Form Pld Pi 001 PDF Details

In the legal landscape, the pursuit of justice often requires comprehensive documentation, and the PLD-PI-001 form plays a pivotal role in such endeavors, especially in civil litigation involving personal injury cases. This particular form, also known as the Exemplary Damages Attachment, functions as a critical tool for plaintiffs seeking not just compensation for actual damages, but also punitive damages against defendants whose conduct falls under severe categories of wrongdoing, including malice, fraud, and oppression. The form outlines a structured avenue for plaintiffs to assert claims for exemplary damages, as delineated under Civil Code section 3294, highlighting the legal threshold for such claims. This includes the necessity for plaintiffs to detail the specific acts of the defendant that justify an award of punitive damages, aimed at both punishing the defendant and deterring similar future conduct. Additionally, the form addresses the procedural aspects related to the claimed damages, with options that highlight compliance with relevant sections of the Code of Civil Procedure, specifically section 425.10, which deals with the presentation of claims for damages without specifying amounts, a strategic legal approach in the early stages of litigation. By aligning with form PLD-PI-001, litigants and their legal representatives navigate through the complexities of asserting exemplary damages, ensuring their arguments are structured in a manner that aligns with judicial expectations and procedural requirements, marking a crucial step in the litigation process that underscores the seriousness with which the courts view acts of malice, fraud, and oppression.

Form NameForm Pld Pi 001
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namescalifornia exemplary damages form what is demand for judgment for the relief in personal injury, ca exemplary damages, exemplary attachment form, exemplary damages attachment

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Exemplary Damages Attachment



Cross - Complaint


EX-1. As additional damages against defendant (name):

Plaintiff alleges defendant was guilty of

malice fraud


as defined in Civil Code section 3294, and plaintiff should recover, in addition to actual damages, damages to make an example of and to punish defendant.

EX-2. The facts supporting plaintiff's claim are as follows:

EX-3. The amount of exemplary damages sought is




not shown, pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 425.10.







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Form Approved for Optional Use

Judicial Council of California

PLD-PI-001(6) [Rev. January 1, 2007]

Exemplary Damages Attachment

Code of Civil Procedure, § 425.12