Puppy Application PDF Details

Deciding to bring a puppy into your home is an exciting and significant decision that requires careful consideration and planning. The Puppy Application form is a comprehensive tool designed to ensure that potential dog owners are well-prepared for the responsibility of owning a dog, specifically an Australian Shepherd. This form prompts applicants to provide detailed information ranging from their previous experience with dogs to their living arrangements, highlighting the importance of a suitable environment for the puppy. It delves into the readiness of an individual or a family to accommodate a puppy’s needs, including exercising, training, housing, and managing allergies. Applicants are asked about their preferences regarding the puppy’s gender and color, and their openness to adopting a puppy that does not meet these preferences. The form explores the applicant’s plans for engaging the dog in activities and whether they are prepared for the challenges of raising a puppy, such as shedding, chewing, and energy levels. It subtly assesses the applicant's commitment through questions on vet care, spending expectations, and how the dog’s presence would fit into the household dynamic, including interactions with children and other pets. Moreover, it gauges the moral stance of the prospective owner on issues like breeding and spaying/neutering, along with logistical concerns such as housing and time the puppy would spend alone. This thorough screening process is crucial for ensuring the long-term welfare of the puppies and aligning them with homes where they will thrive.

Form NamePuppy Application
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namespuppy application forms, breeder puppy application, puppy applications, puppy buyer application

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Puppy Application









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I f y ou cur r ent ly do not ow n any dogs, t ell m e about y our past ex posur e t o dogs and dog ow ner ship?

Hav e y ou ev er ow ned a dog before? ( Yes or No)

I f y es, w hat dog br eeds hav e y ou ow ned?

Do y ou st ill ow n t he dogs? I f not , w hat happened t o t he dogs?

Do y ou cur r ent ly ow n any ot her non - canine anim als? I f Yes, please list t hem .

Hav e y ou ev er ow ned an Aust r alian Shepher d befor e? ( ( Yes or No) )

What m ade y ou decide t o pur chase an Aust r alian Shepher d?

Do y ou pr efer a m ale or a fem ale? Why ?

Do y ou hav e a color pr efer ence? ( Yes or No) What Color ?

Would y ou consider a puppy of anot her color or sex if y our pr efer ences ar e not av ailable? ( Yes or No)

How soon ar e y ou look ing t o get a puppy ?

What act iv it y lev el ar e y ou com fort able w it h in a dog? ( low , m edium , high)

Do y ou int end t o com pet e w it h y our dog? ( Yes or No)

Do y ou plan t o par t icipat e on any of t he follow ing act iv it ies w it h y our Aust r alian Shepher d? ( Cir cle all t hat apply )

Confor m at ion Obedience Her ding Agilit y Tr ack ing Fly ball Therapy Br eeding Ot her :

I f y ou ar e not planning on br eeding or show ing, w ould y ou be w illing t o hav e y our Aust r alian Shepher d Spay ed or Neut er ed? ( Yes or No)

All of our puppies ar e sold on ASCA/ AKC Lim it ed Regist r at ion and spay / neut er agr eem ent s. I s t his a pr oblem ? ( Yes or No) I f Yes, w hy ?

How m any adult s liv e in y our hom e?

How m any childr en liv e in y our hom e and w hat ar e t heir ages?

I s any one in t he hom e aller gic t o dogs? ( Yes or No) I f y es, please ex plain how t he aller gy w ill be cont r olled.

Ar e all t he m em ber s of t he household com for t able ar ound t he pr esence of a puppy t hat could nip, j um p and chew dur ing it s t r aining st ages?

What ar e y our plans for housing, t r aining, and ex er cising y our Aust r alian Shepher d?

How do t he m em ber s of t he fam ily feel about cleaning fecal m at er ial fr om t he y ar d, possible holes being dug in t he landscaping, and pat hs being w or n fr om t he pat t er of paw s ar ound t he y ar d?

Ar e y ou com for t able w it h a br eed t hat sheds m oder at ely ? ( Yes or No)

On av er age, w hat do y ou plan t o spend per y ear on food, v et er inar y car e, and so for t h for y our Aust r alian Shepher d?

