Navigating the path to employment can often start with a comprehensive application form, a reality that holds true with the Norbord Application for Employment. Designed to provide a detailed overview of prospective employees to Norbord, a leading manufacturer in the wood-based products industry, this form is an essential step for anyone looking to secure a position within the company. It comprises sections for personal details, including contact information and national insurance number, which lay the groundwork for the employer to get a basic understanding of the applicant. The form further delves into the applicant’s educational background, professional memberships, current and previous employment details, thereby painting a broader picture of the individual’s professional landscape. Prospective employees are encouraged to elucidate on their skills, experience, and the reasons they are drawn to the position, offering a narrative to their professional journey. Interests and health information are also requested, providing a holistic view of the candidate. Notably, it includes queries about any criminal offenses, underlining the importance of transparency and trustworthiness in potential employees. A Declaration section reinforces the need for honesty in the application process, reminding applicants that the information provided must be accurate and truthful. Finally, the form concludes by requesting referee details, concluding the comprehensive process designed to ensure that Norbord attracts and evaluates candidates thoroughly and fairly. This application form is not only a tool for evaluation but serves as a reflection of the company’s commitment to a detailed and transparent hiring process.
Question | Answer |
Form Name | Norbord Application Form |
Form Length | 4 pages |
Fillable? | No |
Fillable fields | 0 |
Avg. time to fill out | 1 min |
Other names | publix application print out, hhc appications comfort keepers printable, norbord careers, norboard |
aPPlication for eMPloyMent
PosT aPPlied For |
PrePared To WorK |
Full TiMe ParT TiMe |
sHiFTWorK |
1. Personal Details (block caPitals) |
TiTle (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms etc.) |
HoMe TelePHoNe NuMber |
FirsT NaMe |
Mobile TelePHoNe NuMber |
surNaMe |
NaTioNal iNsuraNce NuMber |
address |
curreNT driviNg liceNce? |
Yes |
No |
TYPe |
ProvisioNal |
Full |
Hgv |
aNY eNdorseMeNTs? |
Yes |
No |
PosTcode |
use oF a car? |
Yes |
No |
2. seconDary eDucation
FroM |
To |
level oF eXaM
subJecTs WiTH grades or baNds
3. further / eDucation
FroM |
To |
college or uNiversiTY
QualiFicaTioN & grade
daTe aWarded
4. MeMbershiP of Professional boDies
NaMe oF iNsTiTuTe ProFessioNal bodY
class oF MeMbersHiP
MeTHod oF adMissioN
daTe aWarded
5. Present eMPloyMent
NaMe & address oF eMPloYer
Job TiTle
Period oF NoTice reQuired
curreNT salarY / beNeFiTs
MaiN duTies & resPoNsibiliTies
reasoN For WisHiNg To leave
6. Previous eMPloyMent
Starting with most recent first
FroM To
NaMe & address oF eMPloYer
Job TiTle
brieF descriPTioN
oF duTies
reasoN For leaviNg
7. further inforMation
Please give a general statement about the way in which you consider your skills, knowledge and experience relevant to this post and your reasons for applying. You may wish to include reference to experience gained at work or in a voluntary capacity, details of any education or training undertaken. use additional sheets if necessary.
8. interests / hobbies
Please give details of pastimes, sports etc.
ofices held in social / sports clubs etc.
9. health
How many days of absence have you had as a result of illness during the past two years? |
Have you been absent through illness for more than two consecutive weeks during the past two years? |
Yes |
No |
If YES please give details |
are you aware of any medical condition that could affect your performance at work? |
Yes |
No |
If YES please give details |
Please indicate if you need any special help or assistance should you be short listed for interview |
10.criMinal offences |
Have you been convicted of a criminal offence? |
Yes |
No |
If your answer to the above was YES please give details (offence, judgement, date) |
Declaration is subject to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act. |
One of your referees must be your present or most recent employer. Contact will only be made with your permission
NaMe |
NaMe |
PosiTioN |
PosiTioN |
address |
address |
TelePHoNe NuMber |
TelePHoNe NuMber |
caPaciTY iN WHicH You KNoW THe above |
caPaciTY iN WHicH You KNoW THe above |
i declare that all information contained in this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. i understand that false information may result in subsequent dismissal without notice or withdrawal of any offer of appointment.
i understand that Norbord ltd will require to process the information which i have given in this application form, for the purpose of deter- mining my suitability for employment with the company, in terms of the data Protection act 1998. some of this information may be deemed “sensitive” such as information given in relation to my health and details of criminal convictions.
Notwithstanding, i hereby consent to the company processing my information as it considers necessary for determining this application.
signature |
date |
oNce coMPleTed THis ForM sHould be reTurNed To:
Diane Dick - HR Department
Norbord Ltd, Station Road, Cowie, Stirling FK7 7BQ Tel: 01786 812921. Fax: 01786 815622