RDP Application Form PDF Details

If you are a business owner or in charge of IT operations, chances are you have heard of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) application. This technology is widely used to provide remote access and allows users to securely connect over any network connection without having to physically be present. In order for proper authentication when installing an RDP application, it is important that your end-users submit an RDP Application Form which provides key pieces of information necessary for secure authorization. Lucky for you, we’ve compiled all the information and steps required to properly complete this process!

Form Name RDP Application Form
Form Length 4 pages
Fillable? No
Fillable fields 0
Avg. time to fill out 1 min
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Form Preview Example

Registrar’s Office Use Only

Prescott College RDP ~ Senior Project Application

This is a Web enabled form! Type directly into fields & use drop-down menus. Through the Senior Project Application, students:

Write a full narrative definition of their competence(s).

Write a narrative description of their senior project that demonstrates competence. Write a liberal arts statement that interprets their educational journey and justifies the granting of a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Fill out a senior project contract.

Formally amend the degree plan to include all alterations that have occurred.

Student Name:
















Title of Project:









Faculty Evaluator*:


*A faculty evaluator is required if the Senior Project instructor is not a Prescott College faculty member.

Is your Writing Certification III paper on file with the Registrar? (Choose one)


In what course did you complete your WCIII paper?

***Remember – you can not register your SPA until your WCIII paper is on file in the Registrar’s Office***

The Senior Project Application consists of the following 4 main parts.

Your Senior Project Application and Contract with all required signatures.

The 3 required essays (please see the student handbook for details on the required content of the senior project essays).

A final degree plan. This final DP consists of a new DP form that lists all of the courses you actually took, along with a DP amendment cover page that lists the differences between this final DP and the original, approved DP.

The Senior Project Checklist initialed by your advisor.

Your IGC must initial their approval of the first 3 parts of the SPA in the space below.

IGC Member IGC Approval


SP Contract


3 Essays


Final DP









Printed Name







2nd Faculty








Printed Name















Printed Name







Revised 04/01/09


Prescott College RDP ~ Senior Project Contract

1.This form must be typed, with all information completed and all signatures as required.

2.Use the attached checklist as a guide. The checklist must be reviewed and initialed by your advisor and submitted with this contract.

3.Upon completion of the form, submit as follows: 1 copy to your advisor, 1 copy for your own files and the signed original hardcopy to the Registrar’s Office. Be sure to save a copy of this contract in electronic format as well.

4.If the instructor is not a regular Prescott College faculty member:

a.You must provide them with a Mentor Packet (available in the Registrar’s Office).

b.You must submit your mentor’s resume and W-9 to the Registrar with this contract.

Year: Select

Term: Select

Session: Select

Credits: Select








Current Phone #: (



Title of Project:






Intended Graduation Date:05,2009

Program: Adventure Education





*Faculty Evaluator:





Letter Grade Requested? Select


How many hours will you meet with your instructor each week?

Hours / Week


*A faculty evaluator is required if the Senior Project instructor is not a Prescott College faculty member.



Does this S.P. involve use of any on-campus labs or studios? No If “yes” a standard facility use fee will be applied.

Does this S.P. involve use of Prescott College’s Kino Bay facility? No If “yes” a standard facility use fee will be applied.

Does this S.P. involve international travel or domestic contact with another culture? No If “yes” attach Form A: Application for Study Abroad / Intercultural Study.

Does this S.P. involve human services activities? No

If “yes” attach Form B: Malpractice Liability Statement. Does this S.P. involve technical or field-based activities? No If “yes” attach Form C: Risk Management Review Form.

May we make your Senior Project a public example for other students to consult? Yes

Course Description: (As it will appear on your transcript; maximum 150 words. Must be written in 3rd person.)

Goals & Objectives: What do you want to accomplish or learn in this course? What new knowledge and skills do you expect to gain as a result of this senior project?

Activities: What specific activities will you do to fulfill the above objectives? Describe at least one activity to meet each objective.

Evaluation: On what basis do you want to be evaluated? Strictly on documented completion of your activities? On the basis of your instructor’s qualitative judgment? A test? A combination of these? If you requested a grade, identify basis for assigning higher or lower grades, and basis also for upper or lower division.

Revised 04/01/09


Bibliography: List the reading you will be doing as part of this senior project (additional listings may be added as the project progresses).

Intercultural Studies: Does this study involve international travel or domestic contact with another culture? If so you must satisfy Intercultural Studies requirements and receive your signed participation form. No

If yes, do you meet the Intercultural Studies requirements? No

*If you answered yes to the above questions, please attach approval form.

