General Partnership Agreement PDF Details

Navigating the complexities of forming a general partnership requires a well-crafted General Partnership Agreement to ensure a clear understanding and arrangement among partners. This crucial document, serving as a foundational blueprint, outlines the conduct of the partnership's business, detailing aspects ranging from the type of business, partnership name, and duration, to capital contributions, profit and loss distribution, and management structure. Starting with the explicit consent of the partners to associate for the purpose of conducting business, it then specifies the partnership name for state registration and sets forth the partnership's lifespan. At the heart of the agreement lie the provisions for the initial capital infusion by each partner, rules governing capital withdrawal, and the allocation of profits and losses—a testament to the partners' financial commitment and expectation of the partnership. To ensure operational integrity and transparency, the agreement mandates maintaining accurate books of account and provides for periodic accounting, alongside stipulating the fiscal year end. Furthermore, it addresses administrative matters such as the devotion of time to partnership activities, management authority, and partner compensation. Significantly, the agreement includes clauses for the withdrawal of a partner, buy-sell arrangements upon a partner’s death or exit, and the eventual dissolution of the partnership, ensuring a predefined path for navigating such transitions. Hence, this agreement is indispensable for guiding the partnership through both its day-to-day operations and any potential challenges or changes in its structure.

Form NameGeneral Partnership Agreement
Form Length6 pages
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Avg. time to fill out1 min 30 sec
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(specify date or “dissolved by mutual agreement of the parties”)
(“the execution of this Agreement” or specify date)

Sample General Partnership Agreement

General Partnership Agreement**

________________________________________________, residing at ____________________

(name of partner)(address)


(name of partner)

________________________________________________, residing at ____________________


______________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the

“Partners” agree as follows:

1. Type of Business.

The Partners voluntarily associate themselves together as general partners for the purpose of conducting the general business of _______________________________________, and any other

(type of business)

type of business that may from time to time be agreed on by the Partners.

2. Name of Partnership.

The name of the Partnership shall be ____________________________________________


__________________________________. This name will be registered in the office of the Secre-

tary of State as the fictitious name of the Partnership.

3. Term of Partnership.

The Partnership shall commence on______________________________________________

and shall continue until ________________________________________________________ or

terminated as provided in this Agreement.

4. Place of Business.

The principal place of business of the Partnership shall be at _____________________________,


___________________________, ____________________________, _____________________




and any other place or places that may be mutually agreed on by the parties to this Agreement.


Sample General Partnership Agreement

5. Initial Capital.

The initial capital of this Partnership shall be the sum of $____________________________,


to which each Partner shall contribute by depositing in a checking account in the name of the

Partnership at the _________________________________ in ___________________________


___________________ on or before_____________________________, the following amounts:


____________________________ shall contribute $ _______________


____________________________ shall contribute $ _______________


6. Withdrawal of Capital.

No Partner shall withdraw any portion of the capital of the Partnership without the express written consent of the other Partners.

7. Profits and Losses.

Any net profits or losses that may accrue to the Partnership shall be distributed to or borne by the Partners.


(in equal proportions or in the following proportions: __________ specify proportions. e.g. [name], 60%; [name], 40%)



8. Partnership Books.

At all times during the continuation of the Partnership, the Partners shall keep accurate books of account in which all matters relating to the Partnership, including all of its income, expenditures,

assets, and liabilities, shall be entered. These books shall be kept on ________________________

(Accrual or Cash)

basis and shall be open to examination by either Partner at any time.

9. Fiscal Year.

The fiscal year of the Partnership shall end on the ___________ day of ___________________


each year.


Sample General Partnership Agreement


A complete accounting of the Partnership affairs as of the close of business on the last day of

March, June, September, and December of each year shall be rendered to each Partner within

____________ days after the close of each of those months. On each accounting, the net profits of


the Partnership shall be distributed to the Partners as provided in this Agreement to the extent that

cash is available for this distribution. Except as to manifest errors discovered within ____________


days after its rendition, each accounting shall be final and conclusive to each Partner.

