Jcpl Interconnection Form PDF Details

Are you looking to interconnect your renewable energy system or anything other than a traditional network with the Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L) electrical grid? If so, then you’ll need to fill out an Interconnection Form and follow a set of regulations set forth by this major electricity provider. In this blog post, we will provide an overview of all the information that is required for JCP&L’s Interconnection Form and detail what steps must be taken in order to successfully connect with their system. Read on to learn more about how to connect safely and efficiently.

Form NameJcpl Interconnection Form
Form Length9 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out2 min 15 sec
Other namesjcpl interconnection application, interconnection jcppl, jcp interconnection forms, jcp l form

Form Preview Example


With Terms and Conditions for Interconnection

For a Level 1 Review (Certified Inverter-based Units of 10kW and under)

(Application & Conditional Agreement – to be filled out prior to installation)


Legal Name and Mailing Address of Customer-Generator: (if an Individual, Individual’s Name)


Mailing Address:






Zip Code:


Contact Person (If other than Above):









Mailing Address (If other than Above):









Telephone (Daytime):







Facsimile Number:


E-Mail Address:



Alternative Contact Information: (if different from Customer-Generator above)


Mailing Address:






















Zip Code:





Telephone (Daytime):



























Facsimile Number:















E-Mail Address:










The Customer-Generator Facility’s Information:















Facility Address:






















































State: NJ




Zip Code:









Nearest Crossing Street:





























Account #:


















Meter #:















Current Annual Energy Consumption:













Estimated In-service Date:




Application Fee Enclosed1: Select














Inverter Type; Select Type

Energy Source: Select




Inverter Manufacturer:











































Number of Inverters2:







Model Number of Inverter:















Inverter Rating:








Ampere Rating:








Number of Phases:Select

Voltage Rating:






DC Source Rating:




kWDC Nominal DC Voltage:





Power Factor:













IEEE1547/UL1741 Certification3: Select

Utility Accessible Disconnect or Lock Box: Select





































One-line Diagram Attached (Required): Select












Site Plan Attached (Required): Select

Do you plan to export power? Select






















If Yes, Estimated Maximum:



kWAC, Estimated Gross Annual Energy Production:




JCPL Inerconnect Under 10 kW.doc

Page 1

Equipment Installation Contractor: (Indicate by owner if applicable)


Mailing Address:





Zip Code:


Contact Person (If other than Above):








Telephone (Daytime):







Facsimile Number:


E-Mail Address:


Electrical Contractor: (If applicable)















Mailing Address:












Zip Code:


Contact Person (If other than Above):








Telephone (Daytime):







Facsimile Number:


E-Mail Address:


Customer-Generator Insurance Disclosure:

The attached Terms and Conditions contain provisions related to liability, and indemnification and should be carefully considered by the Customer-Generator. The Customer-Generator is not required to obtain liability insurance coverage as part of this Application/Agreement; however, the Customer- Generator is advised to consider obtaining appropriate coverage.

Customer-Generator Signature:

I hereby certify that: 1) I have read and understand the Terms and Conditions which are attached hereto by reference and are made a part of this Application/Agreement; and 2) to the best of my knowledge, all of the information provided in this Application/Agreement is true and I agree to abide by the attached Terms and Conditions, including the application process set forth therein.

Customer-Generator Signature:




Printed Name:





Conditional Approval to Interconnect Customer-Generator Facility: (for Use by EDC Only)

The requested information is complete and interconnection of the Customer-Generator Facility is approved contingent upon the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement, the return of a duly executed Certificate of Completion, verification of electrical inspection, successful witness test or EDC waiver thereof and upon signature and return of this Part 1 or by notification by electronic mail or other acceptable means by the EDC.

EDC Signature:






Printed Name:





1The Applicant shall deposit a not refundable application fee which is approved by the Commission and is listed on the EDC’s Website.

