Good Faith Deposit Agreement Form PDF Details

Are you in the market for a new home? If so, you'll likely have to put down a good faith deposit to hold the property while your sale goes through. In most cases, this money is non-refundable, so it's important to understand what's involved in making this type of agreement. Our good faith deposit agreement form can help you do just that. With our form, you can outline the terms and conditions of your agreement, as well as the refund policy in case something goes wrong. Having a solid plan in place can help keep things running smoothly during the home buying process. Contact us today if you have any questions about our good faith deposit agreement form!

Form NameGood Faith Deposit Agreement Form
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesgood faith agreement form, good faith deposit agreement, good faith agreements to occupy, good faith agreement

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I sland I nv est m ent Dev elopm ent I nc.

Telephone: 90 2 620 3628

94 Eust on St r eet , 2 n d Floor

Facsim ile: 902 368 5886

PO Box 1176


Char lot t et ow n, Pr ince Edw ar d I sland

Em ail: p e in o m in e e @g o v . p e . ca

Canada C1A 7M8

Websit e: w w w . g o v . p e . ca / im m i g r a t i o n

Good Fa it h D e p osit Ag r e e m e n t For m

I _______________________________________ , bor n on ( d/ m / y ) __________________________ ,

declar e t hat m y fam ily m em ber s and I int end t o live in t he Pr ov ince of Pr ince Edw ar d I sland if I am successful in at t aining Canadian per m anent r esident st at us.

I n suppor t of t his under t ak ing, I hav e pledged a Good Fait h Deposit of $ 25, 000 t o be held by t he Pr ov ince of Pr ince Edw ar d I sland for a per iod of one y ear aft er I am gr ant ed per m anent r esident st at us by t he

Gov er nm ent of Canada. The deposit is fully r efundable ( w it hout int er est ) , pr ov ided t hat I am able t o pr ov ide ev idence sat isfact or y t o t he Pr ov ince of Pr ince Edw ar d I sland t hat t he condit ions pr ecedent for r efund hav e been m et .

Condit ions Pr ecedent t o Refund of t he Good Fait h Deposit Pledged by an I m m igr ant Par t ner

1 .

That t he I m m igr ant Par t ner is act iv e in t he inv est ee com pany as a Dir ect or or as a Senior Manager at


t he “ O” lev el of t he Nat ional Occupat ional Code; and

2 .

That t he I m m igr ant Par t ner and his/ her fam ily hav e r esided and m aint ained a r esidence in Pr ince


Edw ar d I sland for a m inim um per iod of one ( 1) y ear aft er r eceiv ing per m anent r esident st at us.

Ev idence t hat t he condit ion pr ecedent cit ed under ( 1 . ) has been m et w ill be a declar at ion t o t his effect

ex ecut ed by t he Chair of t he Boar d of Dir ect or s signing t oget her w it h t he Chief Ex ecut iv e Officer on behalf of t he inv est ee com pany , and t he I m m igr ant Par t ner .

Ev idence t hat t he condit ion pr ecedent under ( 2 . ) has been m et m ay include, but is not necessar ily lim it ed t o, a v isit t o est ablish t he dw elling is ow ned/ leased and occupied by t he im m igr ant fam ily ; local em ploym ent ;

r ent al r eceipt s; pr oper t y t ax r ecor ds; ut ilit y bills; r egist r at ion of any childr en at a local school or day care facilit y ; com m unit y or ot her t hir d par t y cor r obor at ion, per sonal Canadian incom e t ax r et ur n and not ice of assessm ent .

Condit ions Pr ecedent t o t he Refund of t he Good Fait h Deposit Pledged by an I m m igr ant Ent r epr eneur

1 . That t he business est ablished by t he I m m igr ant Ent repr eneur is fully oper at ional selling goods and/ or ser v ices at ar m ’s lengt h t o unr elat ed t hir d par t ies; and

2 . That t he I m m igr ant Ent repr eneur and his/ her fam ily hav e r esided and m aint ained a r esidence in

Pr ince Edw ar d I sland for a m inim um per iod of one ( 1) y ear aft er r eceiv ing per m anent r esident st at us.

Ev idence t hat t he condit ion pr ecedent cit ed under ( 1 . ) has been m et m ay include, but is not necessar ily lim it ed t o a pr e- ar r anged v isit t o t he business pr em ises; an ex am inat ion of t he book s and r ecor ds of t he

ent er pr ise; ex am inat ion of financial st at em ent s independent ly audit ed/ r ev iew ed by a Char t er ed Account ant or a Cer t ified Gener al Account ant ; ex am inat ion of t ax r et ur ns t o t he Canada Cust om s & Rev enue Agency or t he Pr ov incial Tr easur y ; or ot her independent cor r obor at ion .

