Kgid Proposal Form PDF Details

The Kingsbury General Improvement District (KGID) Proposal Form is an essential document for those seeking employment within this public sector organization, situated in Stateline, NV. This comprehensive employment application form is a gateway for potential employees, encompassing various aspects of the applicant's personal information, educational background, employment history, and specific qualifications or skills relevant to the job being applied for. It is designed to ensure that the KGID attracts capable and qualified individuals who can contribute positively to the organization. Applicants are required to detail their availability for work, including shifts and weekend work, and must disclose any prior convictions or drug use, underscoring the organization's commitment to maintaining a safe and secure workplace. The form also includes sections for acknowledging the understanding of job requirements, the ability to perform duties with or without accommodation, and the legality of employment within the United States. Beyond specifics about the position being applied for, the form encourages candidates to list any special skills or achievements that might make them stand out. Every applicant needs to read and initial a series of acknowledgments at the end of the form, which cover the conditions of employment, the at-will nature of any employment offer, and the rights of KGID to verify the information provided, ensuring that all candidates are assessed fairly and thoroughly.

Form NameKgid Proposal Form
Form Length6 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min 30 sec
Other nameskgid form, kgid loan form in kannada, kgid loan form in kannada pdf, kgid loan

Form Preview Example

College/University (Undergraduate)
Graduate School
July 2006

160 Pineridge Drive

P.O. Box 2220

Kingsbury General Improvement DistrictStateline, NV 89449



An Equal Opportunity Employer

If you believe you require an accommodation during the selection process, please contact us to make appropriate arrangements.




















































Zip Code


























Home ( )

Cell (







Work (



Position Applied for



















How did you hear about this position? Advertisement


Referral (by whom?)



Other (explain)


















If offered employment, when can you be available to begin?












What type of employment will you accept?





Will you be available for shift work?
















Will you be available to work weekends and/or holidays if necessary?










Have you been given a job description or had the requirements of the job explained to you?

..... Yes


Do you understand the job requirements?














Yes No

Can you perform the requirements of this job with or without reasonable accommodation?



To qualify for employment, applicants must be at least 18 years of age unless otherwise



specified in the job announcement. If offered employment, can you furnish proof of age?



After an offer of employment, can you submit verification of your legal right to work in the



United States?


















Yes No

List other names, if any, you have used.


Did you graduate from high school or receive a GED certificate?




Diploma, Degree,

School Name



or Certificate





Yes No

Major Field of Study

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POOL/PACT Human Resources

Applicant’s Name ______________________________

LICENSES (Optional, unless required for the position for which you are now applying.)

List current licenses, certifications, or registrations required for the position for which you are applying. Indicate types, state license numbers, and expiration dates.

Answer only if position requires.








Do you possess a valid driver’s license?




Yes No

If so, license expires





Restrictions (if any)


For positions that require typing:

I certify that I can type at a speed of



In addition to English, list any other language abilities you possess.

Verbal fluency in

Written fluency in

List any special skills you possess and/or equipment or office machines you can operate.


Have you ever been convicted of, pled guilty or nolo contendre to, or been granted deferred


adjudication for a felony, misdemeanor, (excluding juvenile adjudication), or any lesser crime


other than a minor traffic infraction?

Yes No

If yes, list all such offenses and provide date, name of court, and disposition. Omission of information may be considered cause for disqualification from the employment pre-screening process or result in termination of employment.

Have you ever been disciplined in your employment related to workplace violence?

Yes No

If yes, please explain.

Do you presently use illegal drugs?





Yes No

Have you ever been employed by KGID?





Yes No

If yes, please provide the following information:







Position Title





Dates of Employment


Reason for Separation





Are you related to anyone who is currently employed by KGID?

Yes No

If yes, please provide the following information:




Related person’s name


















July 2006


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POOL/PACT Human Resources

Applicant’s Name ______________________________


Provide information regarding all paid, military, and volunteer work which may be related to the position for which you are applying. Describe your most recent position first; then list other positions in order held, beginning with the most recent. Use a separate block for each position, even if with the same employer. Use additional sheets if necessary. Do NOT use references such as “See Résumé” in place of completing this section.

May we contact all employers listed?

