Request Mortgage Assistance Form PDF Details

The Request for Mortgage Assistance (RMA) form serves as a critical tool for homeowners seeking support in challenging financial times. Aimed at providing a thorough understanding of an individual's current situation, the RMA form lays the groundwork for financial institutions and service providers to collaborate with customers towards finding feasible solutions. It requires detailed information about the customer, including personal and financial details, to assess the nature of hardship being faced. Whether it's due to unemployment, excessive obligations, income reduction, or a range of other specified hardships, the form guides individuals through the process of documenting their struggle accurately. Additionally, it explores various assistance options, delves into monthly household income, living expenses, and provides a section for detailing property information. With thorough documentation and acknowledgment by the customer, the form stands as a testament to the readiness to seek help and work towards a resolution. It emphasizes the need for honesty and accuracy throughout, underscoring the severity of submitting false information. Culminating in the submission process, the form outlines how individuals can send their information and what steps follow, ensuring a structured approach towards mortgage assistance.

Form NameRequest Mortgage Assistance Form
Form Length5 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min 15 sec
Other namesrma form template, sps rma form, online rma, rma pdf form

Form Preview Example


Completing this form will help us understand your current situation.


We’ll work with you to find a solution as quickly as possible.


Loan Number: _____________________________

Step 1: Tell us about you

For the purposes of this form, a Customer is someone who is obligated on the Note for the loan or

interested in assuming responsibility for the Note. If another person not on the Note has community

property or similar rights per applicable state law, please provide their name: ______________________________

















Last four digits of Social




Last four digits of Social


Security number

of birth


Security number

of birth

Mobile or daytime number with area

Preferred contact method


Mobile or daytime number with area

Preferred contact method

























Email address




Email address


1By providing your mobile phone number(s), you are giving Chase and companies working on its behalf permission to contact you at this number about all your Chase or J.P. Morgan accounts. Your consent permits the use of text messaging, artificial or prerecorded voice messages and automatic dialing technology for informational or account servicing purposes, but not for telemarketing or sales. Message and data rates may apply. You may contact us anytime to change these preferences.

Step 2: Help us understand your unique situation


DESCRIBE YOUR HARDSHIP: _____________________________________________________________________

Date situation began:




I believe my situation is:

If your mortgage loan is insured or guaranteed by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) or the Rural Housing


Service (RHS), you are considered to be facing imminent default if your loan is up to date or less than 30 days past

Long term

due and you have a hardship that will keep you from making your next mortgage loan payment in the month it’s due.

Check all boxes that explain your situation:

Please send us the documents that apply:


A copy of your benefits statement or letter detailing the amount, frequency and duration

of your unemployment benefits.






*For FHA ONLY: Unemployed customer not currently

Are you seeking new employment?



receiving benefits

Are you available for employment?



Unemployment start date:_______________________









For FHA, we need:



Excessive obligations

An explanation of why the obligations are excessive, and


Documents that support excessive obligation - including but not





limited to monthly billing statements and home repair invoices


Income reduction/underemployment

No hardship documentation is required as long as you have submitted documents that

Payment increase

show your income. If you have an FHA loan, you may need to send more documents.

Divorce or legal separation; separation of customers

• Divorce decree or separation agreement signed by the court; or


unrelated by marriage, civil union or similar domestic

• Current credit report showing divorce, separation or different address of

partnership under applicable law

non-occupying customer; or



Recorded quitclaim deed showing that the non-occupying customer or additional customer has relinquished all rights to the property

Death of a customer, or death of either the primary or

• Death certificate; or

additional wage earner in the household or a dependent family member

• Obituary or newspaper article reporting the death

Long-term or permanent disability; serious illness of a

Do not send medical records or any details of your illness or disability. Instead,

please send:

customer, additional customer or a dependent family

• Written statement from you or other documentation verifying disability or illness; or


• Proof of monthly insurance benefits or government assistance (with expiration date, if



Disaster (natural or man-made) adversely affecting

• Insurance claim; or

the property or customer's place of employment

• Proof of a FEMA grant or Small Business Administration loan; or


• Evidence that customer or employer property is in a federally-declared disaster area


