Family Details kfl/jfl/s ljj/0f
SN |
Relation |
Full Name |
qm=;+= |
gftf |
k'/f gfd, y/ |
1 |
Spouse |
klt÷kTgL |
2 |
Father |
afa' |
3 |
Mother |
cfdf |
4 |
Grandfather |
xh'/j'jf |
5 |
Son |
5f]/f |
6 |
Daughter |
5f]/L |
7 |
Daughter-in-law |
5f]/fsf] >LdtL |
8 |
Father-in-law |
;;'/f |
9 |
10 |
Please ask for additional sheet if necessary ljj/0fsf] nflu 7fpF gk'u]df cltl/Qm sfuh dfUg' xf]nf
Occupational Details ;+nUg /x]sf]k]zf Joj;fo
SN |
Name of Organization |
qm=;+= |
;+:yfsf] gfd |
Designation |
Estimated annual income |
kb |
cg'dflgt jflif{s cfDbfgL |
In case the applicant is minor gfjfnssf] xsdf
Name of guardian
;+/Ifssf] gfd
Date of attaining majority
jflnu x'g] ldlt
FOR FIXED DEPOSIT d'2tL lgIf]ksf] nflu
Period Year
cjl3 aif{
Mode of deposit
/sd hDdfsf] tl/sf
Month Currency
dlxgf d'b|f
Debit my account No.
d]/f] vftf g+=af6 vr{
Interest rate |
% p.a. |
aflif{sJofh b/ |
Interest on fixed deposit |
Monthly |
Quarterly |
Half yearly |
Yearly |
On maturity |
Others |
Jofh e'QmfgL |
dfl;s |
q}dfl;s |
cw{aflif{s |
aflif{s |
;dflKtdf |
cGo |
Interest payment instruction
Jofh e'QmfgL ug{] lgb{]zg
Managers Cheque
Dofg]h;{s r]
Credit account No.
vftf g+= df hDdf ug{]
Principal payment instruction |
Managers Cheque |
Credit account No. |
;fjfF/sd e'QmfgL ug{]lgb{]zg |
Dofg]h;{s r] |
vftf g+= df hDdf ug |
{]{ |
] |
Account operation |
Singly |
Jointly |
Special instruction: |
vftf ;~rfng ;DaGwL |
Psn |
;+o'Qm |
ljif]z lgb{]zg |
Statement instruction |
Collect |
Email |
vftfsf] ljj/0f ;DalGw lgb{]zg |
cfkm}n] a'e\mg] |
O{d]n dfk{mt |
I have read your Bank's conditions for conduct of Account and I agree to abide by the Bank's rules. I agree to comply with the prevalent rules of the Bank in force from time to time regarding conduct of the Account and agree to abide
by them. All required documents are enclosed herewith. d}n]a}+ssf]vftf ;~rfng ;DaGwL zt{x? k9]+/ a}+ssf]lgod kfngf ug]{5' . d a}+ssf] ;do ;dodf nfu'x'g] lgodx? dfGg] 5' / To; adf]lhd dfGg d~h'/ ug{]5' .
Name gfd |
Authorised Signature cflwsf/Ls b:tvt |
General Conditions Governing the account vftf ;~rfng ;DalGw lgodx?
Required Document cfjZos sfuhftx?
1.Identification document – citizenship certificate or valid passport. kl/rokq – gful/stfsf]k|df0fkq, jf /fxbfgL .
2.Two recent passport size photographs. xfn;fn} lvr]sf] kf;kf]6{;fOhsf] b'O{ k|lt kmf]6f]
3.Employee identification card, if an employee. sd{rf/L ePdf sd{rf/L kl/ro kq
Terms and conditions zt{ / aGb]hx?
1.The laws and regulations of Nepal and customs and procedures common to banks in Nepal will apply to and govern
the conduct of accounts opened with the bank. vftf ;~rfng k|rlnt g]kfn sfg"g, lgod,lgb]{zg tyf a}+lsË k|rng cGt{ut x'g]5 .
