Form Transportation Agreement PDF Details

Shipping and transporting goods is a vital part of business. Whether you are shipping products to a customer or delivering supplies to a vendor, it is important to have an agreement in place that outlines the expectations and responsibilities of both parties. A transportation agreement can help ensure that your goods reach their destination on time and without incident. In this blog post, we will discuss the key components of a transportation agreement and provide tips for creating one that meets your needs. We will also provide sample language to help you get started. Read on to learn more!

Form NameForm Transportation Agreement
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesdefense 1616 online, defense form transportation, form 1616 pdf, dd form transportation school

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(Outside the 48 Contiguous States and the District of Columbia)


(5 U.S.C. s552a)

s s s

AUTHORITY: 5 U.S.C. s5701, 5722, s5724, and E.O. 9397 (SSN).

PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S): Used t o est ablish Government t ime in service requirement s in order f or t he employee t o be eligible f or t ravel and t ransport at ion expenses w hen t ransf erred t o posit ions out side t he Cont inent al Unit ed St at es (OCONUS).

ROUTINE USE(S): In addit ion t o being used by of f icials and employees of t he applicant ' s Service in det ermining eligibilit y f or t ravel and t ransport at ion expenses, t he inf ormat ion cont ained herein may be provided t o law enf orcement personnel

invest igat ing t hose suspect ed of f raudulent ly obt aining allow ances.

DISCLOSURE: Volunt ary; how ever, complet ion of t his f orm is necessary bef ore t ransf er can be aut horized and expenses paid. The personal inf ormat ion request ed is necessary t o properly ident if y t he employee.

A. EMPLOYEE NAME (Last, First, Middle Initial)


























F.ACTUAL RESIDENCE AT TIME OF APPOINTMENT (To be determined at time of initial agreement)


1 . 5 U.S.C. s5722, provides, under cert ain condit ions, f or payment of t ravel and t ransport at ion expenses of t he employee, appropriat e allow ances f or t he employee' s immediat e f amily, movement and st orage of household goods (HHG) and personal ef f ect s, and cert ain ot her allow ances incident t o employment at a locat ion out side t he U.S., except movement and st orage of HHG is not allow ed f or round-t rip renew al agreement t ravel. Under t he law , t he allow ances are not aut horized unless an employee agrees in w rit ing t o remain in t he Government service f or a prescribed period of t ime. Accordingly, t o est ablish eligibilit y f or t he aut horized allow ances, t he f ollow ing agreement must be execut ed.

2 . I underst and and agree t hat :

a.Af t er I serve f or _______ school year(s), t he prescribed t our of dut y, I w ill be eligible f or ret urn t ravel and t ransport at ion allow ances f or myself , my dependent s, and my household ef f ect s, t o my act ual residence st at ed above, unless I am ret urned early f or reasons beyond my cont rol t hat are accept able t o t he agency concerned, or I am ret urned by agency aut horit y.

b.I w ill remain in Government service f or at least one school year plus any necessary t ime in t he area because of required

arrival bef ore t he st art of t he school year and t he required t ime w hile aw ait ing t ransport at ion f or depart ure f rom t he area at t he conclusion of t he school year. For t eachers (except dormit ory counselors), t he school year consist s of not more t han

190w ork days including not less t han 175 days of classroom inst ruct ion. If I f ail t o remain in service t he required minimum period of t ime, or if I am removed f or cause bef ore expirat ion of t he required minimum period of service, I am obligat ed and

w ill, upon demand, repay t o t he Government a sum of money equivalent t o w hat t he Government paid f or t ravel and t ransport at ion expenses and relat ed allow ances associat ed w it h t he t ransf er of myself and my dependent s, e.g., HHG

st orage and shipment , privat ely ow ned vehicle shipment , real est at e and/or relocat ion expenses, miscellaneous expenses, and any ot her relat ed allow ances incident t o my t ransf er, f rom beginning point of t ravel t o my PDS. The employing Agency may w it hhold any f inal pay due t o me t o apply against or liquidat e any indebt edness arising f rom a violat ion of t his agreement .