11. Time Devoted to Partnership.

Each Partner shall devote his or her undivided time and attention and use the utmost of his or her skills and ability in furtherance of the Partnership business.

12.Management and Authority.

Each Partner shall have an equal voice in the management of the Partnership and shall have

authority to bind the Partnership in making contracts and incurring obligations in the name and on the credit of the firm. However, no Partner shall incur any obligations in the name or on the credit of the firm exceeding $_____________________ without the express written consent of the other

Partner. Any obligation incurred in violation of this provision shall be charged to and collected from the individual Partner incurring the obligation.


As compensation for his or her services in and to the Partnership business, each Partner shall be

entitled to a salary of $______________ each month, which shall be deducted by the Partnership

as an ordinary and necessary business expense before determination of net profits. The salary of any Partner may, however, be increased or reduced at any time by mutual agreement of all the Partners.


Sample General Partnership Agreement

14.Net Profits Defined.

The term “net profits” as used in this Agreement shall mean the net profits of the Partnership as

determined by generally accepted accounting principles for each accounting period provided for in this Agreement.

15.Withdrawal of Partner.

Any Partner may withdraw from the Partnership at the end of any accounting period by giving

the other Partner ____________________ days, written notice of his or her intention to do so.


16.Option to Purchase Terminated Interest.

On dissolution of the Partnership by the withdrawal or other act of a Partner, the remaining

Partner, on written notice to the other Partner within __________________ days of the dissolution,


may continue the Partnership business by purchasing the interest of the other Partner in the assets and good will of the Partnership. The remaining Partner shall have the option to purchase the interest of the withdrawing Partner by paying to this Partner or the Partner’s personal representa- tive the value of the interest determined as provided in Paragraph 17 of this Agreement.

17.Purchase Price of Partnership Interest.

On exercise of the option described in Paragraph 16 above, the remaining Partner shall pay to

the person who is legally entitled to it the net book value of the interest as shown on the last regular accounting of the Partnership preceding the dissolution together with the full unwithdrawn portion of the deceased, withdrawing, or terminated Partner’s distributive share of any net profits earned by the Partnership between the date of the accounting and the date of dissolution of the Partnership.

18.Buy-Sell Agreement on Death of Partner.

If the Partnership is dissolved by the death of a Partner, the remaining Partner shall have the

obligation within _________________ days from the death of the deceased partner to purchase the


interest of the deceased Partner in the Partnership and to pay to the personal representative of the deceased Partner the value of that interest as provided in Paragraph l7 of this Agreement. During


Sample General Partnership Agreement

this _______________-day period following the death of a Partner, the remaining Partner may


continue the business of the Partnership but the estate or personal representative of the deceased Partner shall not be liable for any obligations incurred in the Partnership business that are greater than any amount includable in the estate of the deceased Partner that was previously invested or involved in the Partnership and remained so on the date of death. The estate of the deceased Partner shall be obligated to sell his or her Partnership interest as provided in this Agreement and shall be entitled, at the election of the personal representative of the deceased Partner, either to one-half of

the net profits earned by the Partnership business during this _______________-day period or to


interest for the use during this period of the deceased’s interest in the Partnership business at the rate of ______________ percent a year on the value of the partnership interest determined as pro-

vided in Paragraph 17 of this Agreement.

19.Duties of Purchasing Partner.

On any purchase and sale pursuant to the provisions of Paragraphs 16, 17, or 18 of this Agree-

ment, the remaining Partner shall assume all obligations and shall hold the withdrawing Partner, the personal representative and estate of a deceased Partner, and the property of any withdrawing or deceased Partner, free and harmless from all liability for these obligations. Furthermore, the re- maining partner, at his or her own expense, shall immediately cause to be prepared, filed, served, and published all notices that may be required by law to protect the withdrawing Partner or the personal representative or estate of a deceased Partner from liability for the future obligations of the partnership business.


On dissolution of the Partnership other than as provided in Paragraphs 16, 17, and 18 of this

Agreement, the affairs of the Partnership shall be wound up, the assets of the Partnership liqui- dated, the debts paid, and the surplus divided equally among the Partners.