For active duty Servicemembers: Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders or


letter showing transfer

Distant employment transfer

For employment transfers/new employment:


• Copy of your signed offer letter, notice from your employer showing transfer to a


new location (if applicable), or written explanation from your employer; and


• Documentation that reflects the amount of any relocation assistance provided


• Tax return from the previous year (including all schedules), and


• Proof of business failure supported by one of the following:


• Bankruptcy filing for the business; or

Business failure

• Two months of recent bank statements for the business account


showing that business activity has stopped; or


• Most recent signed and dated quarterly or year-to-date profit and


loss statement

Other (please explain) _______________________________________________________________________________________________



Page 1


Step 3: Help us determine your options

Loan Number: _____________________________

I'm interested in:

All assistance options




Only options that involve moving out of the property






Does anyone not listed on the loan live in and contribute financially to the household?



Monthly amount they contribute to the household (including amount contributed to the mortgage): $ ___________________________

First and Last Name(s): ____________________________________

Please indicate any living expenses for this person(s) in

Last four digits of SSN: ____________________________________

the Contributor column of the Monthly Living Expenses

section of this form (see next page).

For each additional contributor on the property, please complete an Authorization to Obtain Consumer Credit Report form, which you’ll find in the Forms Center at Please also provide proof of the contributor's income.










Employer 1 name: __________________________________ Start date: _____/_____/_____




If you work seasonally or in the education field, how many months per year are you




















Employer 2 name: __________________________________ Start date: _____/_____/_____




If you work seasonally or in the education field, how many months per year are you














Self-employment income:





(Includes 1099 income)





Percentage of business ownership: _______%









Benefits Income:





Social Security benefits, investments, pensions or other retirement benefits




Please specify: ________________________________________









Voluntary Income:





Child support/alimony/separation maintenance




You aren’t required to disclose child support, alimony or separation maintenance income




unless you want us to consider it as qualifying income.








Gross rents/boarder rents received (Primary recipient)









Unemployment Income

Start Date _______ End Date_________








Food stamps/welfare (Primary recipient)









Tips, commissions, bonuses









Other (please specify)____________________________________















Page 2


Loan Number: _____________________________













Food (required field)










Utilities (required field)










Automobile (required field)





(insurance, maintenance, gas)



No automobile










Life insurance premium




















Cable, internet, phone






























Child care (daycare, babysitting)










Child support/alimony










Total monthly living expenses






Please provide the most recent statement for each account listed


Do you have any existing asset accounts as listed below?


Yes If Yes, please complete this






section excluding Retirement














Checking account #1






Bank name: ________________________________________________________
















Checking account #2











Bank name: ________________________________________________________
















Savings/money market #1






Bank name: ________________________________________________________















Savings/money market #2

Bank name: ________________________________________________________






Other cash on hand

Other (please specify) _______________________________________________________

Total assets






Page 3


Loan Number: _____________________________

Step 4: Property Information

Property address: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Number of people in household: ________________


Number of vehicles: _______________

The property is my:

Primary Residence

Second Home


The property is:

Owner Occupied

Renter Occupied


If any customer or occupant of the property is a military Servicemember who is currently on Active Duty or has been on Active Duty within the last 12 months, or is a dependent of a Servicemember, please call Chase Military Services at 1-877-469-0110.


Please list any other mortgages or liens associated with this property. If you have more than one loan with us, we'll need you to complete a Request for Mortgage Assistance form for each account you’d like us to review for assistance.

Servicer: ______________________________________________________________

Account #: _____________________________________

Servicer: ______________________________________________________________

Account #: _____________________________________

Servicer: ______________________________________________________________

Account #: _____________________________________






Condominium or HOA fees? Yes


If yes, how much each month? $___________ Are payments up to date?



If you own other properties, please fill out the following section.


Customers with more than two additional properties, please download the Schedule of Real Estate Owned form from the

Forms Center at Please include the completed form with this application.