2.The account holders can only withdraw sums from his/her/their account by means of cheques and other means
acceptable to the Bank for that particular account. vftfjfnfn]a}+sn]pknJw u/fPsf]r]s tyf a}+sn]k|bfg u/]sf]tyf a}+snfO{ :jLsfo{ cGo dfWod k|of]u u/]/ dfq cfkmgf] vftfjf6 /sd lemSg ;Sg]5 .
3.Cheques should be fully signed as per the specimen signature(s) supplied to the bank and any alteration in the cheque
must be authenticated by the drawer’s full signature. r]sdf a}+snfO{k|bfg ul/Psf]b:tvt gd"gf cg';f/sf]x:tfIf/ xg'kg]{
5 / r]sdf s'g} km]/jbn ePdf km]/abn ePsf] 7fpFdf ;f]xL cg';f/ x:tfIf/ u/]sf] x'g'kg]{ 5 .
4.Post dated, stale and mutilated cheques shall not be paid. Cheques bearing a date 6 months before the date of
presentation are considered as stale cheques and future dated cheques are considered post dated cheques. eljiosf]
ldltdf lvlrPsf], Dofb ;lsPsf]/ ljlu|Psf]r]ssf]e'QmfgL x'g]5}g . r]s lvr]sf]ldlt ^ -5_ dlxgf eGbf cl3sf]ePdf Dofb ;lsPsf] / r]s lvlrPsf] ldlt k]z ul/Psf] ldlt eGbf kl5sf] ePdf eljiosf] ldltdf lvlrPsf] r]s 7x5{ .
5.Cheques/Debit/Credit cards issued by the bank is the responsibility of account holder to keep them in safe custody at all times. The account holder should immediately notify the bank if such instruments are stolen or lost. The bank shall register a written instruction from the account holder to stop payment on account of any instrument issued. The bank shall not be liable for any loss due to payment on account of any lost or stolen instrument if the payment is made
prior to receipt of such instruction or unless bank has at-least two hours time available to act on the request. a}+sn]
pknAw u/fPsf]r]s, 8]lj6 sf8{, s|]l86 sf8{x? h'g;'s};dodf klg ;'/Iffk'j{s /fVg'vftfjfnfsf]st{Jo xf]. pNn]lvt ;fwgx? x/fP jf rf]/L ePdf t'?Gt a}+snfO{vj/ ug'{kg]{5 . o:tf]hfgsf/L k|fKt eP kl5 a}+sn]vj/ ul/Psf ;fwgjf6 /sd lemSg gkfpg]hgfO{pknJw u/fPsf]hfgsf/L clen]v ug]{5 t/ hfgsf/L clen]v u/fpg'k'j{/ hfgsf/L clen]v u/fPsf]@ 306f ;Dd x/fPsf] rf]l/Psf] ;fwg k|of]u u/L e'QmfgL ePsf] /x]5 eg] a}+s hjfkmb]xL x'g]5}g .
6.The bank shall take due care to see that credit and debit entries are correctly recorded in accounts. In case of any error, the bank shall be within its rights to make the correct adjusting entries without notice and recover any amount
due from the account holders. The bank shall not be held liable for any damage or loss due to such errors. vftfjfnsf]
vftfdf /sd hDdf ePsf]/ lems]sf]clen]v b'\/:t ug{a}+sn]plrt ;fjwfgL ckgfpg'g]5 t/ /sd lems]sf]÷hDdf u/]sf]clen]v unt x'g uPdf vftfjfnsf]k'j{;"rgf ljgfg}a}+sn]clen]v ;RrfO b'?:t ug{;Sg]5 . ;fy}vftfjfnn]a}+snfO{/sd a'emfpg kg]{ ePdf a}+sn]vftfjfnsf]vftfaf6 c;'n pk/ ug{;Sg]5 . oL sfo{af6 ePsf]xfgL gf]S;fgL k|lt a}+s hjfkmb]xL x'g]5}g .
7.Any change in the address of account holders should be immediately communicated to the bank. The post office and other agents for delivery shall be considered agents of the account holders for all delivery of letters, remittance etc.
and no responsibility shall be accepted by the bank for any loss due to delay or non delivery. vftfjfnn]cfkmgf]7]ufgfdf
s'g}kl/jt{g ePdf t'?Gt a}+snfO{;'lrt ug'{kg]{5 . vftfjfnnfO{a'emfpg'kg]{s'g}kq, tyf sfuhft x'nfs jf cGo dfWodjf6 k7fOg]5 / o;/L k7fOPsf]sfuhft÷kq vftfjfnn]l9nf]k|fKt u/]df jf k|fKt gu/]df x'g]Iflt k|lt a}+s hjfkmb]lx x'g]5}g .