(Attach a list of any exceptions with an explanation.) ...... Yes No

Present Employer






Present Position















From (Mo/Yr)




To (Mo/Yr)









Full-Time (30+ hrs/wk)

Part-Time (<30 hrs/wk)




Zip Code









Supervisor’s Name/Title





Telephone ( )

Related Duties















Reason for Leaving



















From (Mo/Yr)




To (Mo/Yr)







Full-Time (30+ hrs/wk)

Part-Time (<30 hrs/wk)



Zip Code









Supervisor’s Name/Title





Telephone ( )

Related Duties














Reason for Leaving





















From (Mo/Yr)




To (Mo/Yr)







Full-Time (30+ hrs/wk)

Part-Time (<30 hrs/wk)



Zip Code









Supervisor’s Name/Title





Telephone ( )

Related Duties














Reason for Leaving

July 2006

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POOL/PACT Human Resources

Applicant’s Name ______________________________



















From (Mo/Yr)




To (Mo/Yr)







Full-Time (30+ hrs/wk)

Part-Time (<30 hrs/wk)



Zip Code









Supervisor’s Name/Title





Telephone ( )

Related Duties














Reason for Leaving





















From (Mo/Yr)




To (Mo/Yr)







Full-Time (30+ hrs/wk)

Part-Time (<30 hrs/wk)



Zip Code









Supervisor’s Name/Title





Telephone ( )

Related Duties














Reason for Leaving

Please state below any other information that would be helpful in determining your qualifications for this position. You may include significant accomplishments, previous career highlights, or any other relevant information that is not requested in this employment application.

July 2006

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POOL/PACT Human Resources

Applicant’s Name ______________________________


Please READ ALL of the following statements and INITIAL EACH of the lines to indicate you have read and understand each of the statements. If you have any questions, contact _____________________, (Human

Resources Department).

Following an offer of employment, you will be required to submit verification of your legal right to work in the United States.

Employment will be at will during the probationary period or for your entire period of employment if you are hired into a seasonal or temporary position. “At will” means Kingsbury GID may terminate your employment at any time with no advance notice, with or without cause.


All offers of employment and all information regarding compensation and other terms and conditions of


employment will be made in writing. Verbal statements may not be relied upon.



This application is the property of KGID and will become part of my personnel file if I am hired.


I authorize KGID to contact any employer or individual that I have listed on my employment application


and/or résumé or mentioned during job interviews to obtain from them any relevant information


regarding my previous employment, military service, criminal history, characteristics or traits necessary


for job performance, or other relevant qualifications for employment and/or continued employment with


KGID. In addition, I authorize KGID to conduct a background search which includes criminal history


and military history. In addition, if the position for which I am applying requires driving a vehicle, I


authorize KGID to conduct a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) search. If the position for which I


am applying involves contact with minors or with any persons having diminished capacity to care for


themselves, a search of government sex offender registries may be conducted. I further authorize KGID


to contact any institution and/or licensing authority to verify my possession of education, licenses, and/or


certificates which may qualify me for employment.



In exchange for KGID’s consideration of my employment application, and/or any continued employment


with KGID, I authorize anyone possessing information to furnish it to KGID upon request, and I release


the organizations and all individuals providing the information or acquiring the information, including


KGID, from all claims, liability, and damages whatsoever claimed to be related to furnishing, obtaining,


or using said information. This release applies to, but is not limited to, claims for defamation, libel,


slander, infliction of emotional distress, and interference with current or prospective economic relations.


I further understand this consent will apply during the entire course of my employment with KGID


should I obtain such employment. I understand and agree this consent shall remain in effect indefinitely.


I hereby certify that all statements made in this application are true. I understand that any false statement


of material facts herein may cause forfeiture on my part of all rights to any employment with KGID. I


understand that any misrepresentation, falsification, or material omission of information may result in my


failure to receive an offer, or if I have been hired, in my dismissal from employment regardless of length


of employment. I understand that neither this document nor any offer of employment from KGID


constitutes an employment contract unless a specific contract document to that effect is executed. I agree


to undergo any job-related physical examination and drug screening upon conditional offer of


employment. I further understand and agree that this paragraph applies to any information supplied by


me at a later date as part of this application.


Additionally, my signature below certifies that the information provided is true and correct to the best of my

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POOL/PACT Human Resources

Applicant’s Name ______________________________


Signature of Applicant






July 2006

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POOL/PACT Human Resources