Rifts Sheet PDF Details

In the realm of tabletop gaming, character creation stands as a cornerstone, a moment where players craft their avatars for adventures that lie ahead. The Rifts Sheet form provides a comprehensive template for this purpose, meticulously guiding players through the construction of their characters for the Rifts Universe. This form captures essential details, beginning with basics like Name, Alignment, Age, and Gender, then delves deeper into the nuanced fabric of the character's being, including Mental and Physical attributes, skills both occupational and secondary, and personal inventory. Additionally, specialized sections detail the character's abilities in hand-to-hand combat, modern and ancient weapon proficiencies, and any magical or psionic powers they may wield. Characters are further brought to life through descriptions of their physical appearance, disposition, and background information, including familial ties and personal sentiments towards various factions within the Rifts world. This detailed scaffolding not only aids in gameplay mechanics but enriches the role-playing experience, allowing players to fully immerse themselves in the extraordinary dimensions of Rifts.

Form NameRifts Sheet
Form Length5 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min 15 sec
Other namesrifts character sheet excel, form fillable rifts character sheet, rifts character generator, rifts character sheet pdf

Form Preview Example



Alignment: _________________________________________


M.D.C.: _______/________

Horror/Awe Factor: _______

Player Name:



S.D.C.: _______/________

Hit Points: _______/________





Experience Level: ______

Experience: _______________



O.C.C./P.C.C.: ______________________________________

Race/R.C.C.: _________________________________________

I.Q.: ____ Skill Bonus: +___%

M.E.: ____ Save vs. Psionics/Insanity: +___

M.A.: ____ Trust/Intimidate: +___%

P.S.: ____ Hand to Hand Damage Bonus: +___

P.P.: ____ Strike/Parry/Dodge Bonus: +___

P.E.: ____ Save vs. Coma:+___% Poison/Magic/Pain:+___

P.B.: ____ Charm/Impress: +___%

SPD (run): _____ (feet/sec) SPD (dig): _____ (feet/sec)

SPD (fly): _____ (feet/sec) SPD (swim): _____ (feet/sec)

P.P.E:_____/_____ I.S.P: _____/_____ Chi: _____/_____

Native Language: _______________ +____% Lvl ____%

O.C.C. Skills

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

Height: ___’___" (___ cm) Weight: ____ lbs (____ kg)

O.C.C. Related Skills

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

Secondary Skills

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

_____________________________________ +____%/Lvl ____%

Hand to Hand

Ancient Weapons



(+strike/+parry/+throw) Weapon Proficiency

H2H Skill: _____________________



____lbs (+____/+____/+____ ) __________________

Attacks Per Melee: _____/_____



____lbs (+____/+____/+____ ) __________________

K.O. on: _____ Critical on : _____



____lbs (+____/+____/+____ ) __________________

Deathblow on: _____ Pin on: _____



____lbs (+____/+____/+____ ) __________________





(+____/+____/+____ )





(+____/+____/+____ )


Damage: +___

Strike: +___










Parry: +___

Dodge: +___

Modern Weapons




Payload +Aim/Burst

Rate of Fire

Pull Punch: +___

Initiative: +___



____ft (____ m) ____/____ (+___/+___)


Entangle: +___

Disarm: +___



____ft (____ m) ____/____ (+___/+___)


Roll with Punch/Fall: +___



____ft (____ m) ____/____ (+___/+___)





____ft (____ m) ____/____ (+___/+___)




____ft (____ m) ____/____ (+___/+___)


Restrained Punch: _______________



____ft (____ m) ____/____ (+___/+___)


Normal Punch:




____ft (____ m) ____/____ (+___/+___)


Power Punch:




____ft (____ m) ____/____ (+___/+___)


Normal Kick:











Leap Kick:


Explosive Ordinance


Blast Radius

Weight per charge







____ft (____ m) ____lbs (____ kg)







____ft (____ m) ____lbs (____ kg)







____ft (____ m) ____lbs (____ kg)







____ft (____ m) ____lbs (____ kg)



Body Armor

Type: _________________________

A.R.(if applicable):____

M.D.C. by Location:

