Hud 92577 Form PDF Details

Are you looking to finalize the sale of your home, but don't know what the HUD 92577 form is? If so, you’re in luck! In this blog article we will provide a comprehensive overview of how the HUD 92577 form works - from its purpose and role in a real estate transaction through to who should complete it. In addition, our guide provides guidance on what information needs to be included onto this document and other important aspects such as deadlines. With all this information at hand you'll be able to expedite the process leaving both parties satisfied with their contracts!

Form NameHud 92577 Form
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesapproved drawings, hud92577, request acceptance form pdf, editable hud form 92577

Form Preview Example

Request for Acceptance of Changes in Approved Drawings and Specifications

U.S. Department of Housing OMB Approval No. 2502-0117 (exp. 04/30/2019)

and Urban Development

Office of Housing

Federal Housing Commissioner

See Instructions and Conditions on Page 2.

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructi ons, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This information is required to obtain benefits and mandatory. HUD may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

Section 203(b)(7) of the National Housing Act authorizes the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development to use his/her discretion with respect to the handling of insurance, repairs, and alternations. Builders who request changes to HUD’s accepted drawings and specifications for proposed constructions properties as required by homebuyers, or determined by the builder use the information collection. The lender reviews the changes and amends the approved exhibits. These changes may affect the value shown on the HUD commitment. While no assurances of confidentiality are pledged to respon- dents, HUD generally discloses this data only in response to a Freedom of Information request.

Property Address

Case(s) No.

Request No.

Mortgagee's Name & Address

We request acceptance of the following changes in the approved drawings and specifications of the above numbered case or cases.

We Request


We Do Not Request




an increase in the value and loan amounts if these changes warrant such an increase.


Builder's Estimate of

HUD/VA Estimate of effect


cost on each change

on cost of each change




Borrower (If known)






Builder or Sponsor



For Mortgagee


Determination as to Acceptability

Changes Acceptable

Changes Unacceptable

Changes Acceptable, provided (list any conditions)

Endorsement to NOTICE OF Value (for VA use only)

This endorsement takes precedence over and specifically amends the outstanding NOV for the property with the above identifying number.

Any condition stated on the outstandingNOV, not specifically referred to and modified herein, remains in full force and effectuntil expiration of the validity period. Established reasonable value revised to $


Department of Veterans Affairs

Authorized Agent




I.D. Number




Federal Housing Commissioner

















Previous edition may be used untill supply is exhausted

VA Form 26 - 1844


form HUD - 92577 (05/2016)








ref Handbooks 4145.1, 4115.3, 4000.4, 4240.4

Request for Acceptance of Changes (continued)


The mortgagor in this request is defined as the owner or possible future owner of the property, whose interest in the property is evidenced by any written contract of sale, deed, receipt of down payment, letter or other instrument dated prior to the signing of this request by the builder or sponsor.

If acceptance by the VA is requested, the original and at least two copies of this form shall be submitted by the mortgagee. If accep- tance by HUD is requested, the original and at least one copy of this form shall be submitted by the mortgagee. Upon determination as to acceptability of the request, the original will be returned to the mortgagee for transmittal to the builder or sponsor. If the request covers more than one case and mortgagors are unknown, submit one additional copy for each additional case.

Designate each requested change by a letter (using a, b, c, etc.). If additional space is necessary to properly describe the changes, use this side of the form or an attachment. Also, attach revised drawings and/or supporting descriptive data when necessary. State the amount by which the construction cost will be increased or de- creased as the net result of each proposed change.

This request shall be signed by (1) the borrower, if any, (2) the builder or sponsor, and (3) the mortgagee. If the borrower, as defined above, is unknown, the builder or sponsor shall insert "Unknown" in the space for the mortgagor's signature and initial this insertion.

Builder accepts all risk for constructing change(s) prior to receiving HUD or VA acceptance.

Conditions of Acceptance

Acceptance of changes implies in no way that the mortgage insur- ance orNotice of Valueof the above case or cases willbe increased

when the net effect of

all accepted changes is an

increase in the

total construction cost.

Acceptance of changes is

subject to the

condition that inspection will show that all constructioninvolved equals or exceeds the applicable HUD or VA Minimum Property Stand- ards and all Local Codes and ordinances.

In accepting any changes it is assumed that they will be executed. If an accepted change is not executed, it must be nullified by submitting another copy of this form amending the construction exhibits so as to restore the drawings and specifications to the status existing prior to acceptance of the change or to a modification of such prior existing status as may be specified.

Previous edition may be used untill supply is exhausted

VA Form 26 - 1844

form HUD - 92577 (04/2005)



ref Handbooks 4145.1, 4115.3, 4000.4, 4240.4

How to Edit Hud 92577 Form Online for Free

If you intend to fill out hud 92577, you don't need to install any kind of programs - just give a try to our online PDF editor. FormsPal development team is relentlessly working to expand the editor and ensure it is much better for people with its cutting-edge features. Take full advantage of today's revolutionary opportunities, and find a myriad of emerging experiences! Should you be seeking to begin, here is what you will need to do:

Step 1: Access the PDF inside our tool by hitting the "Get Form Button" at the top of this page.

Step 2: As soon as you start the online editor, you'll notice the form prepared to be filled in. Other than filling in various blanks, it's also possible to do various other things with the file, particularly putting on any textual content, changing the original textual content, inserting images, putting your signature on the PDF, and much more.

This form will require you to provide some specific information; to guarantee accuracy, be sure to heed the following guidelines:

1. Firstly, once filling out the hud 92577, start in the form section that features the next fields:

Filling in segment 1 in hud92577

2. Once this segment is completed, you'll want to add the needed particulars in Borrower If known, Builder or Sponsor, For Mortgagee, Determination as to Acceptability, Date, Date, Date, Changes Unacceptable, Changes Acceptable provided list, Endorsement to Notice of Value for, Department of Veterans Affairs, Authorized Agent, Previous edition may be used, VA Form, and ID Number allowing you to move on further.

For Mortgagee, ID Number, and Date inside hud92577

Always be really careful when completing For Mortgagee and ID Number, as this is the section where most users make some mistakes.

3. This next section is about Request for Acceptance of Changes - fill in every one of these blanks.

Request for Acceptance of Changes, Request for Acceptance of Changes, and Request for Acceptance of Changes in hud92577

Step 3: Prior to moving on, ensure that blank fields were filled in right. The moment you think it's all fine, click on “Done." Get hold of the hud 92577 after you subscribe to a 7-day free trial. Immediately get access to the pdf within your FormsPal cabinet, along with any modifications and changes being conveniently saved! FormsPal is invested in the confidentiality of all our users; we ensure that all personal information used in our tool remains secure.