2Attach additional sheets as necessary in the event of multiple inverters of various types/sizes

3The applicant is encouraged to provide evidence of IEEE1547/UL1741 Test Certification with this application, and may be required to do so in the event such evidence is not readily accessible to the EDC.

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Page 2

Interconnection Application/Agreement

Terms and Conditions for Interconnection

For a Level 1 Review (Certified Inverter-based Units of 10kW and under)

1.Construction of the Customer-Generator Facility. The Customer-Generator may proceed to construct (including operational testing not to exceed 2 hours) the Customer- Generator Facility once the approval to install the Customer-Generator Facility has been received from the Electric Distribution Company (EDC)1.

The Customer-Generator Facility shall be constructed in accordance with information provided in Part 1 of the Interconnection Application/Agreement, IEEE 1547 and the Board’s regulations.

2.Interconnection and Operation. The Customer-Generator may interconnect and operate the Customer-Generator Facility with the EDC’s system once all of the following have occurred:

2.1.Electrical Inspection: Upon completing construction, the Customer-Generator will have the Customer-Generator Facility inspected or otherwise certified by the local electrical wiring inspection authority having jurisdiction, that the facility meets the requirements of the National Electric Code.

2.2.Certificate of Completion: The Applicant shall provide the EDC with a completed copy of the Certificate of Completion, including evidence of the electrical inspection by the local authority having jurisdiction. The evidence of completion of the electrical inspection may be provided on inspection forms used by local inspecting authorities.

2.3.Inspection: The EDC has either completed its inspection or waived the right to inspection in the Application/Agreement as follows:

2.3.1.EDC Right of Inspection. After receipt of the Certificate of Approval, the EDC will, upon reasonable notice (minimum of 10-days notice as noted in 2.3.2 below) and at a mutually convenient time, conduct an inspection of the Customer- Generator Facility and observe a Witness Test to ensure that all equipment has been appropriately installed and that all electrical connections have been made in accordance with its requirements.

2.3.2.Witness Test. For Level 1 review projects only, if the EDC does not inspect the installation within 10 business days after the minimum notice period of 10 business days, or by mutual agreement of the Parties, the Witness Test is deemed waived.

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2.4.Metering: Revenue quality metering equipment shall be installed and tested by the

EDC. (Note: The EDC may allow interconnected operations prior to the meter installation.)

2.5.Acceptance: The EDC’s representative has signed Part 2, the Certificate of Completion, approving the facility for energization.

3.Periodic Testing. All interconnection-related protective functions and associated batteries shall be periodically tested at intervals specified by the manufacturer, system integrator, or authority that has jurisdiction over the Customer-Generator Facility interconnection. Periodic test reports or a log for inspection shall be maintained.

4.Safe Operations and Maintenance. The Customer-Generator shall be fully responsible to operate, maintain, and repair the Customer-Generator Facility as required to ensure that the Customer-Generator Facility complies at all times with the interconnection standards it has been certified to meet.

5.Access. The EDC shall have access to the metering equipment and the disconnecting means of the Customer-Generator Facility at all times. The EDC shall provide reasonable notice to the Customer-Generator, when possible, prior to using its right of access. In an emergency or outage situation, where there is no access to an AC disconnecting means such as a switch or breaker, the EDC may disconnect the service to the premise.

6.Exterior AC Disconnect Switch. Based upon the EDC’s concern for the safety of its associates and for the safety of the general public, the EDC recommends the installation of an exterior AC disconnect switch, to be available to utility personnel at all times. If such switch is installed outside the Customer-Generator’s premises, it should be located near the billing meter or, in the alternative, near where the service entrance facilities enter the premises. Also if installed, this AC disconnect switch shall have a plaque to state the existence of the generating equipment controlled by the switch, and its location if applicable. (See sample of AC Disconnect Switch placard.) However, New Jersey’s Net Metering regulations do not specifically require the installation of an exterior externally operable AC disconnect switch for use in isolating the Customer-Generator Facility.

