Prequalification Mortgage Paper PDF Details

The journey to home ownership often begins with the step of pre-qualification, a process detailed in the Prequalification Mortgage Paper form provided by the Virginia Housing Development Authority. This detailed document is designed as a comprehensive tool for prospective borrowers to demonstrate their financial readiness and to give lenders an initial overview of their creditworthiness. Applicants are instructed to fill out the form completely, ensuring clarity in their printing, and to include supporting financial documents such as recent pay stubs, W-2s from the last two years, and a signed commitment from their provider. The form requests a multitude of personal data including the borrower's name, contact information, marital status, educational background, and details about their current living situation. It delves further into employment history, both current and previous, for both the borrower and, if applicable, a co-borrower, capturing information about earnings, positions held, and duration of employment. Additionally, it seeks disclosure of any other household income, whether from alimony, child support, or other sources. The document also queries about the applicant's veteran status, any outstanding judgments or bankruptcies, property ownership history, and whether they run a business from their home. A comprehensive inventory of assets alongside current debts and monthly payments rounds off the application, painting a full picture of the applicant's financial health. Despite its thoroughness, it's important to note that completion of this form doesn't constitute an actual loan application but is preliminary to determining eligibility under VHDA's program guidelines, with credit and property eligibility to be assessed upon full application. With sections for borrower and lender signatures, this form serves as an authorization for the lender to verify the provided information, crucial for moving forward in the loan application process.

Form NamePrequalification Mortgage Paper
Form Length4 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min
Other namesAUTORITY, borrowers, acounts, 1978

Form Preview Example





2.Enclose the most recent 30 Pay Stub copy for all borrowers.

3.Enclose copies of your W-2s for the past two years.

4.Signed Commitment from the Provider.

5.SIGN where indicated and return with application.


Borrower's Name:_________________________________________________Birthdate____________________

Social Security #___________________________________Home Phone#___________________________________





Years of School _______

Cell Phone# ____________

Co-Borrower's Name:_____________________________________________Birthdate______________________

Social Security #___________________________________Home Phone#___________________________________





Years of School _______

Cell Phone# ____________

Ages of Children living with you________________________ Number of persons in proposed household__________


Present Address________________________________

Mailing if different_______________________________

City __________________________St_____Zip________


Lived here how long__________________________

Monthly Payment $________________

What best describes your present housing ( check one)

Single family house that I rent Single family house that I own Apartment that I rent

Mobile home on someone elses land

Mobile home on my land



(On permanent foundation? Yes



Live with Family





Prior Address ( If less than two years at present address) _______________________________________________

How long at prior address?_______________________


Employment Borrower




How long employed here________Hourly Rate__________Hours Per Week_______ or Salary____________________

Previous employment (if on current job less than 2 years).




How long employed here________Hourly Rate__________Hours Per Week________or Salary___________________

Employment Co-Borrower




How long employed here_______Hourly Rate__________Hours Per Week________or Salary____________________

Previous employment for Co-Borrower (if on current job less than 2 years)




How long employed here________Hourly Rate_________Hours Per Week_________or Salary___________________

LIST ALL OTHER HOUSEHOLD INCOME (Alimony, child support, disability and etc.)

Please list who receives the income and the source.





Monthly Amount





















Yes or No

Yes or No

Are either of you U.S. Veterans or Reservists?






Are there any outstanding judgments or collections against you?











Have you been declared Bankrupt within the past 7 years?











If yes, date of discharge:______________________________



















Have you had property foreclosed upon or repossessed?







Have you owned a home during the last three years?






Do you operate a business from your home?







Do you have to pay Alimony, Child Support or Separate Maintenance?







If yes, amount paid per month $________________




















Name of Bank or Credit Union

Current Balance


401(K) Value











IRA Value










Value of Stocks and Bonds


















Auto: Make____________ Year______ Value $





Year______ Value $________
















Monthly Debt Payments

Note: Include payroll deducted loans and student loans, even if the payment is deferred.

