Labour Welfare Fund Form F PDF Details

Navigating the complexities of employee welfare contributions can be daunting for businesses, yet it's a crucial aspect of compliance with labor laws. The Labour Welfare Fund F form serves as a pivotal document for employers in Andhra Pradesh, facilitating the transparent and efficient reporting of both employee and employer contributions to the Labour Welfare Board. This form, detailed under Rule 5 of the Andhra Pradesh Labour Welfare Fund Rules, 1988, requires employers to submit comprehensive information about their monetary contributions to the welfare fund. It encompasses a range of particulars, including the establishment’s name and address, the classification of the establishment (e.g., factory, motor transport undertaking, etc.), and the total number of employees. Critical financial details, such as the amount of contributions collected from employees, the employer's matching contributions, and the mode of payment, must also be accurately reported. Additionally, employers are obliged to attach a separate list of employees, specifying their respective wages and designations. This thorough process not only ensures that the rights and welfare of the workforce are upheld but also holds employers accountable for their part in fostering a safe and supportive working environment. By declaring these particulars to the Andhra Pradesh Labour Welfare Board, employers affirm their commitment to transparency and compliance, thereby contributing to a harmonious labor ecosystem.

Form NameLabour Welfare Fund Form F
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesharyana labour welfare fund scheme form in hindi, labour welfare fund forms download in hindi haryana, labour welfare fund forms download in hindi, labour department haryana

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( See Rule 6 )


From :


The Welfare Commissioner,

Andhra Pradesh Labour Welfare Board,


As required under Rule 5 of Andhra Pradesh Labour Welfare Fund Rules, 1988, I am


below the necessary particulars in relation to the amount of




)(words here) tendered herewith as the

total amount payable by my establishment both as employees’ as well as employer’s contribution

for the year ending 31st December

(mention the year here).

A separate list containing the names of employees engaged for the period, amount of monthly wages drawn, by each of them as also designation of each of them is attached herewith.







Name of the establishment with full address:



Whether a factory or motor transport



undertaking / commercial establishment / or



any other class of establishment specified by a



Government notification:



Total number of employees employed on



preceding 31st December;



Total number of employees from whom



contributions have been deducted for the






Total amount of employees’ contributions



tendered for the period:



Total amount of employer’s contribution



tendered for the period:



Grand Total of both the employees’ as well as



the employer’s contributions deducted and



tendered respectively for the period:



Whether full payment of the amount due to the



period has been tendered:



Amount of unpaid balance, if any, and the



reasons there for.



Mode of payment whether in cash or by Bank



Demand Draft or money order? If by money



order, mention postal receipt number and date



thereof. If by demand draft, mention name,



branch and address of the bank on which



drawn, D.D. Number and date:



Remarks, if any :


I hereby declare that the before mentioned particulars are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Date :

Place:Signature and Designation or description of the post held

with official seal.