Odsp Forms Online Form PDF Details

Between staying on top of paperwork and managing your income, managing finances can be tricky for anyone - but even more difficult if you're relying on the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). It's essential to understand ODSP requirements clearly, from understanding which financial documents are necessary to submitting the right forms. To simplify this process, we’ve broken down everything you need to know about ODSP forms online form submission - including its importance, how long it takes to complete, and tips on how you can save time and stress. Keep reading to make sure that your application is in order before it reaches ODSP offices!

Form NameOdsp Forms Online Form
Form Length4 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min
Other namesodsp application form printable, printable odsp application form, odsp application form 2020 pdf, odsp application form pdf

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Appeal Form



(416) 326­0978

Outside Toronto: 1­800­753­3895


(416) 326­5135

Mail to: Registrar

Social Benefits Tribunal 1075 Bay Street, 7th Floor Toronto ON

M5S 2B1

Please attach copies of the following to this form:

the original Notice of


your request for an internal review and

the Internal review decision (if you received one).

Disponible en français.

Office Use Only

File number

Date post­marked

Before you can appeal to the Tribunal, you must request an internal review by the office that made the original decision.

1. General Information





Last Name

First Name















Postal Code


Telephone (













When were you born?





/ Month


Which Ontario Works or Ontario Disability office do you deal with? Office name

Office address

Case worker's name

Case worker's telephone (





2. Internal Review

What is the date of your Notice of Decision?





/ Month


When did you make your request for an internal review?





/ Month


Did you receive an internal review decision?



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français 2867


Important: If you do not attend your hearing and fail to provide a reasonable explanation for you absence, your appeal will be denied. In addition, you will not be allowed to appeal a subsequent decision on the same issue for two years.

The Social Benefits Tribunal does not have the authority to review all social assistance decisions. We will advise you in writing of the reasons if your appeal cannot be heard.

You must file your appeal within 30 days of the end of the internal review period. If you do not do so, you must explain why you were late filing. The Tribunal may extend the time for filing this appeal, if it is satisfied that there is a reasonable explanation for the delay.

3. Your Reasons for Appealing

What are you appealing? Ontario Works

Ontario Disability Support Program (disability, seniors or children with severe disabilities).

Why are you appealing? Check all the boxes that apply to you.

I was refused assistance.

My assistance has been cancelled.

My assistance has been reduced.

My assistance is on hold.

I have an overpayment.

They say I am not disabled.

The amount of my assistance is wrong.


What is the effective date of the decision you are appealing?





/ Month


You must explain what you disagree with in the original decision and why. Use the space below and attach additional pages if necessary.

Will you need any of the following services at the hearing?








Sign language interpreter

Wheelchair access























The Social Benefits Tribunal collects the personal information requested on this form under the Ontario Works Act, 1997 or the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997. It will be used for the purpose of conducting the appeal and will be shared with the respondent. If you have any questions, please contact the FIPP representative at the Tribunal at 1­800­753­3895.

This completes the appeal section. If you are experiencing financial hardship, see section 4 on Interim assistance.

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Interim assistance is financial help you may be eligible to receive while waiting for your appeal to be concluded.

The Tribunal may order that you receive interim assistance if you will experience financial hardship as a result of the original decision made by your local office. To assess your request for interim assistance, the Tribunal requires detailed financial information.

You will be notified in writing of the Tribunal's decision regarding interim assistance.

Note: If you lose your appeal, your interim assistance shall be assessed as an overpayment.

4. Application for Interim Assistance

Describe your household. How many people, including yourself, have you applied on behalf of?




Check the box beside those sentences that best describe you situation.

I am looking for work.

I am in an employment assistance program.

I am attending school







high school




I am under 18 and cannot live at home.




I am working, but earn less than the Ontario Works entitlement.


• Are you receiving any money at all?





If you live with your spouse/same­sex partner, is he/she receiving any money?