6.1.The use of an exterior AC disconnect switch, readily-accessible to the EDC, available to utility personnel at all times: (i) provides the EDC with a means to isolate the Customer-Generator Facility from its main distribution panel; (ii) allows the EDC to perform testing on the installation; and (iii) allows the EDC to perform work on the local electrical system without interrupting the Customer-Generator’s service for safety reasons. Customer-Generator recognizes that without this switch, service to its

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premises will be interrupted when work must be performed. (Please Note: Some EDCs may provide additional incentives to encourage the Customer-Generator to provide & install an exterior AC disconnect switch, readily accessible to the EDC adjacent to the EDC’s electrical meter or at a location approved by the EDC. Please contact your EDC or refer to your EDC’s tariff for specific information.)

6.2.If a readily accessible exterior AC disconnect switch to the EDC is not utilized, then the EDC may install an externally located plaque at the meter location to indicate the presence of the Customer-Generator Facility. In accordance with Article 690.56 of the National Electrical Code (2005), the Customer-Generator must install a plaque indicating where the AC disconnect means is located. If the Customer-Generator does not have an external meter, the plaque shall be placed in the vicinity of the service entrance or lateral. The plaque shall be made of a suitable weather proof, UV resistant, permanent-type material and be yellow with black lettering.

6.3.In accordance with Article 690.14(D) of the National Electrical Code (2005), for utility- interactive inverters mounted in not-readily accessible locations to utility personnel, a permanent plaque or directory, denoting all electrical power sources and disconnect switches on or in the premises, shall be installed by the Customer-Generator at each service equipment location, and at the locations of all electric power production sources capable of being interconnected with the utility. Plaques shall be made of a suitable weather proof, UV resistant, permanent-type material and be yellow with black lettering.

7.Operations / Disconnection. The EDC may temporarily disconnect the Customer- Generator Facility upon occurrence of the following conditions:

7.1.For scheduled outages upon reasonable notice,

7.2.For unscheduled outages or emergency conditions,

7.3.If the EDC determines that the Customer-Generator Facility does not operate in a manner consistent with this Application/Agreement.

7.4.If the EDC determines that continued operation of the Customer-Generator Facility is a safety hazard to the EDC’s personnel or to the general public.

7.5.In the event the interconnection equipment used by the Customer-Generator Facility is de-listed by the Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory that provided the listing at the time the interconnection was approved and the EDC ascertains that the continued operation has the potential to cause a safety, reliability or a power quality


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8.Indemnification. The Parties shall at all times indemnify, defend, and save the other Party harmless from, any and all damages, losses, claims, including claims and actions relating to injury to or death of any person or damage to property, demand, suits, recoveries, costs and expenses, court costs, attorney fees, and all other obligations by or to third parties, arising out of or resulting from the other Party's action or inactions of its obligations under these terms and conditions on behalf of the indemnifying Party, except in cases of gross negligence or intentional wrongdoing by the indemnified Party.

9.Limitation of Liability. Each party’s liability to the other party for any loss, cost, claim, injury, liability, or expense, including reasonable attorney’s fees, relating to or arising from any act or omission in its performance of these terms and conditions, shall be limited to the amount of direct damage actually incurred. In no event shall either party be liable to the other party for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages of any kind whatsoever.

10.Termination. This Application/Agreement may be terminated under the following conditions:

10.1.By Customer-Generator. The Customer-Generator may terminate this Application/Agreement by providing written notice to the EDC.

10.2.By the EDC. The EDC may terminate this Application/Agreement if the Customer- Generator fails to remedy a violation of terms of this Application/Agreement upon written notice and a reasonable opportunity to cure.

11.Permanent Disconnection. In the event the Application/Agreement is terminated, the EDC shall have the right to disconnect its facilities or direct the Customer-Generator to disconnect its Customer-Generator Facility.

12.Survival Rights. This Application/Agreement shall continue in effect after termination to the extent necessary to allow or require either Party to fulfill its rights or obligations that arose under the Application/Agreement.

