Mvd Form Mv1 PDF Details

Are you considering registering and transferring your vehicle registration from one state to another? If so, then it is essential that you understand the proper documentation needed for making this transition a smooth process. This blog post will help breakdown understanding the Form MV1, or Required Information for State Registration for each state in the USA. Understanding all of the information required on the form can be complicated but we have outlined each section of what is expected and how to complete it correctly!

Form NameMvd Form Mv1
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesmv1 form, MV1, form mv1, mv1 form ontario

Form Preview Example

Tit le a n d Re g ist r a t ion Bu r e a u

Ap p lica t ion f or Ce r t if ica t e

of Tit le f or a

M ot or V e h icle

MVD Use Only

1 0 0 3 Bu ck sk in D r iv e , D e e r Lodg e , M T 5 9 7 2 2 - 2 3 7 5 Ph on e ( 4 0 6 ) 4 4 4 - 3 6 6 1 Fa x ( 4 0 6 ) 8 4 6 - 6 0 3 9 m v d t it le in fo@m t . g ov

Fe e s: $ 1 2 for light v ehicles, t r uck s and buses w eighing less t han one t on;

$ 1 0 for all ot her v ehicles. Addit ional fees and t ax es w ill be due upon r egist r at ion .

Tit le N u m b e r :


App lica n t

Applicant 's Legal Nam e ( fir st , m iddle, last ) or Firm Nam e:



DL/ FEI N/ Tribal I D/ Cor p I D*





Se ct ion




St at e w her e DL issu ed:






Co- Applicant 's Legal Nam e ( fir st , m iddle, last ) :

Please indicat e if ow ner

DL/ FEI N/ Tribal I D/ Cor p I D*




or lessee:

Ow ner







St at e w her e DL issu ed:

Mailing Address:

Cit y:

St at e:

Zip Code:

Count y:

Resident ial Address:

Cit y:

St at e:

Zip Code:

Count y:


V e h icle

Se ct ion

Manufact ur er 's Suggest ed

Ret ail Price: $ ___________

Year :



St yle:

Vehicle I dent ificat ion Num ber :

Color :

Fuel Type:

Unladen Weight :

2850 lbs or less

Over 2850 lbs

Mot or Hom e Class:


Tr ucks One Ton and Under :

1/ 4

t on

1/ 2 t on

3/ 4

t on

1 t on

Tr ucks Over One Ton:

Manufact ur er 's Rat ed Capacit y: _________

Tr ailer / Tr avel Tr ailer / Cam per / Mot or Hom e:

Declar ed Weight : _________

Lengt h: ________________

Mot orcycle and Quadricycle:


Wheel Base: ___________

Wheel Diam et er : ________

St r eet r od

Kit vehicle

Cust om vehicle


Specially const ruct ed vehicle


Is t h e r e a se cu r it y in t e r e st or lie n a ga in st t h is v e h icle ?

No - go t o Sect ion D

Yes - com plet e t his sect ion and subm it a filing fee of $ 8 for each securit y int er est or lien .

Dat e of Fir st Secur it y

Am ount

Nam e of Fir st Secur ed Par t y or Lienholder :

DL/ FEI N/ Tribal I D/ Cor p I D*

I nt er est : _________













Mailing Address of First Secur ed Par t y or Lienholder :


Cit y:

St at e:

Zip Code:









Dat e of 2nd Secur it y

Am ount

Nam e of Second Secured Par t y or Lienholder :

DL/ FEI N/ Tribal I D/ Cor p I D*

I nt er est : __________













Mailing Address of Second Secured Par t y or Lienholder :


St at e:

Zip Code:











Odom e t e r / St a t e m e n t

Under penalt y of law ( MCA 45 - 7 - 203) , I cer t ify t hat :


of Sa le Se ct ion



The vehicle described above w as sold new used t o t he applicant nam ed in Sect ion A on ( dat e) _____________________ by ( pr int ed nam e of

seller ) _____________________________________ Seller 's Addr ess: _____________________________________________________________

The ( check one) five or six digit odom et er now reads ( no t ent hs) ________________ m iles, dat e read __________________ and, t o t he best

of m y knowledge, it r eflect s t he act ual m ileage u n le ss on e of t h e f ollow in g st a t e m e n t s is ch e ck e d :



The odom et er r eading r eflect s t he am ount of m ileage in e x ce ss of it s m e ch a n ica l lim it s. The odom et er r eading is not t he act ual m ileage. W a r n in g – od om e t e r d iscr e p a n cy .