8.In the absence of a contract to the contrary which may have been brought to the notice of the bank by all operators of the joint account, on death of one or more of them, the credit balance in any account in the name of two or more persons shall be payable equally to the survivors and lawfully appointed nominees or successors of the deceased. If there is a debit balance, the surviving operators and the successors of deceased account holder shall be jointly
liable for repayment. ;+o'Qm vftfsf]/sd a}+snfO{pknJw u/fOPsf];fem]bf/x? jLr cGoyf s/f/ ePsf]df afx]s s'g}
;fem]bf/sf]d[To'ePdf vftfdf /x]sf]/sddf ;j};+o'Qm vftfjfnx?sf]j/fj/Lsf]b/n]xs nfUg]5 / o:tf]/sd d[To'ePsf ;+o'Qm vftfjfnn]a}+snfO{OR5fPsf]eP OR5fPsf] JolQmnfO{/ OR5fPsf]/x]g5 jf OR5fPsf]JolQmsf]klg d[To'e};s]sf] /x]5 eg]sfg"g adf]lhd xsjfnfnfO{e'QmfgL lbOg]5 / olb vftfjf6 vftfdf /x]sf]eGbf a9L /sd e'QmfgL ePsf]eP sfg"g adf]lhdsf] xsjfnfn] ;+o'Qm ?kdf a}+ssf] /sd e'QmfgL ug{ pQ/bfoL x'g]5 .
9.The bank reserves the right to refuse to open or to close without prior notice any account which, in its opinion, is not being satisfactorily operated or for any other reasons whatsoever which shall not be incumbent on the bank to disclose to the account
holders. s;}sf]vftf vf]Ng OGsf/ ug]{/ k'j{;'rgf ljgf aGb ug]{clwsf/ a}+sdf /xg]5 / o;sf]sf/0f pNn]v ul//xg a}+s afWo x'g]5}.
10.The funds in an account would be considered by the bank to be security for all the obligations at present or in future of the account holder to the bank and in the event of the dishonor of such obligations the bank is entitled to utilize such funds against the obligations of the account holder to the bank without notice to the account holder. vftfjfnsf]
vftfdf /x]sf]/sd vftfjfnfsf]a}+sk|ltsf]xfn / eljiosf]bfoLTjsf]nflu ;"/If0f dflgg]5 / o:tf bfoLTjx?sf]kfngf vftfjfnn] gu/]df vftfjfnnfO{ ;"rgf glbOsg} vftfdf /x]sf] /sdjf6 o:tf bfoLTjx?sf] k'lt{ ul/g]5 .
11.Statements of account shall be provided on a quarterly basis unless otherwise advised or in such frequency as the bank may determine from time to time. Statements to the agent of account holders shall be provided only after obtaining authority from the authorized signatory/ies. A fee according to the banks prevalent schedule of charges shall be levied for each duplicate statement. Periodic statements of account shall be considered correct unless the bank receives a verified submission to the contrary in writing acceptable to the bank from the customer within 15 days from dispatch
of statement. vftfjfnn]cGoyf cg'/f]w u/]df jf ;do ;dodf a}+sn]tf]sf]df] afx]sf vftfsf]sf/f]jf/sf]ljj/0f vftfjfnnfO{
q}dfl;s ?kdf pknAw u/fpg]5 . vftfjfnsf]clwsf/ k|fKt u/]sf]JolQmnfO{vftfjfnsf]:jLs[tL lnP/ dfq sf/f]af/sf]ljj/0f k|bfg ul/g]5 . vftfsf]ljj/0f Pp6f eGbf al9 cfj:os k/]df a}+sn];do ;dodf tf]sf]]z'Ns lnO{pknJw u/fpg]5 . o:tf] ljj/0f pknJw u/fPsf] !% lbg leq vftfjfnn] lnlvt ?kdf cGoyf ghgfPdf ljj/0f ;xL ePsf] dflgg]5 .