Head: ___/___ Main Body: ___/___

L.Arm: ___/___

R.Arm: ___/___

L.Leg: ___/___

R.Leg: ___/___

_____: ___/___

_____: ___/___

_____: ___/___

_____: ___/___

Prowl:-___% Climb:-___% Swim:-___%

Additional Features




Physical Saves (Add P.E. Bonus):

Save vs. Lethal Toxin:(14)+___

Save vs. Non-Lethal Toxin:(16)+___

Save vs. Harmful Drugs:(15)+___

Save vs. Disease:(14)+___

Save vs. Electrocution:(18/14)+___

Save vs. Extreme Temp:(16)+___

Save vs. Pain:(16/14)+___

Save vs. Coma/Death:+___%

Magical Saves (Add P.E. Bonus):

Save vs. Spell Magic:(12)+___

Save vs. Ritual Magic:(16)+___

Save vs. Ward Magic:(14)+___

Save vs. Circle Magic:(16)+___

Save vs. Faerie Magic:(16)+___

Save vs. Magic Fumes:(14)+___

Save vs. Protection Circles:(16)+___

Save vs. Possesion:+___

Mental Saves (Add M.E. Bonus):

Save vs. Insanity:(12)+___

Save vs. Psionics:(15/12/10)+___

Save vs. Mind Control:+___

Save vs. Horror Factor:+___



Weapon Proficiancies


W.P. Ancient





___(+1@lvl _________) ___(+1@lvl _________) ___(+1@lvl _________)


___(+1@lvl _________) ___(+1@lvl _________) ___(+1@lvl _________)


___(+1@lvl _________) ___(+1@lvl _________) ___(+1@lvl _________)


___(+1@lvl _________) ___(+1@lvl _________) ___(+1@lvl _________)


___(+1@lvl _________) ___(+1@lvl _________) ___(+1@lvl _________)

W.P. Modern




W.P. Modern












































Natural Abilities/Cybernetics/Bionics













































Character Information

Appearance: _________________________________________





Disposition: _________________________________________





Distinguishing Marks/Tattoos: _________________________



Father:___________________ Mother:___________________

Siblings:__________________ Birthdate:_________________

Home Town:______________ Hero:_____________________

Favorite Colour:___________ Favorite Food:_____________

Favorite Drink:____________ Favorite Hobby:___________

Favorite Place:____________ Favorite Music:____________

Sentiments Toward the Coalition States:




Sentiments Toward D-Bees:




Sentiments Toward Magic Users:




Sentiments Toward M&M’s (Borg’s, Juicers, Crazies, etc.):




Campaign History

Campaign Name










































Vehicle Log




Crew: ________________ Passengers: ____________

M.D.C. by location

Height: _____’_____" (_____ m)

Length: _____’_____" (_____ m)

Width: _____’_____" (_____ m)

Weight: _____ pounds (____ kg)

Physical Strength: Equal to ______

Cargo Space: __________________

Range: _______________________

Power System: ________________

Depth Tolerence: _____________ ft

Price: __________________ credits

_________________________ : _________/_________




_________________________ : _________/_________


Hand to Hand Attacks

_________________________ : _________/_________

Running/Driving: ______ mph (______ kph)



_________________________ : _________/_________

Flying: ______ mph (______ kph)



_________________________ : _________/_________

Flying in space: ______ mph (______ kph)