If you or your spouse/same­sex partner are receiving money, please provide details of your household income below. Include the amount you receive, when you last received it and how often you receive this income.

Type of Income


Date Last

Weekly, Monthly,




or Other (Specify)

Example: Income A

$ 100.00

June 1






Earnings from a job








Vacation pay








Ontario Works (OW)








Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)








Workplace Safety & Insurance Benefits (WSIB)








Employment Insurance








Canada Pension Plan








Disability insurance (other than CPP, WSIB)








Support payments








Trust fund income








Ontario Student Assistance Plan (OSAP)








Rental/boarder income








Borrowed money








Foreign Pension








Self­employment earnings
























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Will you be receiving any money next month that you have not already listed?

Yes What type?


Amount $




Provide the details below of the assets you or any member of your household have.

Bank accounts (personal and business)


Stocks, bonds, GICs




Land or property other than your home


Other (specify)


How much money do you pay each month for:





Property taxes



Room and board $









Other (specify)



Are you behind in any of your payments or unable to pay these expenses?

Yes What expenses have you been late paying or unable to pay?


Have you received an eviction notice or notice that your electricity or other service will be shut off?

Yes Provide details


Please provide any additional information that you feel the Tribunal should know regarding your financial circumstances.





The Social Benefits Tribunal collects the personal information requested on this form under the Ontario Works Act, 1997 or the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997. It will be used in determining interim assistance. If you have any questions, please contact the FIPP representative at the Tribunal at 1­800­753­3895.

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How to Edit Odsp Forms Online Form Online for Free

You may work with odsp application form 2021 without difficulty with our online editor for PDFs. We at FormsPal are aimed at making sure you have the absolute best experience with our editor by continuously adding new features and enhancements. Our tool is now a lot more user-friendly thanks to the latest updates! Now, editing PDF files is simpler and faster than ever before. All it takes is a few basic steps:

Step 1: Click the "Get Form" button above on this page to access our editor.

Step 2: The tool lets you change your PDF in a variety of ways. Enhance it by including customized text, correct original content, and put in a signature - all within the reach of a few mouse clicks!

Be mindful when filling out this form. Make sure that every single blank is done correctly.

1. The odsp application form 2021 usually requires certain details to be typed in. Be sure the following fields are filled out:

Find out how to complete printable odsp application form step 1

2. Right after filling out the last part, go on to the subsequent stage and fill out all required particulars in these blanks - Office address, Disponible en français, Case workers name, Case workers telephone, Internal Review, What is the date of your Notice, Office Use Only, File number, Date postmarked, Day, Month, Year, When did you make your request, Day, and Month.

Writing segment 2 of printable odsp application form

3. This step is generally hassle-free - fill in every one of the empty fields in Important If you do not attend, The Social Benefits Tribunal does, You must file your appeal within, What are you appealing, Ontario Works, Ontario Disability Support Program, Why are you appealing Check all, I was refused assistance My, My assistance has been cancelled, What is the effective date of the, Day, Month, Year, You must explain what you, and Use the space below and attach in order to complete this segment.

The way to fill out printable odsp application form portion 3

4. Your next section will require your attention in the subsequent areas: Will you need any of the, Interpreter, Language, and Dialect. Just remember to give all of the requested information to move onward.

printable odsp application form conclusion process explained (part 4)

Be really mindful when completing Interpreter and Language, since this is the section in which most users make some mistakes.

5. Finally, this final section is what you need to finish prior to closing the document. The fields you're looking at include the next: Sign language interpreter, Wheelchair access, Signature The Social Benefits, Date, This completes the appeal section, and Page of.

Part no. 5 for completing printable odsp application form

Step 3: You should make sure your information is right and then simply click "Done" to continue further. Make a 7-day free trial subscription with us and gain immediate access to odsp application form 2021 - readily available inside your personal cabinet. FormsPal is committed to the personal privacy of all our users; we make sure all personal data processed by our editor remains protected.