Ohio Form Bwc 3907 PDF Details

In the landscape of workers' compensation in Ohio, the BWC 3907 form plays a pivotal role in the management of cases involving injured workers who are receiving temporary total disability compensation. Navigating through the legal requirements set forth by Section 4123.53 (B) of the Ohio Revised Code, this document facilitates a critical exception process whereby the mandatory medical examination, typically required after 90 consecutive days of such compensation, can be waived. Predicated on circumstances such as the injured worker's hospitalization, pending surgery, or an imminent return to work, the waiver process underscores the importance of individual case assessment in determining the necessity of these examinations. Execution of the form necessitates involvement from multiple parties, including the employer or Bureau of Workers' Compensation (BWC) through an authorized representative, and may involve a recommendation from the BWC nurse. Decisions rendered by the BWC—whether to approve or deny the request for a waiver—are documented, underscoring the form's role as a critical piece of the administrative process within the broader context of supporting workers' recovery while ensuring accountability and oversight in the dispensation of disability compensation.

Form NameOhio Form Bwc 3907
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesOhio, bwc 337 form, bwc 337, Revised

Form Preview Example

Waiver of Examination

Statewide Disability Evaluation System

The employer should sign and date the form.

Injured worker name

Claim number

The employer or BWC has waived the medical examination, which Section 4123.53 (B) of the Ohio Revised

Code requires after 90 consecutive days of temporary total disability compensation. The employer or BWC

has waived the exam Temporarily or


for the following reason:

Injured worker remains hospitalized; Injured worker is scheduled for surgery; Injured worker is scheduled to return to work on;



Waiver authorized by:

Employer name


Employer representative


Requested follow-up examination date:

The BWC nurse has recommended to waive the examination.

Signature of self-insured employer or BWC nurse completing form



BWC use only

BWC has approved the request for waiver.

BWC has denied the request for waiver for the following reasons:


BWC-3907 (Rev. 5/29/2009)