13.Assignment/Transfer of Ownership of the Customer-Generator Facility: This Application/Agreement shall survive the transfer of ownership of the Customer-Generator Facility to a new owner unless the new owner terminates this Application/Agreement and so notifies the EDC in writing. The EDC will be responsible for contacting the new customer to execute a new Application/Agreement or assignation agreement, in order for the new owner to be treated as a Net Metering customer.

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14.Definitions. The capitalized terms used herein, and the definitions of such terms, are as those used in N.J.A.C. 14:4-9, “Net Metering and Interconnection Standards for Class I Renewable Energy Systems.”

15.Notice. Unless otherwise provided in this Application/Agreement, any written notice, demand, or request required or authorized in connection with this Application/Agreement (“Notice”) shall be deemed properly given if delivered in person, delivered by Electronic Mail (E-mail) delivered by recognized national courier service, or sent by first class mail, postage prepaid, to the person specified below:

If to EDC:

The contact listed on the EDC website as the primary contact for the EDC listed in the Customer-Generator’s Facility Information section on Page 1 of the Interconnection Application/Agreement.

If to Customer-Generator:

The contact listed in the Legal Name and Mailing Address of Customer-Generator section on Page 1 of the Interconnection Application/Agreement. The Customer-Generator is responsible for notifying the EDC of any change in the contact party information.

In the event the original applicant sells or otherwise transfers ownership of the property listed in the Customer-Generator Facility’s Information section listed on Page 1 of the Interconnection Application/Agreement, the original applicant shall provide the EDC with the appropriate contact information for the new owner of the property. Upon any subsequent transfer of ownership, the then current owner shall provide the EDC with the new owner’s information.

1The Customers Generator facility shall be constructed in accordance with the information provided on Page 1 of the Interconnection Application Agreement – Part 1.

The Applicant shall notify the EDC of any changes to the proposed Customer Generator Facility that would be subject to the criteria for a level 1 review (E.G., Inverter Manufacturer/Model Number, Size, etc.).

Once an Interconnection Request is deemed complete, any modification to the proposed Customer-Generator Facility that would affect the application review criteria for a Level 1 review that is not agreed to in writing by the EDC, shall require submission of a new Interconnection Request.

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With Terms and Conditions for Interconnection

For a Level 1 Review (Certified Inverter-based Units of 10kW and under)

(Final Agreement – to be filled out after installation)

Certificate of Completion

Customer Generator Information

Legal Name and Mailing Address of Customer-Generator (if an Individual, Individual’s Name)


Mailing Address:












Zip Code:




Contact Person (If other than Above):










Mailing Address (If other than Above):









Telephone (Daytime):
















Facsimile Number:






E-Mail Address:




The Customer-Generator Facility’s Information:









Facility Address:






























State: NJ Zip Code:




Nearest Crossing Street:





















Account #:









Meter #:









Inverter Type; Select Type

Energy Source: Select









Number of Inverters:















Inverter Manufacturer:










Model Number of Inverter:















Inverter Rating:



(Attach additional sheets as necessary in the event of multiple units of various types/sizes)

Equipment Installation Contractor:



Check if owner-installed: (








Mailing Address:










Zip Code:


Contact Person (If other than Above):






Telephone (Daytime):






Facsimile Number:


E-Mail Address:



The undersigned asserts that the Equipment has been installed in accordance with Part 1 of the Interconnection Application/Agreement as well as all applicable codes and regulations.


Printed Name:



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Electrical Contractor: (if Different from Equipment Installation Contractor)


Mailing Address:





Zip Code:


Contact Person (If other than Above):








Telephone (Daytime):







Facsimile Number:


E-Mail Address:


The undersigned asserts that the Equipment has been installed in accordance with Part 1 of the Interconnection Application/Agreement as well as all applicable codes and regulations.


