Form Pd 207 PDF Details

In the bustling city of Virginia Beach, safeguarding homes and businesses with alarm systems has become a common practice to deter crime and ensure safety. However, managing these security measures entails responsibilities beyond installation, notably the mandatory registration of alarm systems. The PD-207 form plays a crucial role in this process, facilitating communication between Virginia Beach residents and the local police department. For a nominal non-refundable fee of $10.00, this form requires detailed user information ranging from personal contact details to special conditions that may affect police response, such as hazardous materials or the presence of individuals with special needs. Moreover, the registration process underscores the importance of accurate and up-to-date information, including any updates to the alarm company and monitoring service details, to avoid delays in registration and potential 'No Response' status from the police department. The form also serves as a reminder of the legal and financial implications of false alarms, aiming to minimize unnecessary police dispatches that can detract from more pressing community needs. Detailed within the PD-207 are also the stipulations of the Virginia Beach Alarm Ordinance, which lays out the requirements for permits, the non-transferability of alarm permits, and the charges applied for false alarms, emphasizing the collective effort required to balance community security with efficient police service. By completing and submitting the PD-207 form, Virginia Beach residents and business owners acknowledge the shared responsibility in maintaining a safe and responsive alarm system, ensuring that police resources are allocated effectively while retaining the protective reassurance an alarm system is meant to provide.

Form NameForm Pd 207
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other names2009, fairfax county alarm system registration form, Virginia, fairfax county false alarm reduction unit

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Rev. 12/08


City of Virginia Beach


Municipal Center

Building 11


2509 Princess Anne Road

(757) 385-1739

Virginia Beach, VA 23456-9064



Alarm Registration Form







1. Alarm User Information (Alarm Location)

Last Name




First Name


Middle Initial


Drivers License Number










Street Number

Street Name





Apt Suite









Zip Code




Business Name


Business Employer Identification Number







Alarm Location Phone Number


Cell Phone / Pager Number


E-Mail Address










2.Mailing Address (If Different from the Alarm Location)

Street Number

Street Name









Apt/Suite/Room #




State Zip Code







3.Special Conditions (i.e., Hazardous Material(s), Watch Dog, Handicapped Persons, Alzheimer’s Patient, Special Needs Child.)

4.Alarm Company Information

Company Name



Phone Number


E-Mail/Web Address










Street Number

Street Name




















State Zip Code










5. Alarm Monitoring Service, If Different From Alarm Company

Company Name



Phone Number


E-Mail/Web Address










Street Number

Street Name




















State Zip Code










Registration of an alarm system is not intended to, nor will it, create a contract, duty or obligation, either expressed or implied, of response. Any and all liability and consequential damage resulting from the failure to respond to a notification is hereby disclaimed and governmental immunity as provided by law is retained. By registering an alarm system the alarm user acknowledges that police response may be based on factors such as availability of police units, priority calls, weather conditions, traffic conditions, emergency situations and staffing.

6. Signature Line

Alarm User’s Signature


Instructions for Alarm Registration

This form is to be used to register systems. Failure to correctly and fully complete this registration form will delay your registration and may put the alarm site in a “No Response” status by the Police Department. The non-refundable registration fee is $10.00. One fee per registration application is required. Make check payable to City of Virginia Beach. All information must be typed or printed neatly. This form is the property of City of Virginia Beach and may not be photocopied or duplicated in any way.

1.Alarm User Information: Indicate the complete name, address and home or alternate phone numbers for the alarm user.

2.Mailing Address: Indicate the mailing address if different from the alarm location.

3.Special Conditions: Indicate any unusual circumstances that should be considered when responding to an alarm at the alarmed location, i.e., watch dogs, security guards, non-uniformed security, hazardous materials, weapons stored on site, etc.

4.Alarm Company: Indicate the name, phone number and fax number for the alarm company that sold, installed, repairs or maintains your alarm system.

5.Monitoring Company: Indicate the name, phone number and fax number for the alarm company that monitors your alarm system.

6.Signature Line and Date: This registration form must be signed by the owner of the alarm location.

Return the completed form and the fee to the

Police Department

Services Division

Attn: FARU

2509 Princess Anne Road

Virginia Beach, VA 23456.

If you need further assistance, please contact the False Alarm Reduction Unit at (757) 385-1739.

Summary of the Virginia Beach Alarm Ordinance

Sec. 27-5.1. Permits required for alarm systems using third-party alarm companies to notify police.

a)Permit required: No person shall use an alarm system that relies on a third-party alarm company to notify the Police Department in the event the alarm is activated without first obtaining a permit to operate such a system from the Police Department. A ten-dollar ($10.00) fee shall be charged for such a permit.

b)Application: The permit application shall be submitted by the alarm user on a form obtained from the Police Department. For the purpose of this section, the “alarm user” is any person who is in physical possession of any premises where an installed alarm system is monitored by a third- party alarm company.

c)Transfer of premises possession: Alarm permits are not transferable. Alarm permits issued by the Police Department shall expire when the alarm user, as identified on the alarm permit application, vacates possession of said premises. Any person in possession of said premises after the expiration of the alarm permit shall be required to obtain a new alarm permit.

d)Reporting updated information: Whenever any information provided to the Police Department on the alarm permit application changes, the alarm user shall provide the updated information to the Police Department within 30 days.

e)Multiple alarm systems or users: In the event an alarm user has one or more alarm systems protecting two or more separate structures that have either different addresses or tenants, a separate permit shall be required for each structure and/or tenant.


1)All third-party alarm companies that notify the Police Department in event of an alarm activation on behalf of clients/subscribers located in the City, shall provide notice of the requirements of this section to all such clients/subscribers located in the City.

2)After police provide a response to a third-party alarm company’s call for service to a location where a person or persons in possession of such property has not obtained the required alarm permit, the Police Department will provide no further responses requested by a third-party company’s call for service until the required permit is obtained.

g)Effective dates:

1)The provisions of subsections (a) through (e) shall take effect immediately.

2)The provisions of subsection (f) shall take effect on January 1, 2009.

(City Code § 27-5.1)

Sec. 27-5. Service charge for false alarms to which police are required to respond.

There is hereby established a service charge of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) to be paid by each residence after two false alarm calls within a twelve month period and for each false alarm call thereafter to which the police of the city are required to respond. That two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) is hereby charged to each business, industrial user for each false alarm caused by negligence to which the police of the city are required to respond after two false alarm calls within a twelve month period and each call thereafter. Such charge shall be payable to the City Treasurer.

(Ord. No. 983, 9-10-79; Ord. No. 3013, 5-13-08)

Failure to register, failure to pay false alarm response fees, or failure to have the alarm system in proper working order may result in a “No Response” status. Police units may not respond to third party monitoring requests for burglar alarm response until the location is in compliance with applicable codes.

How to Edit Form Pd 207 Online for Free

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It's straightforward to fill out the document using this detailed tutorial! This is what you must do:

1. The thirdparty will require specific details to be typed in. Make sure the following blank fields are completed:

FARU completion process detailed (stage 1)

2. Your next part is to fill in all of the following blank fields: Alarm Monitoring Service If, Registration of an alarm system is, Alarm Users Signature, and Date.

Alarm Monitoring Service If, Registration of an alarm system is, and Date in FARU

Regarding Alarm Monitoring Service If and Registration of an alarm system is, be certain you do everything right here. Those two are the key fields in the document.

Step 3: Just after looking through the entries, hit "Done" and you're good to go! Join FormsPal now and instantly gain access to thirdparty, set for download. Every modification made is handily saved , which means you can change the form later anytime. At, we strive to make sure your details are stored private.