His Needs Her Needs PDF Details

In a society where less than a quarter of couples claim to experience a truly happy marriage, the pressing question of how to sustain marital bliss becomes increasingly significant. Dr. Willard F. Harley, Jr., through his influential work in "His Needs, Her Needs: Building an Affair-Proof Marriage," offers a deep dive into the dynamics of creating and maintaining a fulfilling marital relationship. The stark reality that more than half of all marriages dissolve, while a significant portion of the remaining slump into discontent, underscores the ever-relevant quest for a formula that can invigorate and preserve the delicate flame of romantic love. Unlike the common approach of leaving marital success to fate—a strategy statistically proven to court disaster—Dr. Harley's method focuses on a proactive engagement with one’s partner, aiming to continually meet each other's paramount emotional needs. With his expertise as a clinical psychologist and marriage counselor, Dr. Harley’s program is not a mere suggestion; it is a well-crafted strategy designed to equip couples with the tools necessary for rekindling and nurturing enduring love. In a landscape where successful marriages seem to be the exception rather than the norm, "His Needs, Her Needs" emerges as a beacon of hope, offering practical insights into transforming an ordinary marriage into an extraordinary journey of mutual fulfillment.

Form NameHis Needs Her Needs
Form Length12 pages
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Avg. time to fill out3 min
Other nameshis needs her needs questionnaire, his needs her needs quiz, his needs her needs questionnaire pdf, his needs and her needs pdf

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Willard F. Harley, Jr.


Willard F. Harley, Jr., His Needs, Her Needs Participant's Guide Revell Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2012. Used by permission.

© 2013 by Baker Publishing Group

Published by Revell

a division of Baker Publishing Group

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

ISBN 978-0-8007-2100-8

The internet addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers in this book are accurate at the time of publication. They are provided as a resource. Baker Publishing Group does not endorse them or vouch for their content or permanence.















Willard F. Harley, Jr., His Needs, Her Needs Participant's Guide Revell Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2012. Used by permission.



Welcome to a Brand-New Marriage 7


How This Works



The Love Bank



Affection and Sexual Fulfillment 17


Intimate Conversation 23


Recreational Companionship 29

5Family Commitment and Physical Attractiveness 35

6 Honesty and Admiration 41

The Wrap-Up 47

Emotional Needs Questionnaire 49


Willard F. Harley, Jr., His Needs, Her Needs Participant's Guide Revell Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2012. Used by permission.

Willard F. Harley, Jr., His Needs, Her Needs Participant's Guide Revell Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2012. Used by permission.

Welcome to a

Brand-New Marriage

What must a couple do to stay happily married?

Dr. Willard F. Harley, Jr., poses that question in the preface to his bestselling book His Needs, Her Needs: Building an Affair-Proof Marriage. Why? Because everyone wants a happy marriage, but less than 25 percent of couples actually experience that. By the time most couples have been married five years, they’re wondering if a happy marriage over the long haul is even possible.

Marriage in the real world is a lot of things, but truthfully, we all know it isn’t always happy. In fact, over half of marriages end in divorce and another one-third remain disappointing throughout life. That leaves about one successful marriage in five. Romantic love is fragile and requires special care to continue throughout life.

Most of us have very little, if any, training on how to make mar- riage work. Despite the fact that marriage is the deepest relational commitment we make in life, it often feels like we’re just winging it—sometimes with disastrous results. Passionate and fulfilling marriages are not achieved by chance. Leaving things to chance creates problems.

You and your spouse can do what it takes to be in love with each other for the rest of your lives. The key is to rekindle romantic love for one another, and the key to that is learning to identify and meet each other’s most important emotional needs. In this series, Dr. Harley will give you a program that will help you create and sustain romantic love.

Dr. Harley is a nationally acclaimed clinical psychologist, marriage counselor, and author. His signature book His Needs, Her Needs


Willard F. Harley, Jr., His Needs, Her Needs Participant's Guide Revell Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2012. Used by permission.

Welcome to a Brand-New Marriage

has been called the best book on marriage ever! More than three million copies of His Needs, Her Needs have been sold, and there is no telling how many marriages have been revived, restored, or enhanced because of the principles Dr. Harley shares in this classic book. On their daily radio call-in show, Marriage Builders Radio, Dr. Harley and his wife, Joyce, offer practical solutions and suggestions to almost any marital problem. But perhaps the most impressive qualification he and Joyce bring to the topic of marriage is that they themselves have remained happily married for over fifty years. If you spend any time with them at all, you will quickly discover that their relationship continues to be fresh, vibrant, and fun.

