Money Transfer Form PDF Details

In the fast-paced world of finance, transferring money between accounts, especially internationally, demands both precision and understanding of the underlying procedures. The Money Transfer Form serves as a critical tool in this process, offering a structured way for individuals to move funds securely from one entity to another. Issued by T.C. Ziraat Bankasi's New York Branch, this form encapsulates essential details such as the transaction number, personal information of both sender and receiver, account details, and the amount to be transferred, specified both numerically and in words. It emphasizes clarity and completeness, requiring all fields marked with an asterisk (*) to be filled out legibly. Moreover, the form incorporates sections for selecting the payment type, account type, and for acknowledging the terms and conditions that govern the transfer process. These specify the bank's reliance on the information provided, the methods of transfer, and outline the responsibilities and liabilities in case of errors or the need for amendments. The conditions also touch on federal regulations concerning cash transactions, emphasizing compliance with the U.S. Department of the Treasury's requirements for reporting and record-keeping. The comprehensive nature of the form, combined with the contractual terms, underscores the complexity of money transfers while aiming to streamline the process for all parties involved.

Form NameMoney Transfer Form
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other nameshow to fill bank transfer form, money transfer format, how to fill transfer form, transfer money form

Form Preview Example





New York Branch


New York, NY 10168

Telephone: (212) 557-5612

Please print clearly. Provide all information marked with an asterisk (*). /Lutfen (*) ile isaretlenmis alanlari, okunakli doldurunuz.









Telephone #/Telefon No









*Street Address/Adres



















*Zip Code/Posta Kodu


*Social Security #/Sosyal Guvenlik No

Account #/Hesap No






























Company Name/Isyeri Adi



Type of Business / Is Alani









Business Address / Is Adresi



Business Telephone # / Is Telefon No






























Telephone #/Telefon No












*Address / Adres




















*Bank's Name/Banka Adi




*Branch / Subesi











Account #/Hesap No (delays and additional charges may result if the account number is not provided/hesap numarasinin



bildirilmemesi gecikmelere ve ek masraflara yol acabilir)



























*Type of Account/Hesap Cinsi








Turkish Lira Account/TL Hes Foreign Currency Account/Doviz Tevdiat Hesabi Savings Account/Yatirim Hesabi


*Term of Account/Hesabin Vadesi








1 year/yil

6 months/ay 3 months/ay

1 month/ay Demand/Vadesiz







*Date of Birth/Dogum Tarihi


*Place of Birth/Dogum Yeri

*Father's Name/Baba Adi













*US$ Amount in Numbers/Amerikan Dolari Rakamla

*US$ in Words/Amerikan Dolari Yazi ile

I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions stated on the second page of this Form./Bu formun ikinci sayfasinda yer alan sartlari okudum ve aynen kabul ediyorum.




PAYMENT TYPE (check all that apply)

Driver Licence



Money Order

Other (specify)______________________

Other (specify)_________________________


Input by

Value Date


Verified by


By placing a funds transfer order with T.C. Ziraat Bankasi, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

Reliance by T.C. Ziraat Bankasi. You agree that T.C. Ziraat Bankasi may rely upon the information you have provided on the first page of this form in making your funds transfer and agree that any errors in that information, including misidentification of recipient(s), incorrect or inconsistent account names and numbers, and misspellings are your responsibility.

Transfer to Another Bank Other than T.C. Ziraat Bankasi. You may request either that the funds be deposited to a particular account at the other bank or that the funds be held at the other bank for your recipient. The other bank will be responsible for following your instructions and of notifying the recipient that the funds are available. If you identify a recipient by name and account number, the recipient’s bank may pay the funds to the person identified by the account number, and your payment will be final even if the account number provided does not correspond to your recipient.

Once the funds are transferred to the other bank, the funds become the property of the other bank, and the other bank is responsible to locate, identify and make payment to your recipient.

Means of Transfer. To make funds transfers, T.C. Ziraat Bankasi uses a variety of banking channels and facilities, but will ordinarily use electronic means. You agree that we may choose any conventional means that we deem suitable to transfer your funds to your recipient.

Because we do not maintain banking relations with every bank, it may be necessary for us to use one or more intermediary banks before your funds are transferred to the other bank. Once we transmit your order to an intermediary bank, it will be that bank’s responsibility to ensure that your order is completed.

Recalls / Amendments. You may recall or amend your funds transfer order only if we receive such request at a time that provides us a reasonable opportunity to act upon your request and if the funds have not already been made available to your recipient or the bank otherwise agrees to recall or amend your funds transfer order. If your decide that you do not want the funds transferred, T.C. Ziraat Bankasi will first have to check with the other bank to determine whether the other bank can return your funds. If the other bank confirms that the funds are returnable and the funds are returned to T.C. Ziraat Bankasi by the other bank, T.C. Ziraat Bankasi will return the funds to you.

The amount that is returned may be less than you originally transferred because of service charges of the other bank and/or T.C. Ziraat Bankasi.

Cash Transaction Reporting. Federal regulations issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury mandate that financial institutions file with the IRS a complete and accurate report on each customer transaction involving cash in excess of

$10,000. The regulations also require financial institutions to maintain a log of their sales of certain negotiable instruments, which involve cash in the range of $3,000 to $10,000 inclusive. To comply with the regulations, our financial institution must record certain details for each of these types of transactions, as well as obtain and record certain information about the individuals who conduct the transactions, and the persons or entities on whose behalf the transactions are conducted.

Rejection of and Order. We reserve the right to reject your funds transfer order. We may reject your order if your have insufficient available funds in your account, if your order is incomplete or unclear or if we are unable to fulfill your order for any other reason.

Delays, Non-Execution of Funds Transfer Order. While we will handle your funds transfer order as expeditiously as possible, you agree that T.C. Ziraat Bankasi will not be responsible for any delay, failure to execute or misexecution of your order due to circumstances beyond T.C. Ziraat Bankasi’s reasonable control, including without limitation any inaccuracy, interruption, delay in transmission, or failure in the means of transmission, whether caused by strikes, power failures, equipment malfunctions, or acts or omissions of any intermediary or other bank. T.C. ZIRAAT BANKASI MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OF IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER.

Claims. You agree that within thirty days after you receive notification that your funds transfer order has been executed, you will notify us of an errors, delays or other problems related to your order. In the event that it is determined your funds transfer order is delayed or erroneously executed as a result of T.C. Ziraat Bankasi’s error, T.C. Ziraat Bankasi’s sole obligation to you, is to pay or refund such amounts as may be required by applicable law. In no event shall T.C. Ziraat Bankasi be responsible for any consequential or incidental damages or expenses in connection with your order. Any claim for interest payable by T.C. Ziraat Bankasi shall be at T.C. Ziraat Bankasi’s prevailing deposit rate.

I any event, if you fail to notify us of any claim concerning your funds transfer order within one year from the date that you receive notification that your order has been executed, any claim by you will be barred under applicable law.

Governing Law. This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the state of New York and United States federal law, as applicable.