Paid to:_______________________________________Monthly Payment $_____________Balance $______________

Paid to:_______________________________________Monthly Payment $_____________Balance $______________

Paid to:_______________________________________Monthly Payment $_____________Balance $______________

Paid to:_______________________________________Monthly Payment $_____________Balance $______________

Paid to:_______________________________________Monthly Payment $_____________Balance $______________

Paid to:_______________________________________Monthly Payment $_____________Balance $______________

Paid to:_______________________________________Monthly Payment $_____________Balance $______________

Paid to:_______________________________________Monthly Payment $_____________Balance $______________

Note: Completion of this form does not constitute a loan application. This is a preliminary screening to assist us in deter- mining your eligibility under VHDA's program guidelines. Credit and property eligibility will be determined only after a full loan application has been processed on your behalf.


Part 1 - General Information



Lender Name and Address






601 S. Belvidere Street



Richmond, VA 23220

Part II - Borrower Authorization

I hereby authorize the Lender to verify my past and present employment earning records, bank acounts, stock holdings and any other asset balances that are needed to process my mortagage loan application. I further authorize the Lender to order a consumer credit report and verify other credit information, including past and present mortgage and landlord references. It is understood that a copy of this form will also serve as authorization.

The information the Lender obtains is only to be used in the processing of my application for a mortgage loan.

Borrower Signature___________________________________________________Date _____________________

Co-Borrower Signature________________________________________________Date _____________________

Notice to Borrowers: This is notice to you as required by the Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978 that HUD/FHA has a right of access to financial records held by financial institutions in connection with the consideration or administration of assistance to you. Financial records involving your transaction will be available to HUD/FHA without further notice or authorization but will not be disclosed or released by this institution to another Government Agency or Department without your consent except as required or permitted by law.



I/We hereby consent to the disclosure by the Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA), acting on its own be- half and any of its employees, contractors, agents and representatives to ___________________________________

_________________________________________ of all personal information, including information which may be

covered or protected by federal or state law, about me/us which they may now or hereafter have relating to my application for a loan for the financing of the residence located at__________________________________________

_______________________________________. This consent is given voluntarily and for my/our benefit.

I/We understand that VHDA is not obligated by this consent to make any disclosure of such personal information and shall not be liable for the completeness or correctness of any personal information so disclosed.

This consent:

Does include medical records and information. Does not include medical records and information.

I/We agree that this consent shall remain in effect until the receipt by VHDA of written notice from me/us that this consent has been revoked. A photo-copy or facsimile of this consent shall have the same force

and effect as the original. This consent is executed this _______________day of _______________________, 20_____.



Borrower signature

Co-Borrower signature

How to Edit Prequalification Mortgage Paper Online for Free

The PDF editor helps make creating forms stress-free. It is really an easy task to update the [FORMNAME] file. Keep up with the following steps in an attempt to achieve this:

Step 1: This web page has an orange button that says "Get Form Now". Merely click it.

Step 2: After you have entered the editing page borrowers, you will be able to see each of the actions available for your file inside the top menu.

Create the borrowers PDF and enter the details for each part:

acounts blanks to complete

Include the expected information in the Single family house that I rent, Single family house that I own On, Apartment that I rent Live with, Mobile home on someone elses land, Prior Address If less than two, and How long at prior address CityStZip area.

acounts Single family house that I rent, Single family house that I own On, Apartment that I rent Live with, Mobile home on someone elses land, Prior Address  If less than two, and How long at prior address CityStZip blanks to insert

You'll need to give some data in the box Employment Borrower, EmployerPosition, AddressPhone, CityStZip, How long employed hereHourly, Previous employment if on current, EmployerPosition, AddressPhone, CityStZip, and How long employed hereHourly.

stage 3 to entering details in acounts

The Employment CoBorrower, EmployerPosition, AddressPhone, CityStZip, How long employed hereHourly, Previous employment for CoBorrower, EmployerPosition, AddressPhone, CityStZip, How long employed hereHourly, LIST ALL OTHER HOUSEHOLD INCOME, Name, Source, and Monthly Amount field is the place where both parties can place their rights and obligations.

Entering details in acounts step 4

End by reviewing these fields and submitting the required information: .

Filling in acounts stage 5

Step 3: As you hit the Done button, your ready file can be transferred to any kind of your devices or to email chosen by you.

Step 4: To prevent yourself from possible upcoming challenges, you should definitely hold a minimum of a pair of copies of every file.

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