Irs Form 706 Na PDF Details

When dealing with the estate of a nonresident who wasn't a citizen of the United States at their time of death, understanding the IRS Form 706-NA becomes crucial. Released by the Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), this form plays a vital role in the United States estate and generation-skipping transfer tax return processes for such individuals. Required for decedents passing away after December 31, 2011, it ensures the proper reporting and taxing of estates that have connections to the U.S. but belong to nonresidents. The form mandates detailed information about the decedent, including their first, middle, and last names, taxpayer ID (if applicable), place, and date of death, as well as information regarding the executor and attorney handling the estate. Additionally, it requires a comprehensive accounting of the estate’s assets within the U.S., any taxable gifts, and computes the estate and generation-skipping transfer taxes owed after accounting for deductions and credits. Filing this form, located at the Kansas City, MO IRS Service Center, along with the necessary supplemental documents, in U.S. dollars, is a key step in meeting U.S. tax obligations for nonresident estates. It embodies the blend of international estate planning and U.S. tax laws, emphasizing the importance of accuracy and completeness to comply with U.S. legal requirements.

Form NameIrs Form 706 Na
Form Length2 pages
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Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesform ct 706 nt, irs form 706 na, 706 na estate tax, form 706 extension

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Form 706-NA

(Rev. June 2019)

Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service

United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return

Estate of nonresident not a citizen of the United States

To be filed for decedents dying after December 31, 2011.

Go to for instructions and the latest information.

File Form 706-NA at the following address:

Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service Center, Kansas City, MO 64999.

OMB No. 1545-0531

Attach supplemental documents and translations. Show amounts in U.S. dollars.

Part I

Decedent, Executor, and Attorney









1a Decedent’s first (given) name and middle initial

b Decedent’s last (family) name



2 U.S. taxpayer ID number (if any)















Place of death



4 Domicile at time of death

5 Citizenship (nationality)

6 Date of death














7a Date of birth


b Place of birth



8 Business or occupation

















9a Name of executor




















b Address (city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code)


















c Telephone number


d Fax number



e Email address
















10a Name of attorney for estate



















b Address (city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code)


















c Telephone number


d Fax number



e Email address














If there are multiple executors or attorneys, check here

and attach a list of the names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax


numbers, and email addresses of the additional executors or attorneys.

















Part II

Tax Computation










Taxable estate from Schedule B, line 9

. . . . . . . . .





Total taxable gifts of tangible or intangible property located in the U.S., transferred (directly or indirectly)




by the decedent after December 31, 1976, and not included in the gross estate (see section 2511) .





Total. Add lines 1 and 2

. . . . . . . . .





Tentative tax on the amount on line 3 (see instructions)

. . . . . . . . .





Tentative tax on the amount on line 2 (see instructions)

. . . . . . . . .





Gross estate tax. Subtract line 5 from line 4

. . . . . . . . .





Unified credit. Enter smaller of line 6 amount or maximum allowed (see instructions)





Balance. Subtract line 7 from line 6

. . . . . . . . .





Other credits (see instructions)

. .







Credit for tax on prior transfers. Attach Schedule Q, Form 706 . . .

. .







Total. Add lines 9 and 10

. . . . . . . . .





Net estate tax. Subtract line 11 from line 8

. . . . . . . . .





Total generation-skipping transfer tax. Attach Schedule R, Form 706 .

. . . . . . . . .





Total transfer taxes. Add lines 12 and 13

. . . . . . . . .





Earlier payments. See instructions and attach explanation

. . . . . . . . .





Balance due. Subtract line 15 from line 14 (see instructions) . . . .

. . . . . . . . .




Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. I understand that a complete return requires listing all property constituting the part of the decedent’s gross estate (as defined by the statute) situated in the United States. Declaration of preparer (other than the executor) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge.





Signature of executor








Signature of executor





Print/Type preparer’s name


Preparer’s signature










Firm’s name








Use Only






Firm’s address















For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instructions.




May the IRS discuss this return




with the preparer shown below?



See instructions.















































Firm’s EIN













Phone no.




Cat. No. 10145K



Form 706-NA (Rev. 6-2019)

Form 706-NA (Rev. 6-2019)

Page 2




Part III

General Information


Authorization to receive confidential tax information under Regulations section 601.504(b)(2), to act as the estate’s representative before the IRS, and/or to make written or oral presentations on behalf of the estate:

Name of representative (print or type)

License state

Address (city or town, state or province, country, and ZIP or foreign postal code)

I declare that I am the


certified public accountant/

enrolled agent/

other representative (check the applicable

box) for the executor. If licensed to practice in the United States, I am not under suspension or disbarment from practice before the Internal

Revenue Service and am qualified to practice in the state shown above.

If not licensed to practice in the United States, check here.



CAF number




Telephone number































Did the decedent die testate?




Did the decedent make any transfer (of



b Were letters testamentary or of administration




property that was located in the United States






at either the time of the transfer or the time of




granted for the estate?










death) described in section 2035, 2036, 2037,




If granted to persons other than those filing the










or 2038? See the instructions for Form 706,




return, include names and addresses on page 1.




Schedule G




Did the decedent, at the time of death, own any:




If “Yes,” attach Schedule G, Form 706.




Real property located in the United States? .




At the date of death, were there any trusts in




U.S. corporate stock?




existence that were created by the decedent




Debt obligations of (1) a U.S. person; or (2) the




and that included property located in the




United States, a state or any political




United States either when the trust was




subdivision, or the District of Columbia? .




created or when the decedent died? . . .



d Other property located in the United States? .




