Massage Health History Form PDF Details

Embarking on the journey of massage therapy begins with a crucial step: the completion of the Massage Client Health History Form. This comprehensive document serves as not only an introduction between the client and the therapist but also as a safeguard to ensure that each massage session is conducted with the utmost care for the client's health and well-being. It gathers essential details such as the client's personal information, medical history, areas of pain or discomfort, and specific health conditions that might affect the massage therapy session. The form is meticulously designed to check for any contraindications to massage, enabling the therapist to adapt their techniques accordingly to avoid any potential harm. Additionally, it includes a segment where clients can articulate their goals for the session, whether it's relief from muscle tension, stress reduction, or achieving a state of relaxation. The form also educates clients about the scope of massage therapy, clarifying that it is not a substitute for medical treatment and that any medical concerns should be addressed by a healthcare professional. By signing this form, clients communicate their understanding and consent for the session, acknowledging the non-sexual nature of massage therapy and committing to a transparent, health-first approach to this therapeutic practice. This initial paperwork, crucial for a safe and personalized massage experience, demonstrates the professional and client-focused nature of massage therapy, setting the stage for a beneficial and therapeutic interaction.

Form NameMassage Health History Form
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesmassage health history form, client history form massage, client history form template, massage history form

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Massage Client Health History Form

Client Information and Release Form

Name ____________________________________________________ Birth Date ____________________

Address ________________________________________________________________________________

City __________________________________________ State ________ Zip ________________________

Phone Number(s) ___________________ Home __________________ Work __________________ Cell

E-mail Address__________________________________________________________________________

Referred By ________________________Is this your first massage?________________________________

General Medical History

Check the box if you have or have had recent problems with any of the following:


High Blood Pressure

Sinus / Allergies


Low Blood Pressure


Back Pain

Poor Circulation


Neck Pain


Vericose Veins

Arms / Hands (Pain)



Hips / Legs / Feet (Pain)

Chest Pain

Skin Conditions


Seizures / Convulsions

Pregnant? ____# of months

Swollen Joints

Heart Conditions

Menstrual Pain






Athlete’s Feet

Please circle any areas of pain, injury, tension, or restriction of movement.

Have you recently suffered an acute injury? _____________________________________________

Have you had any recent surgery? ____________________________________________________

Do you have any other medical conditions that I should be aware of? _________________________

Where do you carry your stress and tension? ____________________________________________

Do you wear contacts? _____________________________________________________________

Do you have any problem areas / injuries? ______________________________________________

Do you take any prescription medications? ______________________________________________

Do you have any allergies? Yes or No, and if yes what are you allergic to? _____________________

Describe exercise activities that you do. Include Frequency. ________________________________

Are you very sensitive to touch / pressure in any areas? ____________________________________

What type of pressure do you like? ____________________________________________________

What is your goal in the session today? _________________________________________________

Please list any additional comments regarding your health and well being if needed. _____________


Your answers to these questions will be discussed with you prior to your session. Thank You.

Please take a moment to carefully read the following information and sign where indicated.

I understand that the massage I receive is provided for the basic purpose of relaxation, stress reduction, and relief of muscular tension. If I experience any pain or discomfort during this session, I will immediately inform the practitioner so that the pressure and / or strokes may be adjusted to my level of comfort.

I further understand that massage should not be considered as a substitute for medical examination, diagnosis, or treatment and that I should see a physician, chiropractor, or other qualified medical specialist for any mental or physical ailment that I am aware of.

I understand that massage practitioners are not qualified to perform spinal or skeletal adjustments, diagnosis, prescribe, or treat any physical or mental illness, and that nothing said in the course of the session(s) given should be considered as such. Further, no comments or gestures that are sexual in nature will be tolerated by the massage therapist. In the event that I violate this policy, my session will be immediately terminated.

Because massage is contraindicated under certain medical conditions, I affirm that I have stated all my known medical conditions, and answered all questions honestly. I agree to keep the practitioner updated as to any changes in my medical profile, and understand that there shall not be liability on the practitioner’s part should I forget to do so.

Signature______________________________________________________Date _____________________

Consent for minors is required prior to treatment.

Signature of Guardian____________________________________________ Date _____________________

Printed name of Guardian __________________________________________________________________

Phone number the Guardian can be reached in case of emergency __________________________________

How to Edit Massage Health History Form Online for Free

This PDF editor was created to be so simple as it can be. When you keep to these steps, the process of filling in the massage intake form pdf file will undoubtedly be simple.

Step 1: Click the "Get Form Here" button.

Step 2: Now you are on the form editing page. You may edit, add content, highlight selected words or phrases, put crosses or checks, and put images.

Enter the information required by the program to prepare the document.

filling out body treatment consent form step 1

Jot down the data in the Arthritis Bursitis Back Pain, High Blood Pressure Low Blood, Sinus Allergies Hematomas, and Please circle any areas of pain field.

step 2 to filling out body treatment consent form

You should be asked for certain valuable details to submit the Have you recently suffered an, Have you had any recent surgery, Do you have any other medical, Where do you carry your stress and, Do you wear contacts, Do you have any problem areas, Do you take any prescription, Do you have any allergies Yes or, Describe exercise activities that, Include Frequency, Are you very sensitive to touch, What type of pressure do you like, and What is your goal in the session area.

body treatment consent form Have you recently suffered an, Have you had any recent surgery, Do you have any other medical, Where do you carry your stress and, Do you wear contacts, Do you have any problem areas, Do you take any prescription, Do you have any allergies Yes or, Describe exercise activities that, Include Frequency, Are you very sensitive to touch, What type of pressure do you like, and What is your goal in the session fields to complete

Identify the rights and responsibilities of the parties inside the space Please list any additional, Your answers to these questions, Please take a moment to carefully, I understand that the massage I, I further understand that massage, I understand that massage, In the event that I violate this, Because massage is contraindicated, and I agree to keep the practitioner.

step 4 to finishing body treatment consent form

Finalize by looking at these areas and completing them correspondingly: Because massage is contraindicated, SignatureDate, Consent for minors is required, Signature of Guardian Date, Printed name of Guardian, and Phone number the Guardian can be.

body treatment consent form Because massage is contraindicated, SignatureDate, Consent for minors is required, Signature of Guardian Date, Printed name of Guardian, and Phone number the Guardian can be fields to insert

Step 3: As soon as you've clicked the Done button, your form will be available for export to every electronic device or email address you identify.

Step 4: Make duplicates of the file - it will help you stay away from upcoming difficulties. And don't worry - we don't distribute or check your details.

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