Authorized signature cflwsf/Ls b:tvt
12.If there is no debit transaction in the account for one year or above, the account shall become dormant. The account operators shall be required to be present in person and make a written request to the bank to activate the account. Ps aif{jf ;f]eGbf
a9L ;do;Dd vftfjf6 8]lj6 sf/f]jf/ gePdf vftfjfn a}+sdf pkl:yt e}lnlvt?kdf vftf ;+rfngsf]nflu cg'/f]w gu/];Dd vftf ;+rfng x'g] 5}g .
13.Closing requests along with the unused cheque book/Debit/Credit card provided by the bank in relation to the account has to be submitted to close the account. Account closing charge will be levied as per the banks prevailing schedule of charges. vftf
jGb ug{k/]df pknJw u/fPsf]dWo]afFsL r]sx? ÷ 8]lj6 sf8{÷s|]l86 sf8{;+nUg u/L lnlvt ?kdf cg'/f]w ug'{kg]{5 . vftf aGb ug]{ z'Ns a}+sn] ;do ;dodf tf]s] adf]lhdsf] x'g]5 .
14.Accounts of illiterate person shall be opened at the discretion of Bank. Such account holder(s) shall be required to be present in person to make withdrawals and shall have to apply his/her thumb impression on the cheques in the presence of bank
officials. clzlIft JolQmsf]vftf vf]Ng]clwsf/ a}+snfO{x'g]5 . o:tf]vftfaf6 /sd lemSbf vftfjfn :jo+a}+sdf r]sdf a}+s clwsf/Lsf] /f]xj/df Nofkr] nufpg' kg{]5 .
15.Accounts may be automatically closed if they carry a nil balance for more than 6 months and there appears to be no reason
to continue maintaining the same. 5 dlxgfeGbf jl9 ;do ;Dd vftfdf s'g}/sd g/x]df :jtM vftf aGb ug{;lsg]5 .
16.The account shall be subject to commission and/or service charge(s) for the service availed from the bank as per the banks
prevalent schedule of charges. a}+s vftf ;+rfng u/L a}+saf6 ;]jf k|fKt u/]jfkt ;do ;dodf tf]s]adf]lhdsf];]jf z'Ns÷sdLzg a}+sn] vftfaf6 s§f u/L lng;Sg]5 .
17.If conflicting instructions are issued by any of the signatories, the bank may stop the operation of the account until the dispute is resolved to the satisfaction of the bank. The customer shall be both jointly and severally liable for the payment of any charges
together with interest thereon. vftf ;+rfnsn]a}+snfO{s'g}ljjfbLt / c:k:6 lgb]{zg lbPdf / a}+snfO{dfGo x'g]u/L o:tf]ljjfb
jf c:k:6tfsf];dfwfg geP;Dd a}+sn]vftf ;+rfng ug{/f]Sg ;Sg]5 . o; ;DaGwdf s'g}z'Ns nfu]df vftfjfnx? JolQmut / ;fd"lxs?kdf lhDd]jf/ x'g]5g\ .
18.In respect of accounts opened in the name of minors, the bank shall be entitled to act on the instruction received from the guardian named on the account opening form until such time that the bank receives written information from the guardian or
the minor himself/herself after attaining 16 years of age. gfjfns vftfjfnsf]gfddf vftf vf]lnPsf]df vftf vf]Ng]kmf/ddf pNn]lvt ;+/Ifsn]/ gfjfns !^ aif{k'u]kl5 lghn]lnlvt ?kdf cGoyf lgb]{zg lbPdf afx]s vftf vf]Ng]kmf/ddf pNn]lvt lgb]]{zg cg';f/ vftf ;+rfng x'g]5 .
19.The bank shall have no liability or responsibility for loss or damage incurred to the account holder(s) in the event of any failure, interruption or delay in performance of any instruction resulting from breakdown, failure or malfunction of any telecommunications or computer system or from any circumstances resulting from acts of God whatsoever not reasonably under the banks control.
b'/;+rf/, sDKo'6/ jf cGo k|fljlws u8j9L jf b}jL aLkQL cflbsf]sf/0faf6 vftfjfnsf]s'g}lgb{]zg kfngf ug{/f]s ePdf jf u8a9L jf l9nf;':tL ePdf vftfjfnnfO{ k'Ug uPsf] IftL jf gf]S;fgLsf nflu a}+s hjfkmb]xL x'g]5}g .