Property address:____________________________________________________________________ Monthly rents received: $______________

1st mortgage servicer name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Loan #: __________________________________________________________ Monthly principal and interest payment: $__________________

2nd mortgage servicer name:_______________________________________________________________________________________________

Loan #: __________________________________________________________

Monthly principal and interest payment: $__________________

Escrow payment (taxes, insurance, PMI): $___________ Property is:


Second/seasonal home



Monthly condominium or HOA fees: $_________________ Comments:_____________________________________________________________


Property address:____________________________________________________________________ Monthly rents received: $______________

1st mortgage servicer name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Loan #: __________________________________________________________ Monthly principal and interest payment: $__________________

2nd mortgage servicer name:_______________________________________________________________________________________________

Loan #: __________________________________________________________

Monthly principal and interest payment: $__________________

Escrow payment (taxes, insurance, PMI): $___________ Property is:


Second/seasonal home



Monthly condominium or HOA fees: $_________________ Comments:_____________________________________________________________


Third-Party Authorization:

If you want, you can authorize someone to work with us on your behalf. This is optional.

I/We hereby authorize JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., to release, furnish and provide information related to my/our account to:

Name of third party ____________________________________________________ Phone number (________)___________________________

Address of third party____________________________________________________________________________________________________



Page 4


Step 5: Please read carefully and sign

Loan Number: _____________________________


In making this request for consideration, I certify under penalty of perjury that I understand and agree that:

1.The servicer of my mortgage loan may pull a current credit report for all customers obligated on the Note for the loan.

2.If my liability for the mortgage debt was discharged in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceeding after I signed the mortgage documents, or if I am entitled to the protections of any automatic stay in bankruptcy, the servicer is providing information about the mortgage assistance program at my request and for informational purposes, and not as an attempt to impose personal liability for the mortgage debt.

3.If I am eligible for a Trial Period Plan, Repayment Plan or Forbear- ance Plan, and I accept and agree to all the terms of such a plan, I also agree that the terms of this Acknowledgment and Agreement are incorporated into that plan.

4.If I'm eligible for an assistance option that requires an escrow account to pay taxes and/or insurance and my mortgage loan doesn’t have one, the servicer may establish one. If my loan previously had an escrow account and the servicer agreed to remove this require- ment, this agreement has been revoked.

5.All the information in this document is true, and the hardships listed in Step 2 explain why I’m requesting mortgage assistance.

6.The servicer, owner, or guarantor of my mortgage or their agents may investigate the accuracy of my statements and I may need to provide additional documentation.

7.The servicer may directly obtain copies of account statements, including, but not limited to, checking and savings accounts, certificates of deposit (even if held for an extended period of time), mutual funds, money market funds, stocks or bonds, on accounts that are held by the servicer, its subsidiaries and affiliates for the review of my request for mortgage assistance.

8.If I have intentionally defaulted on my existing mortgage or engaged in fraud, or if any of the information I’ve provided is false, I may be ineligible for assistance under applicable investor/insurer programs or guidelines. This includes ineligibility now and for any future benefits and incentives that would otherwise have been available. I also understand that the servicer may recover any benefits or incentives I’ve previously received.

9.The property securing the mortgage I’m requesting assistance for can be lived in and hasn’t been or isn’t at risk of being condemned.

10.The servicer will use the information I provide to determine my eligibility for mortgage assistance, but isn’t obligated to offer me assistance based solely on the statements in this or any other document I send as part of this request.

11.The servicer will collect and record personal information, including my name, address, phone number, Social Security number, credit score, income, payment history and information about account balances and activity. I understand and consent to the disclosure of my personal information and the terms of any mortgage assistance option I receive by the servicer to (a) any investor, insurer, guarantor or servicer of my mortgage loan(s); (b) companies that perform support services in conjunction with any other mortgage relief program; and (c) any HUD-certified housing counselor.

12.The Servicer, Lender, and Other Loan Participants can obtain, use and share tax return information for purposes of (i) providing an offer; (ii) originating, maintaining, managing, monitoring, servicing, selling, insuring, and securitizing a loan; (iii) marketing; or (iv) as otherwise permitted by applicable laws, including state and federal privacy and data security laws. References to “Servicer” and “Lender” in the first sentence shall be deemed to include both parties’ vendors, affiliates, agents, service providers, and any of the aforementioned parties’ successors and assigns. The reference to “Other Loan Participants” in the first sentence shall also include any actual or potential owners of the loan, or acquirers of any beneficial or other interest in the loan, any mortgage insurer, guarantor, any servicers or service providers for these parties and any of the aforementioned parties’ successors and assigns.

