Marian Scholarship Application Form PDF Details

In an effort to recognize and support young women who demonstrate exemplary faith and service in line with Catholic values, the Marian Scholarship Application opens a remarkable opportunity for current eighth-grade students transitioning into high school. With 20 Magnificat Marian Scholarships available for the 2012-2013 school year, eligible students entering the Class of 2016 have the chance to receive a $2,500 award. To be considered, applicants are required to embody the spirit of living out their faith, similar to Mary, the mother of Jesus, who serves as a role model within the Magnificat community. Criteria for eligibility include being Catholic, achieving a minimum 3.0 GPA during their 7th and 8th grade years, completing the Marian Scholarship Application by the due date of November 30, 2011, and taking the Magnificat Scholarship/Placement Exam. Interestingly, the application process does not require a PSAS Application but does include the submission of a Teacher Recommendation Form. This form, which is to be filled out by a 7th or 8th-grade teacher, must also be submitted by the November deadline. Furthermore, the application delves into various aspects of the candidates' lives, from personal qualities admired in Mary and examples of Catholic faith in action to academic interests and leadership definitions. This comprehensive application not only seeks to award financial assistance but also to underline the importance of service, faith, and personal growth among young women poised to make a difference.

Form NameMarian Scholarship Application Form
Form Length4 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min
Other names2012, curriculars, GPA, 2011

Form Preview Example

Marian Scholarship Application

here are 20 Magniicat Marian Scholarships available for the 2012-2013 school year for current eighth grade students entering the Class of 2016. Each recipient of a Marian Scholarship will receive a $2,500 award. hese 20 recipients represent the inest examples of young women living their faith. Applicants must be Catholic, take the Magniicat Scholarship/Placement Exam,

have maintained a 3.0 GPA in 7th & 8th grades, and complete a Marian Scholarship Application (DUE NOVEMBER 30, 2011).

No PSAS Application is required.

Please give the attached Teacher Recommendation Form to one of your 7th or 8th grade teachers to complete and return to Mrs. Mary Van Dalen, Vice President of Marketing and Enrollment at Magniicat High School by November 30.

Student’s Name ___________________________________________________________________________________

Address________________________________________City ________________________State ______ Zip ________

County________________________________________ Telephone No._______________________________________

Date of Birth _______________________Parish______________________________Religion _____________________

School entering from:________________________________________________________________________________

Current 8th Grade GPA: ___________________________7th Grade GPA: ______________________________________

Father’s Name____________________________________________________________

Living (CIRCLE)?



Mother’s Name___________________________________________________________

Living (CIRCLE)?



Questionnaire (please print or type all information)

1.Because Mary lived her life in service to others, she is a role model for the Magniicat community.

What quality of Mary’s do you most admire? Please provide a speciic example of how you have exhibited that quality in your life.

2.Please provide a speciic example of how you draw upon from your Catholic faith in day-to-day situations to lead or serve others.


3.Please list SERVICE activities (not co-curriculars) you have participated in over the last three years. hese could include school, parish, community or family involvement.

4.Please describe a diicult time in your life and how you handled it.

5.What is your favorite subject in school and why? Please be speciic.

6.What is an area in school that is a weakness for you? How are you working to become stronger in this area?

7.Please list speciic classes or activities at Magniicat that you are interested in pursuing and describe what you hope to gain from them.


8.What CO-CURRICULAR activities (not service) are you currently involved in?

9.Please explain your deinition of leadership. Please also share an example of your leadership in a speciic situation.

10.Is there any other information the Scholarship Committee should know about you that has not been asked for in the application and that would distinguish you from the other candidates? Please be speciic.

Please return by November 30 to Mrs. Mary Van Dalen, Vice President of Marketing and Enrollment,

Magniicat High School, 20770 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River, OH 44116-3397

440.331.1572 • Fax 440.331.7257 •


Dear Teacher,

hank you for assisting your student with her application for a Marian Scholarship. Please share with us an example of this student exemplifying the Catholic faith in situations you have observed. Your candor and insight into your student’s character is most appreciated.


Marian Scholarship Committee

Magniicat High School

Please return by November 30 to Mrs. Mary Van Dalen, Vice President of Marketing and Enrollment,

Magniicat High School, 20770 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River, OH 44116-3397

440.331.1572 • Fax 440.331.7257 •