20.The bank shall make endeavors to preserve the secrecy of the account. Nevertheless the bank shall disclose any information as required by investigating or government authority, provided the bank believes it is obliged to release such information
according to the law. a}+sn]vftfjfnsf]sf/f]jf/sf]uf]klgotf sfod /fVg zts{tf ckgfpg]5 . t/ ;/sf/L clwsf/Ln]5fgjLgsf]qmddf
dfu u/]sf]df jf sfg"g adf]lhd ljj/0f pknJw u/fpg o;n] s'g} afwf kfg]{ 5}g .
21.The bank shall not be liable for any loss resulting from dealing in the account in the event of an account holders death unless and until the bank has received written information of any such event along with such documents as required by the bank.
s'g}vftfjfnsf]d[To'ePsf]s'/f cfj:os sfuhft ;lxt a}+snfO{hfgsf/L gu/fPsf]cj:yf df ePsf]sf/f]jf/jf6 vftfjfnnfO{ePsf] xfgL gf]S;fgL k|lt a}+s hjfkmb]xL x'g} 5}g .
22. Interest shall be calculated to the depositor’s savings account as per the bank’s policy as per Nepali calendar and credited on a quarterly basis or as directed by NRB from time to time. Interest payment is subject to Government tax. vftfjfnsf]art
vftfdf a}+ssf]lgod adf]lhd g]kfnL kfqf]cg';f/ Jofh u0fgf u/L q}dfl;s ?kdf jf ;do ;dodf k|fKt g]kfn /fi6«a}+ssf]lgb{]zg cg';f/ hDdf ul/g]5 . o;/L u0fgf ePdf] Jofhdf tf]lsPsf] s/ s§f ul/g]5 .
23.The rate of interest payable on the account shall be published in a national daily from time to time and the rate is subject to
change without prior notice. a}+sn]k|bfg ug]{Jofhb/ ;do ;dodf a}+sn]s'g}Ps /fli6«o b}lgs klqsfdf k|sflzt ug]{5 . a}+sn]o:tf]
Jofhb/ vftfjfnnfO{ k'j{ ;"rgf ljgf g} kl/jtg{ klg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
24.The bank reserves the right to alter any or all the terms and conditions specified above without prior notice and such altered or additional rules shall thereafter be immediately deemed to be binding on all account holders. vftfjfnnfO{k'j{;"rgf glbOsg}
dfly pNn]lvt s'g}zt{tyf aGb]hx? kl/jt{g ug]{clwsf/ a}+sdf lglxt /xg]5 . o;/L kl/jlt{t jf yk ul/Psf]zt{t'?Gt k|rngdf cfPsf] dflgg]5 / vftfjfnnfO{ nfu' x'g]5 .
Declaration pb\3f]if0f
1.I/we hereby confirm that the information given in the application form is true and correct. d÷xfdLn]b/vf:t kmf/ddf pknAw
u/fPsf] ;'Rfgf tyf hfgsf/Lx? ;To / l7s 5 elg k'li6 ub{5' .
2.The Banks conditions for conduct of account have been read and I/we agree to abide by the rules. vftf ;+rfng ;DjGwL a}+ssf]
zt{ tyf lgb]{zgx? k9]+ ÷ a'em] . oL zt{ tyf lgb]{zgx?sf] kfngf ug{ :jLs[lt hgfpb5' ÷5f}+ .
3.I/We agree to comply with the rules of the bank in force from time to time regarding conduct of account and agree to abide
by them. a}+s vftf ;+rfng ;DaGwdf a}+sn] ;do ;dodf nfu' ug]{ gLlt tyf lgb]{zgx? d ÷xfdLnfO{ dfGo x'g]5g\ .
4.All required documents are enclosed herewith.;j} cfjZos sfuhftx? o;} ;fy ;+nUg 5g\ .
Authorized signature cflwsf/Ls b:tvt