Printed Name:



Electrical Inspection1:

The system has been installed and inspected in compliance with the provisions of the National Electrical Code and other applicable codes and standards as well as the local Building/Electrical Code of:

(Appropriate Governmental Authority)


Customer-Generator Signature2:

The Customer-Generator Facility is complete and ready for interconnected operation in accordance with all of the provisions of the Interconnection Application/Agreement. The Customer-Generator acknowledges that it shall not operate the Facility until receipt of Final Acceptance (below), or as otherwise provided for by regulation.


Printed Name:



Final Acceptance to Interconnect Small Generator Facility (for Use by EDC Only)

The requirements for interconnection are complete and interconnection of the Customer- Generator Facility is accepted upon signature and return of this Certificate of Completion or by notification by electronic mail or other acceptable means by the EDC.

Electric Distribution Company waives Witness Test? (Initial)

Yes (





















If no, Successful Witness Test Date:





Passed: (Initial)




EDC Signature:














Printed Name:















1 Completion of local inspections may be designated on inspection forms used by local inspecting authorities.

2 As a condition of interconnected operation, you are required to send/fax/e-mail a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Completion to your EDC at the address in the Terms & Conditions for Interconnection.

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How to Edit Jcpl Interconnection Form Online for Free

By using the online tool for PDF editing by FormsPal, you'll be able to fill in or edit jcp l medical certificate right here. FormsPal team is continuously endeavoring to enhance the editor and ensure it is much better for users with its cutting-edge functions. Enjoy an ever-improving experience now! This is what you'd need to do to get started:

Step 1: Open the form in our tool by hitting the "Get Form Button" in the top part of this webpage.

Step 2: Once you launch the file editor, you'll notice the form prepared to be filled in. Aside from filling out different blank fields, it's also possible to perform some other actions with the Document, particularly adding custom textual content, editing the original text, adding images, putting your signature on the form, and much more.

This document requires particular details to be entered, therefore you should take the time to type in precisely what is required:

1. Complete your jcp l medical certificate with a selection of essential fields. Get all of the necessary information and ensure there is nothing forgotten!

Part number 1 of filling in jcp interconnection forms

2. Once the last segment is completed, it is time to include the essential specifics in The CustomerGenerator Facilitys, Facility Address, City, Nearest Crossing Street, State NJ Zip Code, Account, Meter, Current Annual Energy Consumption, Estimated Inservice Date, Energy Source Select, Inverter Manufacturer, Inverter Type Select Type, Number of Inverters, Model Number of Inverter, and Inverter Rating kWAC in order to proceed further.

Stage no. 2 for filling out jcp interconnection forms

3. The following section is mostly about Do you plan to export power Select, If Yes Estimated Maximum kWAC, JCPL Inerconnect Under kWdoc, and Page - fill in these fields.

Guidelines on how to prepare jcp interconnection forms part 3

It's easy to make errors while filling out your If Yes Estimated Maximum kWAC, thus be sure you take a second look before you decide to finalize the form.

4. The following section will require your involvement in the following places: Equipment Installation Contractor, Name, Mailing Address, City, State Zip Code, Contact Person If other than Above, Telephone Daytime, Evening, Facsimile Number, EMail Address, Electrical Contractor If applicable, Name, Mailing Address, City, and Contact Person If other than Above. Make certain you provide all requested info to move onward.

Completing part 4 of jcp interconnection forms

5. When you reach the completion of the document, you'll find just a few more things to do. Notably, I hereby certify that I have read, CustomerGenerator Signature, Printed Name, Date, Title, Conditional Approval to, The requested information is, EDC Signature, Printed Name, Date, Title, The Applicant shall deposit a not, JCPL Inerconnect Under kWdoc, and Page must all be filled in.

The Applicant shall deposit a not, EDC Signature, and Date inside jcp interconnection forms

Step 3: Before moving on, you should make sure that blank fields are filled in right. Once you’re satisfied with it, click “Done." Join FormsPal now and immediately gain access to jcp l medical certificate, available for downloading. Every change you make is conveniently preserved , letting you change the document at a later stage if necessary. We do not sell or share the details you use while completing documents at our site.