I f signing for a business ent it y or t r ust , I have full aut horit y t o do so.





Dat ed t his _____ day of __________________ 20 _____ ____________________








Dealer’s License Num ber

Signat ure of Dealer ’s Agent – t his is m y legal signat ur e






Dealer ’s Firm Nam e


Print ed Nam e of Dealer ’s Agent





App lica n t ' s


Under penalt y of law ( MCA 45 - 7 - 203) , I cer t ify t hat :





Ack n ow le dg e m e n t





















I am one of t he applicant s nam ed in Sect ion A;





I am aw ar e of t he odom et er cer t ificat ion m ade in Sect ion D;





I have pr ovided t he appropriat e ident ificat ion num ber t o t he Depar t m ent ;





The st at em ent s m ade and inform at ion cont ained on t his for m ar e t rue and cor r ect t o t he best of m y knowledge, infor m at ion, and belief; I am t he

per son nam ed on t his for m ; and, if signing for a business ent it y or t r ust , I have full aut horit y t o do so.

Dat ed t his _____ day of __________________ 20 _____ __________________________________________________________________________

Signat ur e - t his is m y legal sign at ur e ( only one signat ur e is r equir ed)



I f Applicant is a Business Ent it y, Give Full Nam e

Print ed Nam e of Applicant

* DL- Driver License Num ber; FEI N- Federal Em ploy er I dent ificat ion Num ber; Tribal I D- Tribal I dent ificat ion card; Corp. I D- Corporat e I dent ificat ion; CI D- Cust om er I dent ificat ion num ber

MV1 ( 3/16)

Th is for m m a y be r e j e ct e d if it h a s be e n a lt e r e d a n d u pon r e qu e st is a v a ila ble in a lt e r n a t e for m a t s for pe ople w it h disa bilit ie s.

How to Edit Mvd Form Mv1 Online for Free

With the help of the online PDF editor by FormsPal, it is easy to fill out or change form mv 1 here and now. The editor is consistently updated by our team, receiving new features and turning out to be even more versatile. Should you be looking to start, this is what it takes:

Step 1: Click the "Get Form" button at the top of this page to get into our editor.

Step 2: When you launch the PDF editor, you'll notice the form all set to be filled out. Other than filling out various fields, it's also possible to do some other things with the PDF, including adding any words, modifying the initial text, adding images, putting your signature on the form, and much more.

When it comes to blanks of this precise form, here's what you want to do:

1. Start completing the form mv 1 with a number of major blanks. Consider all the information you need and be sure absolutely nothing is omitted!

How you can fill out blank mv 1 form georgia portion 1

2. After the previous part is completed, it is time to include the required particulars in I nt erest Mailing Address of, City, St at e, Zip Code, Odom e t e r St a t e m e n t of, Under penalt y of law MCA I, The vehicle described above was, used t o t he applicant nam ed in, new, The check one of m y knowledge it, six digit odom et er now reads no, five or, D O N OT CH ECK, UN LESS APPLI CABLE, and The odom et er reading reflect s t so you're able to go to the third stage.

blank mv 1 form georgia completion process detailed (stage 2)

Those who work with this form frequently make errors while completing six digit odom et er now reads no in this section. You should definitely reread whatever you type in here.

Step 3: Make certain your information is correct and then click on "Done" to progress further. Go for a free trial account at FormsPal and get instant access to form mv 1 - download or edit inside your personal account page. FormsPal guarantees your information privacy via a secure method that never saves or shares any kind of sensitive information provided. Feel safe knowing your paperwork are kept protected every time you use our services!