For use of this form, see NGR 6 0 0 -2 2 / A NGI 3 6 -3, the pro po nent agency is NGB-EO
Any military member w ho reaso nably believes a perso nnel action (including the w ithholdin g of an actio n) w as taken or threatened in reprisal for making or preparin g to make a law ful communicatio n to a Member of Congress, an Inspector General (IG), or any member of an audit, inspection, investigation or law enforcement organization w ithin DoD, any Eq ual Opportu nity or Military Equal Opp ortunity of fice, or to their chain of command, may file a complaint w ith the Air Force or Army IG, (as ap propriate), or sub ordinate level IG, u nder the provisions of AFI 9 0 -3 0 1 or AR 2 0 -1 respectively, or w ith the Inspector General, Department of Defense (IG, DoD) u nder the provisions of Title 10, United States Co de, Sectio n 1 0 34, and Department of Defense Directive (DoDD) 7 05 0 . 6, Military Whistleblow er Protectio n.
You are advised that if you elect to file your complaint w ith the IG, DoD, up on review of your complaint, the IG, DoD can either accept the complaint or deny DoD consideratio n and refer your complaint to the A ir Force or Army IG for consideratio n. If the IG, DoD grants DoD-level consideratio n, the IG, DoD may either investigate the complaint themselves or refer the complaint to the Army or A ir Force for investigation, w hile maintaining oversight . The electio n to file w ith the IG, DoD is o ptio nal; h ow ever, if you elect to file the complaint w ith the IG, DoD, you must file the complaint w ithin 60 days of becomin g aw are of the person nel action (that is the basis of the allegatio n). Regardless of w hich office cond ucts the investigation the same reprisal process w ill be used. How ever, acceptance of your complaint by IG, DoD entitles yo u to the follow ing statutory provisions: rig ht to appeal Air Force or Army Boards for Correction of Military Records findin g to the Secretary of Defense and receive a redacted copy of the ROI and at tachments.
If yo u elect to file w ith IG, DoD, you are resp onsible for forw ardin g all documents relating to yo ur reprisal complaint to their of fice. Army or Air Force IG of ficials w ill assist you u pon your request . You sho uld read DoDD 7 0 5 0. 6, and follow the instructio ns co ntained therein.
Department of Defense Inspector General
At tention: DoD Hotline
1 9 00 Defense Pentago n
Washington DC 2 0 3 0 1-1 9 0 0
You are further advised that yo u may file a complaint of reprisal for having engaged in a protected Eq ual Op portu nity activity w ith an Inspector General at any level. How ever, if the reprisal actio n w hich yo u allege d oes n ot pertain to " takin g or threatening to take an adverse person nel action against you, or w ithh olding or threatening to w ith hold a favorable perso nnel actio n from you," the reprisal action of w hich you complain w ill not meet the " acid test" used in an Inspector General investigatio n. That is, if the reprisal actio n w hich you allege consists of a h ostile w orking environment or vario us forms of harassment, com mander-co nd oned peer reprisal, etc., or if the personnel actio n w hich is the basis of yo ur allegation of reprisal resulted in ending your military membership in the National Guard, and yo ur status is now a former military member of the National Guard, then you sho uld file your complaint w ithin Equal Opportunity channels.
I have read and u nderstand the above reprisal complaint procedures.
I [w ill] or [w ill not] file my complaint w ith my EO or MEO Of ficer. ( Ci rcl e o ne an d in iti al)