Sept em ber 2 0 0 7

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For m : Good Fait h Deposit Agr eem en t ( PEI - PNP- 0 3)

Ev idence t hat t he condit ion pr ecedent under ( 2 . ) has been m et m ay include, but is not necessar ily lim it ed t o, a v isit t o est ablish t he dw elling is ow ned/ leased and occupied by t he im m igr ant fam ily ; local em ploym ent ;

r ent al r eceipt s; pr oper t y t ax r ecor ds; ut ilit y bills; r egist r at ion of any childr en at a local school or day care facilit y ; com m unit y or ot her t hir d par t y cor r obor at ion .

One y ear aft er obt aining per m anent r esident st at us, t he Pr ov incial Nom inee m ust giv e w rit t en not ice t o t he Pr ov ince of Pr ince Edw ar d I sland t hat t he condit ions pr ecedent t o r efund hav e been m et .

The Pr ov ince w ill indicat e, in w rit ing, t he docum ent at ion t o be pr ov ided by t he Pr ov incial Nom inee t o est ablish t hat t he condit ions t o r efund hav e been m et and w ill det er m ine w hat ot her ev idence, if any is r equir ed t o

r efund t he Good Fait h Deposit w it hout int er est .

Pr int ed Nam e of Applicant :

Signat ur e of Applicant :

Pr int ed Nam e of Wit ness:

Signat ur e of Wit ness:

Signed at : ( Cit y / Tow n and Count r y )

Dat e: ( D/ M/ Y)

Pe r son a l in f or m a t ion on t h is f or m is colle ct e d u n de r t h e Pr in ce Edw a r d I sla n d N om in e e Pr ogr a m a n d w ill be u se d f or

im m ig r a t ion a n d p r ogr a m e v a lu a t ion p u r p ose s. I f y ou h a v e a n y q u e st ion s a b ou t t h is colle ct ion of p e r son a l

in f or m a t ion , y ou m a y con t a ct I sla n d I n v e st m e n t D e v e lopm e n t I n c. a t 9 4 Eu st on St r e e t , 2 n d Floor , Ch a r lot t e t ow n , Pr in ce Ed w a r d I sla n d , C1 A 7 M 8 Te l: ( 9 0 2 ) 6 2 0 - 3 6 2 8 Fa x : ( 9 0 2 ) 3 6 8 - 5 8 8 6 Em a il: p e in om in e e @g ov . p e . ca

Sept em ber 2 0 0 7

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For m : Good Fait h Deposit Agr eem en t ( PEI - PNP- 0 3)

How to Edit Good Faith Deposit Agreement Form Online for Free

good faith contract example can be filled in online easily. Simply use FormsPal PDF tool to get the job done right away. FormsPal expert team is constantly working to enhance the editor and ensure it is even faster for clients with its extensive features. Make use of the latest progressive possibilities, and discover a trove of unique experiences! By taking several easy steps, you'll be able to start your PDF journey:

Step 1: Just press the "Get Form Button" in the top section of this page to see our pdf file editing tool. This way, you'll find everything that is needed to work with your file.

Step 2: After you start the editor, you'll see the document all set to be completed. Other than filling in various blank fields, it's also possible to do some other actions with the PDF, namely adding any words, changing the initial text, inserting images, signing the document, and much more.

It will be an easy task to fill out the form with our detailed guide! Here's what you should do:

1. You need to fill out the good faith contract example correctly, thus be careful while filling out the sections that contain all of these blank fields:

The best ways to complete good faith certification template part 1

2. Once your current task is complete, take the next step – fill out all of these fields - Print ed Nam e of Wit ness Signed with their corresponding information. Make sure to double check that everything has been entered correctly before continuing!

Filling out part 2 of good faith certification template

Concerning Print ed Nam e of Wit ness Signed and Print ed Nam e of Wit ness Signed, be certain that you double-check them in this current part. These two are viewed as the key fields in the document.

Step 3: Prior to moving forward, check that all blank fields are filled out correctly. Once you establish that it's good, press “Done." Right after setting up a7-day free trial account at FormsPal, you'll be able to download good faith contract example or send it through email without delay. The document will also be readily available via your personal cabinet with your each edit. Here at FormsPal, we strive to make sure that all of your details are maintained protected.