If “Yes,” attach Schedule G, Form 706.









Was the decedent engaged in business in the




At the date of death, did the decedent:




United States at the date of death? . . .




Have a general power of appointment over




At the date of death, did the decedent have




any property located in the United States? .




access, personally or through an agent, to a




Or, at any time, exercise or release the power?




safe deposit box located in the United States?




If “Yes” to either a or b, attach Schedule H,




At the date of death, did the decedent own




Form 706.








any property located in the United States as a




Have federal gift tax returns ever been filed? .




joint tenant with right of survivorship; as a









Periods covered






tenant by the entirety; or, with surviving



















spouse, as community property? . . . .




IRS offices where filed






If “Yes,” attach Schedule E, Form 706.




Does the gross estate in the United States



Had the decedent ever been a citizen or resident







include any interests in property transferred to



of the United States? See instructions . . .




a “skip person” as defined in the instructions


b If “Yes,” did the decedent lose U.S. citizenship or




for Schedule R of Form 706?




residency within 10 years of death? See instructions




If “Yes,” attach Schedules R and/or R-1, Form 706.



Schedule A. Gross Estate in the United States (see instructions)








Do you elect to value the decedent’s gross estate at a date or dates after the decedent’s death (as authorized by section 2032)?

To make the election, you must check this box ‘‘Yes.’’ If you check ‘‘Yes,’’ complete all columns. If you check ‘‘No,’’ complete columns (a), (b), and (e); you may leave columns (c) and (d) blank or you may use them to expand your column (b) description.







Description of property and securities


Alternate value in

Value at date of


For securities, give CUSIP number

valuation date

U.S. dollars

death in U.S. dollars
















(If you need more space, attach additional sheets of same size.)

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Schedule B. Taxable Estate (Caution: You must document lines 2 and 4 for the deduction on line 5 to be allowed.)


Gross estate in the United States (Schedule A total)




Gross estate outside the United States (see instructions)




Entire gross estate wherever located. Add amounts on lines 1 and 2




Amount of funeral expenses, administration expenses, decedent’s debts, mortgages and liens, and




losses during administration. Attach itemized schedule (see instructions)




Deduction for expenses, claims, etc. Divide line 1 by line 3 and multiply the result by line 4 . . . .




Charitable deduction (attach Schedule O, Form 706) and marital deduction (attach Schedule M, Form




706, and computation)




State death tax deduction (see instructions)




Total deductions. Add lines 5, 6, and 7




Taxable estate. Subtract line 8 from line 1. Enter here and on line 1 of Part II



Form 706-NA (Rev. 6-2019)

How to Edit Irs Form 706 Na Online for Free

Using PDF documents online can be easy using our PDF editor. You can fill out irs 706 na here within minutes. The tool is continually upgraded by us, receiving powerful functions and becoming better. Getting underway is simple! Everything you need to do is take the following easy steps down below:

Step 1: Click on the "Get Form" button above. It will open our editor so you can start completing your form.

Step 2: Using this handy PDF file editor, you are able to do more than merely complete forms. Edit away and make your docs look high-quality with custom textual content incorporated, or fine-tune the original input to perfection - all supported by an ability to add just about any pictures and sign the PDF off.

When it comes to blank fields of this specific document, this is what you want to do:

1. The irs 706 na will require certain information to be typed in. Ensure that the subsequent blank fields are completed:

Filling out part 1 of form 706 na estate

2. Once your current task is complete, take the next step – fill out all of these fields - Taxable estate from Schedule B, Total taxable gifts of tangible or, Gross estate tax Subtract, Credit for tax on prior, Total Add lines and, Net estate tax Subtract line, Total generationskipping transfer, Total transfer taxes Add lines, and Under penalties of perjury I with their corresponding information. Make sure to double check that everything has been entered correctly before continuing!

Net estate tax Subtract line, Total generationskipping transfer, and Under penalties of perjury I of form 706 na estate

3. Through this step, check out Under penalties of perjury I, Sign Here, Signature of executor Signature, Date Date, Paid Preparer Use Only, PrintType preparers name, Preparers signature, Date, Firms name, Firms address, May the IRS discuss this return, Yes, Check if selfemployed, PTIN, and Firms EIN. All these must be taken care of with utmost precision.

Find out how to complete form 706 na estate stage 3

4. This part comes next with the next few fields to complete: Part III Authorization to receive, Name of representative print or, License state, Address city or town state or, I declare that I am the other, certified public accountant, enrolled agent, attorney, Signature, CAF number, Date, Telephone number, Yes No, Yes No, and a Did the decedent die testate.

Learn how to complete form 706 na estate part 4

5. To finish your document, this final section involves several extra blank fields. Filling out At the date of death did the, a Had the decedent ever been a, of the United States See, b Or at any time exercise or, a Have federal gift tax returns, b Periods covered c IRS offices, Does the gross estate in the, Schedule A Gross Estate in the, Yes No, a Item no, Description of property and, For securities give CUSIP number, Alternate, valuation date, and Alternate value in should wrap up the process and you will be done in no time at all!

Filling in segment 5 in form 706 na estate

You can potentially make a mistake while completing the Alternate, for that reason make sure that you reread it before you decide to finalize the form.

Step 3: After you have reviewed the information entered, click on "Done" to finalize your document creation. Get the irs 706 na as soon as you subscribe to a 7-day free trial. Easily view the pdf form within your personal account page, along with any modifications and adjustments conveniently kept! With FormsPal, you can complete documents without worrying about information breaches or data entries getting shared. Our protected system makes sure that your private information is kept safe.