13.If I, or someone on my behalf, have submitted a Fair Debt Collection Practices Act cease and desist notice to my Servicer, I withdraw that notice and understand that the servicer must contact me throughout the mortgage assistance process.

14.I consent to being contacted about this request for mortgage assistance at any email address I have provided.

By signing this document, I/we certify that all the information is truthful.

I/We understand that knowingly submitting false information may constitute fraud.

Customer Signature______________________________________________________ Date ______/_____/________

mm dd yyyy

Additional Customer Signature_____________________________________________ Date ______/_____/________

mm dd yyyy

Step 6: Here’s how to send your documents

When we receive this form and all required documents, we’ll assign a team of dedicated specialists to your loan who will call you within five business days to talk about your next steps.

Here’s how you can send your information. After you have submitted your documentation, please call us at 1-877-496-3138 to let us know.

Overnight Mail:

Regular Mail:





720 S. Colorado Blvd., STE 210

PO Box 469030


Glendale, CO 80246-1904

Glendale, CO 80246-9030

If you have questions about this document or the assistance process, please call Chase. If you have questions about government programs that we cannot answer or you need further counseling, call the Homeowner’s HOPE™ Hotline at 1-888-995-HOPE (4673). The hotline can answer questions about the program and offers free HUD-certified counseling services in English and Spanish.

For a list of HUD-approved counseling agencies that can provide foreclosure prevention information, contact the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) at 1-800-569-4287 or

For additional forms, please visit















Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre asistencia hipotecaria, por favor llame al 1-877-496-3138.



Page 5

How to Edit Request Mortgage Assistance Form Online for Free

Our PDF editor will make filling in files effortless. It is rather straightforward to update the [FORMNAME] document. Check out these particular actions in order to achieve this:

Step 1: Select the orange "Get Form Now" button on the web page.

Step 2: The form editing page is right now available. You can include text or change current details.

Prepare the rma pdf form PDF and type in the information for every single part:

rma form fields to fill out

Note the data in Check all boxes that explain your, Unemployment, For FHA ONLY Unemployed customer, Unemployment start date, Excessive obligations, Income reductionunderemployment, Divorce or legal separation, Please send us the documents that, Are you seeking new employment Are, Yes Yes, No No, For FHA we need, An explanation of why the, No hardship documentation is, and Divorce decree or separation.

rma form Check all boxes that explain your, Unemployment, For FHA ONLY Unemployed customer, Unemployment start date, Excessive obligations, Income reductionunderemployment, Divorce or legal separation, Please send us the documents that, Are you seeking new employment Are, Yes Yes, No No, For FHA we need, An explanation of why the, No hardship documentation is, and Divorce decree or separation blanks to insert

Note the main details in Business failure, Tax return from the previous year, Bankruptcy filing for the, showing that business activity has, Most recent signed and dated, loss statement, Other please explain, and RMA Page section.

stage 3 to entering details in rma form

Inside the section REQUEST FOR MORTGAGE ASSISTANCE, Im interested in, All assistance options, Loan Number, Only options that involve moving, ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTOR INFORMATION, Does anyone not listed on the loan, Yes, Monthly amount they contribute to, First and Last Names, Last four digits of SSN, Please indicate any living, For each additional contributor on, MONTHLY HOUSEHOLD INCOME, and Customer, include the rights and obligations of the parties.

Entering details in rma form step 4

Finish by checking these fields and writing the proper particulars: WAGE Employer name Start date, Selfemployment income Includes, Benefits Income Social Security, Voluntary Income Child, You arent required to disclose, Gross rentsboarder rents received, Unemployment Income, Start Date End Date, Food stampswelfare Primary, Tips commissions bonuses, Other please specify, and TOTAL MONTHLY INCOME.

Filling in rma form stage 5

Step 3: If you are done, choose the "Done" button to upload the PDF form.

Step 4: Be sure to keep away from future complications by creating no less than two duplicates of the form.

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