Illinois Notice Appeal PDF Details

In the complex landscape of employment disputes in Illinois, the Notice of Appeal form serves as a crucial bridge for those seeking to challenge a referee's decision regarding unemployment benefits. Managed by the Illinois Department of Employment Security, this form plays a vital role in the appeals process, offering a formal pathway for both claimants and employers to voice their disagreements with a prior judgment. It requires detailed information, including the appellant's name, social security number, contact details, and the specifics of the appeal, such as the date filed and docket number. Integral instructions on the form guide appellants through articulating the reasons behind their disagreement with the initial decision and, if applicable, provide explanations for filing the appeal late or for missing the referee’s hearing. Crucially, the form highlights the requirement for appellants to continue certifying for benefits throughout the appeal process, underscoring the ongoing responsibilities of claimants. Additionally, it sets forth the procedural steps for submitting further evidence and the importance of adhering to the rules concerning the serving of documents to opposing parties. Notably, compliance with the IDES Administrative Rule is emphasized, detailing the need for appellants to justify the late introduction of new information and to certify the delivery of copies to the other involved party. This form embodies the legal formalities and procedural rigor essential for navigating the appeals process within Illinois' employment security framework, emphasizing accountability, thoroughness, and the fair opportunity for review.

Form NameIllinois Notice Appeal
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesillinois notice appeal form, ides overpayment appeal form, ides appeal form, ides illinois unemployment appeal form

Form Preview Example

State of Illinois

Department of Employment Security

Notice of Appeal / Board of Review

Name of Appellant:













(Check One) (






Claimant’s SS#:








Address 2: (Apt/Floor/Unit)













Zip Code:





Date Appeal Filed:





Docket #:


































Letter of Appeal
















Instructions for Appeal: In the space below give the reasons why you disagree with the referee’s decision. If applicable, explain why your appeal to the Board of Review is being filed late. Also, if applicable, explain why you did not attend the referee’s hearing. (Use the reverse side of this document or attach a separate sheet, if necessary).

*Note to claimant: You must continue to certify for benefits by Tele-Serve or Online for each two week period that you are unemployed during the appeal process.

Appellant Signature:




IDES Representative










Important Note: In accordance with IDES Administrative Rule 2720.315(b), if you include information on this form which you want the Board of Review to consider, you must explain why, for reasons not your fault and outside your control, you were unable to introduce this information at the hearing, and you must certify, by signing this form, that you have served a copy on the opposing party, and you must describe in writing how you served it (i.e., in person, certified mail, etc.) These requirements also apply to any other document or other evidence that you submit to the Board for their consideration. For information on additional requirements that must be met, see the IDES publication, “APPEALING TO THE BOARD OF REVIEW,” available on-line or at any local IDES office. You must mail or hand-deliver a copy of your appeal to the opposing side. If you submit additional evidence, you must certify that you mailed it to the opposing side and you must explain why, for reasons not your fault and outside your control, you were unable to introduce this evidence at the hearing.







, hereby certify, that I served a copy of this document on




(Name Printed or Typed)

























(Name Copy Served On)









by (CHECK ONE) (


certified mail or


delivery in person).




























Page 1 of 1


Rev. (09/2011)

How to Edit Illinois Notice Appeal Online for Free

The whole process of filling out the bcbs of illinois internal appeal request form is pretty simple. Our team made sure our editor is easy to use and helps prepare any sort of form very quickly. Check out a couple of steps you will need to take:

Step 1: On this page, press the orange "Get form now" button.

Step 2: The document editing page is currently available. You can add information or change present data.

The next sections will compose the PDF form that you will be filling out:

part 1 to completing file unemployment appeal online

Feel free to note the data within the field Note to claimant You must, Appellant Signature Date, IDES Representative Signature LO, Important Note In accordance with, I hereby certify that I served a, at on Name Copy Served On Address, by Check One certified mail or, and Signature Date.

Finishing file unemployment appeal online stage 2

Step 3: Once you press the Done button, your finalized document can be easily exported to any kind of your devices or to electronic mail provided by you.

Step 4: Be sure to get as many duplicates of your file as possible to stay away from potential complications.

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