Form RC145 E PDF Details

Entrepreneurs often face the challenge of adapting to changes in their business environment, which sometimes includes the difficult decision to close down certain aspects of their operation. The RC145 form, provided by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), plays a crucial role in this process for Canadian businesses. This form is designed for businesses that need to close one or more of their Business Number (BN) program accounts. It encompasses various segments, including client identification and the specifics of cancelling registrations for goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax (GST/HST) accounts. This form also addresses the particulars of closing payroll accounts, providing a structured approach to formally request the termination of these registrations. The instructions specify that any related returns, remittances, or balances owed up until the cancellation date must be settled. Moreover, it touches upon the procedure to follow if a business transfers its assets to another GST/HST registrant, including the potential eligibility for a tax-free transfer. Accessible customer service numbers and online resources are provided, ensuring that businesses have the support needed to complete this process. Completing and submitting the RC145 form to the designated tax center is a critical step for businesses as they navigate through the transition of closing certain operations, making the path a bit smoother with clear guidance and support.

Form NameForm RC145 E
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields1
Avg. time to fill out27 sec
Other namesrc145, form rc145, rc 145 form, rc 145

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Canada Revenue

Agence du revenu

RC145 E (11)


du Canada


Request to Close Business Number (BN) Program Accounts

NOTE: In this form, the text inserted between square brackets represents the regular print information.

Use this form if you want to close one or more of your business number (BN) program accounts. If you have other BN program accounts you wish to close, or if you have questions call us at 1-800-959-5525. Send this completed form to your tax centre. The tax centres are listed at

Part A – Client Identification


Business number

RC145 – 1

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Trade name (if different from legal name)

Mailing address



Postal code

Contact person


Area code

Telephone number

RC145 – 2

Part B – Cancelling your registration for goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax (GST/HST)

Tick the appropriate box to show which GST/HST account this applies to:



or RT

(enter your account number)

Please state why you no longer need to be registered for GST/HST.

Cancellation date





















Note: If you are a small supplier, you must have been registered for GST/HST for at least 12 months before you can cancel your registration.

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RC145 – 3

You have to send us any returns, remittances, or balances owing up to and including the cancellation date.

Will you be transferring your business assets to


another GST/HST registrant?




If "Yes", you may be eligible to elect jointly with the purchaser to transfer the property with no tax payable. You and the purchaser must file

Form GST44, "Election Concerning the Acquisition of a Business or Part of a Business".

If you hold property for consumption, use or supply in commercial activity when you cease to be a registrant, we consider that immediately before that time, you disposed of each property (other than capital property) at its fair market value, and that you collected GST/HST on that amount. You have to remit the GST/HST on your last GST/HST return. Specific rules apply to capital property. For more information, contact us at


RC145 – 4

Part C – Closing your payroll account

If you prefer to close your payroll account online, you or a representative can use the "Request to close payroll account" service in My Business Account at

Tick the appropriate box to show which payroll account you wish to close:



or RP

(enter your account number)

Please state why you no longer need your payroll account. If it is for the same reason as you stated in Part B on page 3 [above], tick this box.

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RC145 – 5

Closing date






Note: You have to remit any money deducted or withheld at source within 7 days. You have to send us the necessary T4 slips and T4 Summary within 30 days of the day your business ends.

Part D – Closing your corporation income tax account

Do not use this form for a corporation that has amalgamated or that plans to amalgamate. If you need information about amalgamating and closing an account, call us at 1-800-959-5525.

Tick the appropriate box to show which corporation income tax account you wish to close:



or RC

(enter your account number)

RC145 – 6

Please state why you no longer need your corporation income tax account. If it is for the same reason as you stated in Part B on page 3 [above], tick this box .

Closing date






Note: You have to file a corporation income tax return up to the date of dissolution. Send us a copy of the instrument confirming the dissolution (for example, the certificate of dissolution or the letters patent of dissolution) with your request to close your corporation income tax account.

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Part E – Certification

I certify that the information given on this form and in any attached documentation is, to the best of my knowledge, true, correct, and complete, and that I am the client or that I am authorized to sign for the client.

Print your name






"Privacy Act", Personal Information Bank number CRA ACB 285.

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