Sf Form 428 B PDF Details

The SF-428-B form, a crucial piece of documentation for entities managing tangible personal property within the framework of federally funded projects, plays a foundational role in the orderly closeout of federal assistance awards. By its design, this form facilitates a structured reporting mechanism for entities to declare their handling of tangible personal property at the termination of a federal grant or award. Covering various types of property, including those federally owned, acquired equipment worth $5,000 or more, and residual unused supplies exceeding a $5,000 total aggregate fair market value, the form serves multiple purposes. It allows for a transparent process whereby recipients can request the disposition of federally owned property, seek approval for the transfer of title for acquired equipment, and account for the disposal or retention of unused supplies. Additionally, the form presents a method for calculating the federal share of proceeds from the sale of unused supplies, ensuring that the federal government is appropriately compensated for its investment. This detailed reporting tool underscores the accountability and stewardship expected from recipients of federal funds, guiding them through the intricacies of property management and disposal while adhering to the governing regulations and standards set forth by federal agencies. By mandating thorough documentation, the SF-428-B form exemplifies the broader objectives of transparency, efficiency, and fiscal responsibility in the management of federally funded projects.

Form NameSf Form 428 B
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namessf 428, sf 428b, sf 428 fillable, sf 428b fillable

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Final Report SF-428- B

Federal Grant or Other Identifying Number Assigned by Federal Agency (Block 2 on SF-428).

1.Report (Select all that apply)

a. ___ Federally-owned Property (List on Supplemental Sheet SF-428S or recipient equivalent and complete Section 2a below.)

b. ___ Acquired Equipment with acquisition cost of $5,000 or more for which the awarding agency has reserved the right to transfer title (List on Supplemental Sheet SF-428S or recipient equivalent and complete Section 2b below.)

c. ___ Residual Unused Supplies with total aggregate fair market value exceeding $5,000 not needed for any other Federally sponsored programs or projects. (Complete Section 2c below)


___ None of the above












Complete relevant section(s)



For Agency Use Only





2a. Federally-owned Property


Agency response to requested disposition of Federally owned property:



(Select one or more.)








Recipient request approved___ denied ___

(i)___ Request transfer to Award ______________

(ii)___ Request Federal Agency disposition instructions

(iii) ___ Other (Provide detail in Block 3 or attach request)


Dispose in accordance with attached instructions ___.














2b. Acquired Equipment (Select one or more.)


Agency response to requested disposition of acquired equipment::











___ Request unconditional transfer of title with no



Recipient request approved___ denied ___


further obligation to the Federal Government.



Dispose in accordance with attached instructions ___

(ii) ___ Request Federal Agency disposition instructions

















Authorized Awarding Agency Official





Note: If the awarding agency does not provide disposition


















instructions within 120 days the recipient may continue to















use the equipment for Federally supported projects or











dispose in accordance with the applicable property
























2c. Reportable Residual Unused Supplies








__ Sale proceeds or __ Estimate of current fair market value ……………………


(ii) Percentage of Federal participation …….………………………………………



Federal share …………………………….…………………………………


(iv) Selling and handling allowance …….……………………………..…………..



Amount remitted to the Federal Government…………………………………… $____________


Agency use only


OMB Approval Number: 3090-0289

Expiration Date: 4/30/2013

Instructions for Final Report: SF-428 Attachment B

A.General Instructions:

This Attachment is to be used by recipients when required to provide a final property report for closeout of Federal assistance awards. The Attachment allows recipients to request specific disposition of Federally-owned property and acquired equipment. The attachment also provides a means for calculating and transmitting appropriate compensation to the awarding agency for residual unused supplies.

Requirements for final reporting are based on individual award provisions and the type of property. Generally, at the end of a Federal assistance award, recipients are required to:

a.submit a report of Federally-owned property.

b.provide a listing of equipment items, with an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more, when the awarding agency has reserved the right to transfer title to the equipment to the Federal Government or a third party.

c.compensate the awarding agency for residual unused supplies with a total aggregate fair market value greater than $5,000 that are not needed for any other Federally sponsored programs or projects.