Sample General Partnership Agreement


All notices between the parties provided for or permitted under this Agreement or by law shall

be in writing and shall be deemed duly served when personally delivered to a Partner or, instead of personal service, when deposited in the United States mail, as certified, with postage prepaid, and addressed to the partner at the address of the principal place of business of the Partnership or to another place that may from time to time be specified in a notice given pursuant to this paragraph as the address for service of notice on the Partner.

22.Consents and Agreement:

All consents and agreements provided for or permitted by this Agreement shall be in writing

and a signed copy of them shall be filed and kept with the books of the Partnership.

23.Sole Agreement.

This instrument contains the sole agreement of the parties relating to their Partnership and

correctly sets forth the rights, duties and obligations of each to the other in connection with is as of its date. Any prior agreements, promises, negotiations, or representations not expressly set forth in this Agreement are of no force or effect.

Executed this ___________________ day of _________________________ , 19__________

at ______________________________ County_________________________________(State).


(Signature of Partner)


(Signature of Partner)

**PLEASE NOTE: The above document is a sample document only and will require indi- vidual tailoring to the needs and purposes of each individual general partnership. Important consid- erations to incorporate in every partnership agreement include tax issues, sharing of profits based on contribution and a buy-out provision.


How to Edit General Partnership Agreement Online for Free

Our top web developers have worked together to create the PDF editor that you're going to make use of. The following software makes it simple to obtain business partnership agreement pdf documentation quickly and effortlessly. This is certainly all you have to conduct.

Step 1: Press the button "Get form here" to open it.

Step 2: So you are on the file editing page. You can change and add content to the form, highlight specified content, cross or check selected words, include images, put a signature on it, delete unneeded areas, or take them out altogether.

To create the template, enter the content the application will request you to for each of the appropriate segments:

sample partnership agreement pdf empty spaces to fill out

Make sure you type in the appropriate information in the The name of the Partnership shall, name, This name will be registered in, tary of State as the fictitious, Term of Partnership, The Partnership shall commence on, the execution of this Agreement or, and shall continue until or, terminated as provided in this, Place of Business, The principal place of business of, address, city and any other place or, county, and state field.

The name of the Partnership shall, name, This name will be registered in, tary of State as the fictitious, Term of Partnership, The Partnership shall commence on, the execution of this Agreement or, and shall continue until  or, terminated as provided in this, Place of Business, The principal place of business of, address, city and any other place or, county, and state in sample partnership agreement pdf

The software will request for additional info to effortlessly complete the segment Initial Capital, The initial capital of this, amount, to which each Partner shall, Partnership at the in, bank, city, on or before the following, date, shall contribute name shall, Withdrawal of Capital, No Partner shall withdraw any, written consent of the other, and Profits and Losses.

Completing sample partnership agreement pdf part 3

The the Partners, in equal proportions or in the, Partnership Books, At all times during the, account in which all matters, assets and liabilities shall be, Accrual or Cash, basis and shall be open to, Fiscal Year, The fiscal year of the Partnership, month, and each year segment has to be used to provide the rights or obligations of each party.

sample partnership agreement pdf the Partners, in equal proportions or in the, Partnership Books, At all times during the, account in which all matters, assets and liabilities shall be, Accrual or Cash, basis and shall be open to, Fiscal Year, The fiscal year of the Partnership, month, and each year fields to fill

End by reviewing the following areas and filling them in accordingly: March June September and December, days after the close of each of, cash is available for this, Number, days after its rendition each, Time Devoted to Partnership, Each Partner shall devote his or, her skills and ability in, Management and Authority, Each Partner shall have an equal, and authority to bind the Partnership.

stage 5 to entering details in sample partnership agreement pdf

Step 3: Hit the Done button to make certain that your finalized form can be transferred to each electronic device you decide on or sent to an email you specify.

Step 4: To prevent yourself from any sort of risks as time goes on, you should create at the very least several copies of the form.

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