How m uch do y ou ex pect t o pay for an Aust ralian Shepher d puppy ?

Hav e y ou spok en w it h any ot her Aust r alian Shepher d br eeder s? ( Yes or No) I f Yes, please list t hem :

Ar e y ou curr ent ly on t he w ait ing list for any ot her lit t er s? ( Yes or No)

Ar e y ou int er est ed in being cont act ed about Rescue dogs or older dogs needing placem ent if w e should com e acr oss a dog t hat w e feel w ould suit y our needs? ( Yes or No)

Do y ou ow n or r ent y our hom e?

Ty pe of dw elling:

House Apar t m ent / Condo Mobile Hom e RV or Tr ailer

I f y ou ar e rent ing or liv e in a condo, do y ou hav e y our landlor d’s or condo associat ion’s per m ission t o k eep a dog? ( Yes or No)

Do y ou have a fenced y ar d? ( Yes or No)

I f y es, t ype of fence, w idt h, height :

I f no, w hat ar r angem ent s w ill y ou hav e for t he dogs t oilet dut ies:

Wher e w ill t his dog spend t he day ( Cir cle all t hat applies)

Loose indoor s Cr at e Basem ent Gar age Fenced Yar d Kennel Run Loose out door s Ot her :

How m any hour s on t he av er age w ill t he dog spend alone?

Wher e w ill dog spend t he night ( Cir cle all t hat applies)

Loose indoor s Tied up out side Crat e Basem ent Gar age Fenced Yar d Kennel Run Loose Out door s Ot her :

Hav e y ou ev er giv en up a dog t o a shelt er or pound? I f so, w hy ?

What t y pe of per sonalit y ar e y ou look ing for in y our dog?

Who w ill t ak e car e of y our puppy w hen y ou go on v acat ion?

Please list t w o r efer ences such as a Vet er inar ian, per son act iv e in dogs or close acquaint ance. I nclude a phone num ber and e- m ail addr ess if possible for each r eference.

I f y ou ar e est ablished w it h a v et , please pr ov ide nam e, addr ess and phone of v et .

How did y ou find out about t his breeding?

Puppy Applicat ion

Nam e _______________________

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How to Edit Puppy Application Online for Free

Our finest web programmers have worked together to make the PDF editor that you'll make use of. The following application makes it simple to obtain puppy breeder application examples forms quickly and efficiently. This is certainly all you need to carry out.

Step 1: First of all, click on the orange "Get form now" button.

Step 2: Right now, it is possible to update the puppy breeder application examples. The multifunctional toolbar makes it possible to include, delete, adjust, highlight, and do several other commands to the text and areas within the document.

The PDF form you plan to prepare will cover the next segments:

step 1 to writing monoitoring forms fpr puppies to become dogs

Add the expected information in the Do you prefer a m ale or a fem ale, Do you have a color preference, and How m any adult s live in your hom segment.

step 2 to finishing monoitoring forms fpr puppies to become dogs

Point out the most crucial details the How m any adult s live in your hom, and Are all t he m em bers of t he field.

How m any adult s live in your hom, and Are all t he m em bers of t he in monoitoring forms fpr puppies to become dogs

The How do t he m em bers of t he fam, Are you com fort able wit h a, and I f you are rent ing or live in a area is the place where both sides can place their rights and obligations.

Completing monoitoring forms fpr puppies to become dogs part 4

Check the areas I f you are rent ing or live in a, What t ype of personalit y are you, Please list t wo references such, I f you are est ablished wit h a, and How did you find out about t his and next fill them out.

monoitoring forms fpr puppies to become dogs I f you are rent ing or live in a, What t ype of personalit y are you, Please list t wo references such, I f you are est ablished wit h a, and How did you find out about t his fields to fill

Step 3: Click the "Done" button. At that moment, you can transfer your PDF document - upload it to your device or forward it by using electronic mail.

Step 4: It may be simpler to maintain copies of your form. You can rest easy that we will not share or view your information.

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