Federal Grant or Other Identifying Number Assigned by Federal Agency. Enter the Federal grant, cooperative agreement or other Federal financial assistance award instrument number or other identifying number assigned to the Federal financial assistance award.

1.Report. Check applicable lines a-c to indicate the type of property that is being reported. Note: Federally-owned property includes items provided by the awarding agency, regardless of dollar value. Check line d to indicate no property to report, if the awarding agency requires a negative report.

2.Complete the relevant sections to correspond with the property reported in Block 1.

2a. Federally-owned Property.

(i)To request transfer of the property for use on a specific Federal award.

(ii)To request Federal agency disposition instructions for unneeded Federally-owned property.

(iii)To request a disposition other than (i) or (ii). For example, requests for transfer of title under authority of the Stevenson-Wydler Act.

2b. Acquired Equipment with acquisition cost of $5,000 or more for which the awarding agency has reserved the right to transfer title.

(i)When statutory authority exists, the Federal awarding agency has the option to vest title to equipment. acquired with award funds in the recipient with no further obligation to the Federal government and under conditions the Federal awarding agency considers appropriate.

(ii)To request Federal agency disposition instructions for equipment acquired with award funds.

2c. Reportable Residual Unused Supplies. Indicate whether the supplies have been sold or if they will be retained for use solely on non Federally-funded projects.

(i)Enter the total amount of sales proceeds or an estimate of the current fair market value if the supplies will be retained. Note: Fair market value means the best estimate of the gross sales proceeds if the property were to be sold in a public sale.

(ii)Enter the percentage of Federal Government participation in the award under which the supplies were acquired.

(iii)Enter the dollar amount of sales proceeds (or estimate of current fair market value) multiplied by the percentage of Federal Government participation listed in (ii).

(iv)If the supplies were sold, enter the amount of selling and handling expenses. Enter zero if the supplies will be retained for use on non Federally funded projects.

(v)Enter the amount of the Federal share in (iii) less the selling and handling expense listed in (iv). Indicate in Block 3 how the funds are being returned to the government (e.g., attached check made out to the Awarding Agency/U.S. Treasury or electronic remission).

3.Comments. Provide any explanations or additional information in this block. Attach additional sheets if necessary.

Agency use only. This section is reserved for Federal agency use only.


How to Edit Sf Form 428 B Online for Free

Working with PDF forms online is definitely surprisingly easy with our PDF tool. Anyone can fill out 428 b here painlessly. Our team is aimed at giving you the ideal experience with our editor by constantly releasing new functions and upgrades. With these updates, using our tool gets better than ever before! Here's what you will want to do to begin:

Step 1: Simply click the "Get Form Button" at the top of this page to launch our pdf form editing tool. This way, you'll find all that is required to work with your file.

Step 2: When you start the file editor, you will notice the form made ready to be completed. In addition to filling out various fields, you could also do other sorts of actions with the Document, namely writing custom textual content, changing the original textual content, inserting graphics, signing the form, and much more.

It really is an easy task to finish the pdf following this practical guide! This is what you must do:

1. It is recommended to complete the 428 b correctly, therefore be attentive while working with the areas comprising all these fields:

sf 428 fillable completion process explained (part 1)

2. After this segment is done, it is time to insert the required details in i Request unconditional transfer, ii Request Federal Agency, Note If the awarding agency does, c Reportable Residual Unused, ii Dispose in accordance with, Authorized Awarding Agency, Name, Title, Date, Phone, Email, and i Sale proceeds or Estimate of in order to proceed further.

Email, ii Dispose in accordance with, and i  Request unconditional transfer inside sf 428 fillable

It's easy to get it wrong while filling out your Email, and so make sure that you look again before you submit it.

Step 3: Make sure that your details are right and simply click "Done" to conclude the process. Make a free trial account at FormsPal and get direct access to 428 b - download or edit from your FormsPal cabinet. FormsPal is committed to the personal privacy of our users; we always make sure that all information processed by our editor remains protected.