October 2014
Recommendation Form to Accompany Application for
Scholarship for Children of War Veterans
Veteran’s Name: _________________________________
Applicant’s Name: ________________________________
Applicant’s SSN (last four): XXX-XX-________
The applicant shall provide two recommendations, at least one of which must be completed by the applicant’s teacher or guidance counselor. This Recommendation Form must be emailed to Ms. Angela Heilig at or mailed to Ms. Angela Heilig, NC Division of Veterans Affairs, 1315 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1315 for her receipt on or before February 14.
Recommender’s Name: ___________________________________________
Relationship to the applicant (teacher, guidance counselor, coach, employer, scout leader, volunteer supervisor, etc.): __________________________________________________________
How long have you known the applicant? _____________
This subsection be completed by guidance counselor and teacher recommenders only:
Class Rank: _____
Cumulative GPA (weighted): ______
Cumulative GPA (unweighted): _______
Disciplinary Record (describe issues and attach disciplinary record, if any):
Written Evaluation of Applicant
Please include in your comments examples of the applicant’s character (courage, honesty, kindness, dedication, work ethic) and potential for successful completion of college course of study. Attach additional pages as needed.