Do you want a marriage like that? Or have you given up hope that a romantic and passionate relationship is even possible anymore? Well, Bill and Joyce Harley will not give up on you.

His Needs, Her Needs identifies the ten most vital emotional needs for men and women and shows husbands and wives how to satisfy those needs in their spouses. In this series based on His Needs, Her Needs, you’ll learn to love each other more cre- atively and more sensitively, and you’ll see that it’s possible to virtually eliminate the problems that often lead to extramarital affairs and divorce. As you watch these videos and work through the sessions together, you’ll be given the amazing opportunity to improve the present condition of your marriage—regardless of how great or how challenging it currently is.

As the director of this video series, I can tell you that since meeting Bill and Joyce Harley and working on these principles, my twenty-five-year marriage to my wife, Judy, has never been sweeter. I appreciate the Harleys—and I’m sure you will too.

John Grooters


Willard F. Harley, Jr., His Needs, Her Needs Participant's Guide Revell Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2012. Used by permission.

How This


The Group Experience

Step 1: Watch the videos and learn from Dr. Harley and his wife, Joyce.

These videos were produced in a style that simulates how the Harleys would teach if they could personally lead your small group. By filming with three real-life couples (one in their twenties, one in their thirties, and one in their forties), they were able to share with and react to couples who were willing to engage in this process.

Step 2: Engage in small group discussion.

Real-life marriage counseling is a private encounter—few cou- ples want to reveal their marital problems to a group. Therefore, it is important that your small group agree to some basic ground rules going into this study to protect each other’s privacy.



The Personal Experience

Step 3: Work on this individually.

Do your homework. Each of you should have your own partici- pant’s guide, and you’ll find that some questions are specifically designed for you as individuals. Take the time to answer those questions. It would also be helpful to have your own copy of His Needs, Her Needs.



Willard F. Harley, Jr., His Needs, Her Needs Participant's Guide Revell Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2012. Used by permission.


Atmosphere of Respect

Please remember to always be respectful of your spouse. Nobody should hear you fight! Also, remem- ber that no marriage is perfect. You are not trying to outshine or compete with the other couples in the room. We are here to encourage and support one another, to build up marriages that are blessed by God.

Spousal Privilege

In a courtroom, the private conversations between a husband and wife are not permitted to be aired publicly or entered as evidence. If it’s not appro- priate in the courtroom, it’s not appropriate in the classroom. Group time is not the time for you to air the dirty laundry of your marriage, and particularly not the time to criticize or condemn your spouse.


What happens in the group stays in the group. By treating one another with respect and confidential- ity, you will create a true sense of community and an honest bond between couples. Anything shared outside the group becomes gossip. Don’t go there.

Professional Supervision

A note on professional supervision or counseling: if you find yourself or your spouse emotionally upset throughout this process, or if you find yourself reluc- tant to provide honest reactions, please seek profes- sional supervision. Your pastor, for example, should be able to guide you to a qualified professional.

Willard F. Harley, Jr., His Needs, Her Needs Participant's Guide Revell Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2012. Used by permission.

How This Works

There are three questionnaires that will be helpful as you work through these sessions. You’ll find the first one on page 49, and the other two are available as free downloads at Dr. Harley’s Marriage Builders website (www.marriagebuilders.com). Take the time to fill out these questionnaires during the appropriate weeks.

The Together Experience

Step 4: Work on this together.

Schedule a date night later in the week when you discuss your homework with one another. For each of the next six weeks (at least), designate a date night when the two of you will share your answers or surveys and talk through the questions in the “To Consider Together” section.

These may well be the most focused and informative conversa- tions you’ve had with one another since your first date!

What goes on for the rest of your date night is up to you. If you have kids, they are not invited. Get a babysitter.

Good Old-Fashioned Follow-Through

Dr. Harley says that he doesn’t believe in “insight therapy” as an effective way to resolve marital conflict—he believes in “action therapy.” Insight is a good beginning, but it’s what you do that solves your problem.

If a doctor prescribes an antibiotic and you agree that it would kill an infection you have but never actually take the medicine, you will never experience its benefits. It is easy to just listen and agree with sound advice. It’s a whole different thing to put it into practice.

Decide to practice this teaching, not just learn it. It’s well worth the effort!



Willard F. Harley, Jr., His Needs, Her Needs Participant's Guide Revell Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2012. Used by permission.

Willard F. Harley, Jr., His Needs, Her Needs Participant's Guide Revell Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2012. Used by permission.

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