = Education/Training


= Substantial Rehab.

7 = Tenant Services


= Native Americans

3 = Section 8 Noninsured, Non-HFDA

7 = Public/Indian Housing

3 = Other


= Repair

8 = Education/Training


= Hispanic Americans

4 = Insured (Management




= Service

9 = Arch./Engrg. Appraisal

5 = Asian/Pacific Americans







= Project Mangt.

0 = Other


= Hasidic Jews



Previous editions are obsolete.





form HUD-2516 (8/98)

This report is to be completed by grantees, developers, sponsors, builders, agencies, and/or project owners for reporting contract and subcontract activities of $10,000 or more under the following programs: Community Development Block Grants (entitle- ment and small cities); Urban Development Action Grants; Housing Development Grants; Multifamily Insured and Noninsured; Public and Indian Housing Authorities; and contracts entered into by recipients of CDBG rehabilitation assistance.

Contracts/subcontracts of less than $10,000 need be reported only if such contracts represent a significant portion of your total contracting activity. Include only contracts executed during this reporting period.

This form has been modified to capture Section 3 contract data in columns 7g and 7i. Section 3 requires that the employment and other economic opportunities generated by HUD financial assistance for housing and community development programs shall, to the greatest extent feasible, be directed toward low- and very low-income persons, particularly those who are recipients of government assistance for housing. Recipients using this form to report Section 3 contract data must also use Part I of form HUD- 60002 to report employment and training opportunities data. Form HUD-2516 is to be

completed for public and Indian housing and most community development programs. Form HUD-60002 is to be completed by all other HUD programs including State administered community development programs covered under Section 3.

A Section 3 contractor/subcontractor is a business concern that provides economic opportunities to low- and very low-income residents of the metropolitan area (or nonmetropolitan county), including a business concern that is 51 percent or more owned by low- or very low-income residents; employs a substantial number of low- or very low-income residents; or provides subcontracting or business development opportunities to businesses owned by low- or very low-income residents. Low- and very low-income residents include participants in Youthbuild programs established under Subtitle D of Title IV of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act.

The terms “low-income persons” and “very low-income persons” have the same meanings given the terms in section 3(b)(2) of the United States Housing Act of 1937. Low-income persons mean families (including single persons) whose incomes do not exceed 80 per centum of the median income for the area, as determined by the Secretary, with adjustments for smaller and larger families, except that the Secretary

may establish income ceilings higher or lower than 80 per centum of the median for the area on the basis of the Secretary’s findings that such variations are necessary because of prevailing levels of construction costs or unusually high or low-income families. Very low-income persons means low-income families (including single persons) whose incomes do not exceed 50 per centum of the median family income for the area, as determined by the Secretary with adjustments for smaller and larger families, except that the Secretary may establish income ceilings higher or lower than 50 per centum of the median for the area on the basis of the Secretary’s findings that such variations are necessary because of unusually high or low family incomes.

Submit two (2) copies of this report to your local HUD Office within ten (10) days after the end of the reporting period you checked in item 4 on the front.

Complete item 7h. only once for each contractor/subcontractor on each semi-annual report.

Enter the prime contractor's ID in item 7f. for all contracts and subcontracts. Include only contracts executed during this reporting period. PHAs/IHAs are to report all contracts/subcontracts.

Community Development Programs

1.Grantee: Enter the name of the unit of government submitting this report.

3.Contact Person: Enter name and phone of person responsible for maintaining and submitting contract/subcontract data.

7a. Grant Number: Enter the HUD Community Development Block Grant Identifica-

tion Number (with dashes). For example: B-32-MC-25-0034. For Entitlement Programs and Small City multi-year comprehensive programs, enter the latest approved grant number.

7b. Amount of Contract/Subcontract: Enter the dollar amount rounded to the nearest dollar. If subcontractor ID number is provided in 7f, the dollar figure would be for the subcontract only and not for the prime contract.

7c. Type of Trade: Enter the numeric codes which best indicates the contractor's/ subcontractor's service. If subcontractor ID number is provided in 7f., the type of trade code would be for the subcontractor only and not for the prime contractor. The "other" category includes supply, professional services and all other activities except con- struction and education/training activities.

7d. Business Racial/Ethnic/Gender Code: Enter the numeric code which indicates the racial/ethnic /gender character of the owner(s) and controller(s) of 51% of the business. When 51% or more is not owned and controlled by any single racial/ethnic/ gender category, enter the code which seems most appropriate. If the subcontractor ID number is provided, the code would apply to the subcontractor and not to the prime contractor.

7e. Woman Owned Business: Enter Yes or No.

7f. Contractor Identification (ID) Number: Enter the Employer (IRS) Number of the Prime Contractor as the unique identifier for prime recipient of HUD funds. Note that the Employer (IRS) Number must be provided for each contract/subcontract awarded.

7g. Section 3 Contractor: Enter Yes or No.

7h. Subcontractor Identification (ID) Number: Enter the Employer (IRS) Number of the subcontractor as the unique identifier for each subcontract awarded from HUD funds. When the subcontractor ID Number is provided, the respective Prime Contractor ID Number must also be provided.

firm receiving contract/subcontract activity only one time on each report for each firm.

Multifamily Housing Programs

1.Grantee/Project Owner: Enter the name of the unit of government, agency or mortgagor entity submitting this report.

3.Contact Person: Same as item 3 under CPD Programs.

4.Reporting Period: Check only one period.

5.Program Code: Enter the appropriate program code.

7a. Grant/Project Number: Enter the HUD Project Number or Housing Develop- ment Grant or number assigned.

7b. Amount of Contract/Subcontract: Same as item 7b. under CPD Programs.

7c. Type of Trade: Same as item 7c. under CPD Programs.

7d. Business Racial/Ethnic/Gender Code: Same as item 7d. under CPD Pro- grams.

7e. Woman Owned Business: Enter Yes or No.

7f. Contractor Identification (ID) Number: Same as item 7f. under CPD Programs.

7g. Section 3 Contractor: Enter Yes or No.

7h. Subcontractor Identification (ID) Number: Same as item 7h. under CPD Programs.

7i. Section 3 Contractor: Enter Yes or No.

7j. Contractor/Subcontractor Name and Address: Same as item 7j. under CPD Programs.

Public Housing and Indian Housing Programs

PHAs/IHAs are to report all contracts/subcontracts. Include only contracts executed during this reporting period.

1.Project Owner: Enter the name of the unit of government, agency or mortgagor entity submitting this report. Check box as appropriate.

3.Contact Person: Same as item 3 under CPD Programs.

4.Reporting Period: Check only one period.

5.Program Code: Enter the appropriate program code.

7a. Grant/Project Number: Enter the HUD Project Number or Housing Develop- ment Grant or number assigned.

7b. Amount of Contract/Subcontract: Same as item 7b. under CPD Programs.

7c. Type of Trade: Same as item 7c. under CPD Programs.

7d. Business Racial/Ethnic/Gender Code: Same as item 7d. under CPD Pro- grams.

7e. Woman Owned Business: Enter Yes or No.

7f. Contractor Identification (ID) Number: Same as item 7f. under CPD Programs.

7g. Section 3 Contractor: Enter Yes or No.

7h. Subcontractor Identification (ID) Number: Same as item 7h. under CPD Programs.

7i. Section 3 Contractor: Enter Yes or No.

7j. Contractor/Subcontractor Name and Address: Same as item 7j. under CPD Programs.


Section 3 Contractor: Enter

Yes or No.


Contractor/Subcontractor Name and Address: Enter this information for each

Previous editions are obsolete.

form HUD-2516 (8/98)

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