_________________________ : _________/_________


Leap Kick: _________

_________________________ : _________/_________

Normal Leaping



_________________________ : _________/_________ _____ft (____ m) Up, _____ft (____ m) Across



_________________________ : _________/_________


_________: _________

_________________________ : _________/_________

Thruster Assisted Leaping


_________________________ : _________/_________ _____ft (____ m) Up, _____ft (____ m) Across





Weapons Systems










Rate of Fire/Volly



_____ft (_____ m) _____ft (_____ m) ____/____





_____ft (_____ m) _____ft (_____ m) ____/____





_____ft (_____ m) _____ft (_____ m) ____/____





_____ft (_____ m) _____ft (_____ m) ____/____





_____ft (_____ m) _____ft (_____ m) ____/____





_____ft (_____ m) _____ft (_____ m) ____/____





_____ft (_____ m) _____ft (_____ m) ____/____





_____ft (_____ m) _____ft (_____ m) ____/____





_____ft (_____ m) _____ft (_____ m) ____/____




Back Pack Inventory



RPA Combat Skills




Weapons and Ammo

___ x _________________________

___ x __________________________

___ x _________________________

___ x __________________________

___ x _________________________

___ x __________________________

___ x _________________________

___ x __________________________

___ x _________________________

___ x __________________________

___ x _________________________

___ x __________________________

___ x _________________________

___ x __________________________

___ x _________________________

___ x __________________________

___ x _________________________

___ x __________________________

Personal Inventory




___ x _________________________


___ x _________________________


___ x _________________________


___ x _________________________


___ x _________________________


___ x _________________________


Cargo Inventory




___ x _________________________


___ x _________________________


___ x _________________________


___ x _________________________


___ x _________________________


___ x _________________________


___ x _________________________


___ x _________________________


RPA Skill: _______________________

Attacks Per Melee: _____/_____

Strike: +___

Parry: +___

Dodge(Flying): +___

Dodge: +___

Initiative: +___ Roll with Punch/Fall: +___

RPA Skill: _______________________

Attacks Per Melee: _____/_____

Strike: +___

Parry: +___

Dodge(Flying): +___

Dodge: +___

Initiative: +___ Roll with Punch/Fall: +___

RPA Skill: _______________________

Attacks Per Melee: _____/_____

Strike: +___

Parry: +___

Dodge(Flying): +___

Dodge: +___

Initiative: +___ Roll with Punch/Fall: +___

RPA Skill: _______________________

Attacks Per Melee: _____/_____

Strike: +___

Parry: +___

Dodge(Flying): +___

Dodge: +___

Initiative: +___ Roll with Punch/Fall: +___






P.P.E./I.S.P. Use





























































































































































































































How to Edit Rifts Sheet Online for Free

The PDF editor you will benefit from was developed by our top level software engineers. One could fill in the form fillable rifts character sheet document promptly and effortlessly with this application. Merely stick to this procedure to start out.

Step 1: Locate the button "Get Form Here" and press it.

Step 2: At the moment, it is possible to update the form fillable rifts character sheet. Our multifunctional toolbar makes it possible to include, delete, transform, highlight, and conduct many other commands to the content and areas inside the document.

All of the following sections are what you are going to complete to get your ready PDF form.

rifts character sheets fillable blanks to consider

Complete the Native Language Lvl, Height cm Weight lbs kg, OCC Skills Lvl Lvl Lvl Lvl, and OCC Related Skills Lvl Lvl fields with any details that may be demanded by the platform.

Completing rifts character sheets fillable stage 2

Within the area dealing with OCC Skills Lvl Lvl Lvl Lvl, and Secondary Skills Lvl Lvl Lvl, you have got to type in some appropriate details.

Finishing rifts character sheets fillable step 3

The Hand to Hand HH Skill Attacks Per, Bonuses, Damage Parry Pull Punch, Strike Dodge Initiative Disarm, Hand to Hand Attacks Restrained, Body Armor Type ARif applicable, Ancient Weapons Damage Weight, strikeparrythrow Weapon, Payload, Damage Range, AimBurst Rate of Fire, Modern Weapons ft m ft m, Explosive Ordinance Damage Blast, Weight per charge Payload Timer, and Weapon Proficiancies WP Ancient section will be the place to place the rights and responsibilities of all parties.

stage 4 to entering details in rifts character sheets fillable

Fill in the file by reading the following fields: Body Armor Type ARif applicable, Additional Features, Physical Saves Add PE Bonus Save, Weapon Proficiancies WP Ancient, WP Modern, Level Aim Burst WP Modern, Level, Aim Burst, Natural AbilitiesCyberneticsBionics, AbilityImplant, and EffectUse.

Filling in rifts character sheets fillable stage 5

Step 3: When you press the Done button, your finalized file can be easily transferred to any of your gadgets or to email provided by you.

Step 4: You could make duplicates of your file tokeep away from different future problems. You need not worry, we don't disclose or check your information.

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