3 . I underst and t hat t he period of service specif ied above is f or t he sole purpose of est ablishing my eligibilit y f or t ravel and t ransport at ion allow ances, and ot her relat ed allow ances w hich may be aut horized.

4 . I underst and and agree t hat t he address specif ied above is f or t he sole purpose of est ablishing my eligibilit y f or payment of t ravel and t ransport at ion expenses, and ot her relat ed allow ances w hich may be aut horized during my cont inuous period of overseas service and t his address is not subject t o lat er change f or personal reasons.

(Continued on Back)



DD FORM 1616, NOV 1999


Adobe Professional 7.0

5 . I underst and t hat I may be required t o use commercial or Government aircraf t f or necessary t ravel t o or f rom my PDS out side t he U.S. unless a medical reason precludes t he use of aircraf t .

6 . I also underst and it is neit her cost ef f ect ive nor ef f icient f or DoD t o pay f or more t han one PCS move at Government expense during a period of one school year. Accordingly, except as provided in JTR, par. C4100, I am not ent it led t o any f urt her PCS t ransf ers w it hin DoD, at Government expense, f or a period of one school year f rom t he dat e of t his t ransf er. This policy does not preclude my accept ance of anot her posit ion f or w hich PCS expenses may not be allow ed.

7 . I f urt her underst and t hat t eachers w ho serve in areas w here t he est ablished t our of dut y is t w o school years w ill, upon complet ion of t he second consecut ive school year, be given t ransport at ion t o t he act ual residence in t he U.S. f or purpose of t aking leave w it hout pay, or be reassigned at t heir request t o anot her t w o school year t our of dut y area. The f ollow ing except ions may be approved during a period of cont inuous service:

a.Round-t rip renew al agreement t ravel in a leave w it hout pay st at us may be aut horized t o ret urn t o t he U.S. f or t he summer at t he end of t he f irst school year of service t o at t end an accredit ed college or universit y t o pursue courses t hat are required t o cont inue cert if icat ion or f or prof essional preparat ion and advancement , if t he t eacher signs a new t ransport at ion agreement bef ore leaving t he PDS out side t he U.S. An employee is required t o present evidence of accept ance by, or a bona f ide int ent t o at t end, such an inst it ut ion f or an appropriat e course of st udy of not less t han six semest er hours. If t he employee f ails t o present sat isf act ory evidence of course complet ion t o t he agency, t he employee is obligat ed t o ref und t o

t he Government t he cost of t ravel and t ransport at ion f urnished f or t he purpose of at t ending t he courses. Employees

ret urning t o t he U.S. under t his except ion begin a new t w o school year cycle under t he new t ransport at ion agreement w hen t hey ret urn t o t he PDS out side t he U.S.

b.At t he end of t he f irst school year under t his t ransport at ion agreement , t he employee may be reassigned, at t he employee' s request , w it h approval by t he employing depart ment , t o a one school year t our of dut y area. In t his case,

renew al agreement t ravel may be aut horized t o t he employee' s act ual residence in t he U.S. f or t he purpose of t aking leave w it hout pay during t he summer recess and t hen f rom act ual residence t o a new PDS out side t he U.S. indicat ed in t he renew al agreement .

9 . Teachers w ho sat isf act orily complet e t he agreed period of service w ill be aut horized t ravel and t ransport at ion allow ances t o t he act ual residence in t he U.S. f or t he purpose of separat ion, or t o t he act ual residence in t he U.S. f or t he purpose of

t aking leave w it hout pay during t he summer recess in connect ion w it h renew al agreement t ravel w it h ret urn t o t he same PDS out side t he U.S. or reassignment t o a new PDS out side t he U.S.

NOTE: Employee should ret ain a copy of signed t ransport at ion agreement f or t heir personal f iles.

I. OTHER REMARKS (To be completed by personnel office or employing agency officials only.)

DD FORM 1616 (BACK), NOV 1999