Risk Management Review: In addition to being subject to the normal review process, Senior Projects that involve international, human services, or field work must be reviewed by the Risk Management Director. If your Senior Project involves one of these types of work, please turn in Form A, B, or C by the date listed in the Student Handbook to the Risk Management Director for review. Note: The Risk Management Director does not need to review your entire Senior Project, just the necessary risk forms. The due date for this review is early in the process. Check the Student Handbook for the current due date.

Is this an off campus, field, or international study? No

If yes, provide your off-campus address and phone number where you may be contacted for the duration of this study:

() -

Instructor Information: If the instructor is not a regular Prescott College faculty member, check with the RDP Dean’s Office to determine if he/she is currently on the adjunct faculty list. If not, you will need to obtain a résumé and W-9 from the instructor, and attach it to this contract.

Instructor is: Select (attach résumé and W-9 if not on file and provide instructor with Mentor Packet)

IMPORTANT: Be sure to fill in ALL instructor information below.

Instructor phone : ( ) -Instructor email:

Instructor Address:

Required Signatures














Faculty Evaluator:










*Note to advisor: Do not sign until S.P. checklist (final page) is completed with your initials

Revised 04/01/09


Prescott College RDP

Senior Project Checklist

(To be completed by the student’s advisor)

Initial Here

All personal and course information (including identification of mentor) is complete.

The mentor is appropriately qualified to instruct this Senior Project.

If the mentor is not on file, his or her resume/C.V. and signed W-9 are attached.

The student has appropriately assessed the need for completion of Risk

Management forms: A (International/Intercultural), B (Human Services) and C (Backcountry/Technical).

If the mentor is not an RDP faculty member, a faculty evaluator has been identified on the contract.

The student has the academic background necessary to succeed in this Senior Project.

This Senior Project is academically sound with appropriate goals and objectives, activities and methods for evaluation.

There is an appropriate preliminary bibliography.

The course description is appropriate for inclusion in the student’s official transcript (written in the 3rd person without errors in spelling and grammar).

The mentor and student (and faculty evaluator if applicable) have signed the contract.

Revised 04/01/09


How to Edit RDP Application Form Online for Free

Once you open the online tool for PDF editing by FormsPal, you're able to fill in or edit apply for rdp house online here. We at FormsPal are dedicated to providing you the ideal experience with our tool by constantly releasing new capabilities and enhancements. Our editor has become a lot more intuitive thanks to the newest updates! So now, working with documents is simpler and faster than ever. Here's what you'll have to do to get going:

Step 1: Press the "Get Form" button in the top area of this webpage to get into our PDF editor.

Step 2: As you launch the tool, you'll see the document all set to be filled out. Other than filling out different fields, you might also perform several other actions with the PDF, that is adding your own text, editing the original text, adding illustrations or photos, putting your signature on the PDF, and more.

It really is easy to complete the pdf with this helpful guide! Here is what you have to do:

1. You'll want to fill out the apply for rdp house online correctly, so pay close attention while filling out the areas comprising all these fields:

check the status of my housing application completion process described (part 1)

2. Immediately after this array of blank fields is done, go on to enter the suitable details in all these - IGC Approval, Printed Name, Printed Name, Printed Name, IGC Member Advisor nd Faculty, SP Contract, Essays, Final DP, Initials, Initials, Initials, Initials, Initials, Initials, and Initials.

Filling in section 2 in check the status of my housing application

3. This next step is all about a You must provide them with a, Year Select, Term Select, Session Select, Credits Select, Student Title of Project Intended, Program Adventure Education, Current Phone, If yes a standard facility use fee, cid Does this SP involve use of, If yes attach Form A Application, If yes a standard facility use fee, If yes attach Form B Malpractice, cid Does this SP involve technical, and If yes attach Form C Risk - complete every one of these empty form fields.

check the status of my housing application conclusion process shown (part 3)

4. Now fill out the next form section! Here you've got all these Goals Objectives What do you want, Activities What specific, Evaluation On what basis do you, and Revised fields to do.

Writing section 4 in check the status of my housing application

Always be extremely mindful when completing Evaluation On what basis do you and Activities What specific, since this is where many people make mistakes.

5. To conclude your form, this final subsection requires several extra fields. Filling in Bibliography List the reading you, Intercultural Studies Does this, Is this an off campus field or, Instructor Information If the, and Instructor is Select attach résumé will certainly wrap up the process and you'll surely be done in a tick!

check the status of my housing application completion process outlined (step 5)

Step 3: Spell-check all the details you have inserted in the blank fields and click the "Done" button. Join us right now and instantly obtain apply for rdp house online, prepared for download. All modifications you make are preserved , allowing you to customize the document at a later stage when required. FormsPal guarantees secure form completion with no data recording or distributing. Feel at ease knowing that your data is safe here!