Saint Louis University Application Form PDF Details

The Saint Louis University (SLU) in Baguio City opens its doors annually to aspirants from various backgrounds through its comprehensive application process, detailed in the SLU College Entrance Examination (SLU-CEE) Application Form for the Academic Year 2014-2015. The form, designed for clarity and ease, guides applicants through a series of sections, starting with personal information which includes basic details like name, age, nationality, and including specific instructions for foreign students who are required to undergo additional steps like taking the SLU English Proficiency Test (EPT). Photographs and signatures, alongside specifics such as religious affiliation, disability (if any), and family dynamics, paint a comprehensive profile of the candidate. Importantly, the form takes into account whether the candidate is a high school graduate or expecting to graduate, along with the preference for the examination venue. Furthermore, the application encompasses a certification of good moral character from the principal or an authorized school representative, which underscores the integrity of the applicant. Additionally, group filers have the option to streamline their process, highlighting the form’s flexibility. The undertaking section at the end of the form is a solemn declaration by the applicant towards adherence to the rules and accuracy of the information provided, which is crucial for maintaining the credibility and smooth functioning of the admission process. Signatures from parents or guardians add another layer of validation to the application, ensuring a collective commitment towards the prospective student’s educational journey at SLU. The promise of entrance scholarships for top placers acts as an enticing incentive, rewarding academic excellence and making an education at Saint Louis University an aspirational goal for many.

Form NameSaint Louis University Application Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesslu entrance exam, slu baguio entrance exam reviewer, usl entrance exam reviewer, saint louis university baguio entrance exam

Form Preview Example

SLU-CEE Form 1



Baguio City






for Academic Year (AY) 2014-2015

Applicant to please Type or PRINT clearly and completely;

ON-LINE Registration is encouraged. LOG IN TO






ATTACH two (2) copies of your 2” x 2” ID PHOTO WITH NAME TAG; close- up front facial picture before a white background; eyes, face and/or hair not

covered. Affix your signature at the back of the photo.

Age: _______ Birthdate: ____ / ____ / ____ / Birthplace: ________________________________________________

mm dd yy

Sex: _______ Religious Affiliation: __________________NATIONALITY(if Foreign): ___________________________

FOREIGN STUDENTS shall individually process their application pursuant to the SLU Pre- Admission Processing guidelines. If they are from a non-English speaking country, they shall first take the SLU English Proficiency Test (EPT) on November 9, 16 or 23, 2013 at the SLU Guidance Center. The SLU-CEE for ALL foreign students is scheduled on December 15, 2013; those who passed the SLU-CEE shall also take the Personality Test and Interview on a schedule to be announced through their official SLU-CEE result.

If applicant is a Person With Disability (PWD), please specify the disability: ___________________________________________

(Person concerned must personally consult the Dean of Student Affairs of SLU before applying.)

How many children are you in your family (Please check):



[ ] 1

[ ] 2-3

[ ] 4-5

[ ] 6-7

[ ] more than 7






House No. & Name of Street: ________________________________________________________________________

District/Barangay: _________________________________________________________________________________

Municipality (Town)/City: ______________________________ Province: _____________________________________

Country/State/Zip Code: ____________________________________________________________________________

Telephone No.: _______________ Mobile No.: _______________________ E-mail Address: ____________________

For applicant currently enrolled in 4th year High School this Academic Year 2013-2014:

I ( ) WILL BE graduating on ________________________________________, 2014 at:

HIGH SCHOOL: ___________________________________________________________________________

Complete School Address: Municipality (Town)/City: ______________________________________________

Province: __________________________________________________________

I prefer to take the SLU-CEE in:

[ ] SLU, Baguio City, as scheduled for our area.

[ ] St. Joseph College, Olongapo City, on 19 October 2013 (Saturday) at 8:00 a.m.

[] College of the Immaculate Conception, Cabanatuan City, on 20 October 2013 (Sunday) at 8:00 a.m.

[] St. Louis College of Bulanao, Tabuk, Kalinga, on 06 December 2013 (Friday) at 8:00 a.m.

[] Don Bosco High School, Lagawe, Ifugao, on 07 December 2013 (Saturday) at 8:00 a.m.

[] St. Vincent’s School, Bontoc, Mt. Province, on 08 December 2013 (Sunday) at 8:00 a.m.

*For applicant who already graduated from High School in 2013 or earlier, please answer truthfully and accurately:

Have you already taken the SLU-CEE? ( ) Yes, on _________________________ (

) No

Have you ever enrolled in any college or vocational/technical course? ( ) Yes ( )


If yes: What Course(s)? ________________________________________________________________________

What School? ___________________________________________________________________________

When? Semester/Summer Term: ___________________________________________________________


1.An INDIVIDUAL FILER who is currently enrolled in 4th year high school, must submit a Certificate of Good Moral Character obtained from his/her High School Principal.

2.GROUP FILERS may OMIT Part B of SLU-CEE Form 1 but must submit the duly accomplished SLU-CEE Form 1-A with the help of the Principal, Guidance Counselor or 4th Year Adviser.

This is to certify that the above applicant is currently our student in Fourth Year this AY 2013-2014. He/She is of good moral character and that, based on our school records, has never violated the rules and regulations of our school. I endorse his/her application for SLU-CEE for AY 2014-2015 on the schedule chosen above.


PRINTED NAME and SIGNATURE of School Principal or Authorized Representative (Signature must Be ORIGINAL not Photocopied)

SCHOOL: ___________________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________

Telephone No.: ______________________ Fax No.: ________________________

E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________

Part C. UNDERTAKING (must be accomplished by every filer):

I respectfully apply to take the SLU-CEE for AY 2014-2015 in accordance with the SLU-CEE rules. I declare that all the above information are COMPLETE, ACCURATE and TRUE. I certify that, to date, I have never violated the rules and regulations of my school. I understand that any information I have misrepresented, concealed, or falsely given on my application is enough basis to invalidate and cancel my application, my SLU-CEE result, my admission/enrolment in SLU, and the forfeiture of all payments made by me in favor of SLU. I also promise to comply with all the guidelines, requirements and instructions on the SLU-CEE and the admission requirements and special conditionalities.



Applicant’s Signature

Date of Application

[Attested by Parents/Guardian]



(Father’s/Mother’s/Guardian’s PRINTED Name & Signature)

(Signature must be ORIGINAL and not photocopied. If your parents/guardians are not around to sign, DO NOT let anybody else sign.)

Warning: Signing by PROXY is NOT ALLOWED!

Entrance Scholarships await the Top 100 placers in the SLU-CEE:

100% tuitional discount each for the Top 1-10 placers; 50% tuitional discount each for the Top 11-100 placers.

(SLU-CEE Form 1 may be reproduced but NOT FOR SALE)