Ga Vaccine Exemption PDF Details

In Georgia, parents or guardians have the right to exempt their child from vaccinations due to religious beliefs, as outlined in the state's Official Code. This exemption, spelled out under § 20-2-771 4.(e), stipulates that immunizations, typically mandated for school enrollment, can be waived if they conflict with the family's religious convictions. To utilize this exemption, a detailed affidavit must be submitted to the respective educational institution or group program, affirming that the required immunizations contravene the religious beliefs of the parent or guardian. The form itself is a declaration by the parent or guardian, clearly opposing the administration of vaccines to their child, listing various diseases for which vaccination can be refused. This legal document must be acknowledged before a notary to-complete its validity. Additionally, the form accompanies a message urging parents to make an informed decision regarding vaccinations, highlighting potential risks and adverse reactions associated with vaccines, and questioning their efficacy and safety. It encourages parents to thoroughly research vaccines, consider the health history of their children before vaccination, and educate themselves on alternative disease management strategies. Providing resources for further information and advising on the reporting of vaccine reactions, the document underscores the importance of parental responsibility in the decision-making process about their child's health and vaccination status. This approach underscores the balance between public health mandates and individual religious freedoms in Georgia’s legislative framework.

Form NameGa Vaccine Exemption
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesreligious exemption georgia, georgia religious exemption, dph form 2208, ga vaccine

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4.(e) This Code section shall not apply to a child whose parent or legal guardian objects to immunization of the child on the grounds that the immunization conflicts with the religious beliefs of the parent or guardian; however, the immunization may be required in cases when such disease is in epidemic stages. For a child to be exempt from immunization on religious grounds, the parent or guardian must first furnish the responsible official of the school or facility an affidavit in which the parent or guardian swears or affirms that the immunization required conflicts with the religious beliefs of the parent or guardian.



I,____________________________, as the parent, guardian or person in

(insert your name)

loco parentis of the child __________________________, hereby certify that the

(insert your child’s name)

administration of any vaccine or other immunizing agents is contrary to our religious beliefs.











Haemophilus influenzae type b

Hepatitis B






This is pursuant to my right to refuse vaccination on the grounds that vaccinations conflict with my religious beliefs. Pursuant to Georgia statute I am providing a copy of this statement to our child’s school administrator or operator of the group program pursuant to

O.C.G.A. § 20-2-771 (4e).

Parent __________________________________ Date _______________

Parent __________________________________ Date _______________

Subscribed and Sworn before me this _____ day of ___________, 20____.


Notary's Signature and Seal

Making Informed Decisions

Your decision to vaccinate or not should be an informed decision. Vaccines can cause severe injuries such as seizures, death, anaphylaxis, brain damage and other reactions. The type and severity of reactions may vary from vaccine to vaccine and child to child. The effects of a vaccine injury may be temporary or permanent. If you notice any changes in your child’s condition after receiving a vaccine, you should contact your doctor immediately or go to a hospital. Vaccines have never been proven to be safe or effective and your child may contract the disease even if he is vaccinated. What has been proven is that you can get the disease from the vaccine or from coming into contact with a recently vaccinated person. The polio vaccine is just one example. It is a known fact that most healthcare providers do not fully inform patients of the side effects a vaccine can have on the body, brain and immune system. Because of the highly toxic ingredients all vaccines contain, you should thoroughly research vaccines for yourself before making such an important decision. DO NOT allow someone else, even your healthcare provider, scare or force you into making this decision without being fully informed. Many healthcare providers have not researched vaccine history or toxicology and are not fully informed.

Always provide a detailed history of your child’s health to your doctor. Make sure they know of allergies, neurological problems, nutritional deficiencies, any immune system disorder and skin diseases such as eczema. Most physicians and nurses do not warn parents that if their child’s health is compromised in any way, such as having a common cold or previous reaction to a vaccine, they should not receive vaccines.

Benefits of Non-Vaccination

When you choose to not vaccinate your child, you have the responsibility to educate yourself on how to maintain the well-being of not only their body but also their mind and spirit as well. Childhood diseases can result in minor symptoms to severe complication or death depending on the child’s immune system and treatment protocols followed. The stronger the immune system, the less severe are the symptoms of the disease. A child that goes through the full expression of the disease (i.e. fever and skin eruptions, without suppressing any of these symptoms) usually acquires immunity from that disease for life. Good nutrition and cleanliness play a major role. The risk of contracting various diseases can vary over time or locality. Symptoms or complications of these diseases may be treatable by alternative methods or may resolve without treatment. Educate yourself on childhood diseases from informed alternative sources. Fear of these diseases comes from not being properly informed.

For More Information

To make a truly informed decision there are numerous sources of information on the risks of vaccines and the risks and benefits of childhood diseases. Sources of information to determine if the risks associated with vaccines outweigh any perceived benefits include: vaccine package inserts, the Physicians Desk Reference, the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, public and medical libraries or state and local health agencies. (NOTE: These sources do not give complete and total information on vaccine ingredients and their toxicity, nor do they provide accurate statistics.) Vaccination Liberation – or (888) 249-1421

National Vaccine Information Center – or (800) 909-SHOT / (703) 938-0324

(NOTE: The two websites above, Vaccination Liberation and the National Vaccine Information Center, have proven to be excellent sources for extensive vaccine information.)

Reporting Reactions

If you do decide to vaccinate, report vaccine reactions to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (800) 822- 7969. Always get the vaccine name, vaccine manufacturer and lot number. Keep records of day to day reactions from the time of vaccination for at least 6 months to 2 years, no matter how slight the reactions. Long-term effects of vaccines have not been well documented by the allopathic community and are just now being researched. If your child has been injured by a vaccine, he may be eligible for compensation under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

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Revised 6/03 Source: Vaccination Liberation, P.O. Box 457, Spirit Lake, ID 83869

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Step 1: Search for the button "Get Form Here" and press it.

Step 2: Now, you're on the form editing page. You can add content, edit existing details, highlight specific words or phrases, insert crosses or checks, add images, sign the document, erase unnecessary fields, etc.

These particular areas will frame the PDF form that you will be creating:

portion of fields in vaccine form georgia

Write the necessary data in the Parent Date, Subscribed and Sworn before me, and Notarys Signature and Seal segment.

step 2 to finishing vaccine form georgia

Step 3: Hit the Done button to be sure that your finalized document can be transferred to any kind of gadget you end up picking or sent to an email you indicate.

Step 4: To prevent any sort of hassles in the future, be sure to have a minimum of a few duplicates of the document.

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