Standard Physical Form PDF Details

The Standard Physical Form, specifically designed for the O.K. Conference Pre-Participation Physical Exam, serves a critical role in assessing a student's ability to participate in interscholastic athletics. Comprised of several sections, the form meticulously captures a range of vital health information, starting from basic identification details to comprehensive medical history, ensuring a thorough medical examination by a qualified professional. It includes fields for recording height, weight, heart rate, blood pressure, and vision, alongside a detailed physical examination covering general appearance to neurologic assessments. The form also addresses hernia for males and includes sections for general medical and musculoskeletal comments, culminating in recommendations regarding the student's clearance for athletic participation. Additionally, it gathers emergency information, insurance details, and consent for treatment, highlighting an understanding of the inherent risks associated with sports. The medical history section is exhaustive, probing into chronic conditions, hospitalizations, allergies, medication use, and a plethora of specific health queries designed to unearth any potential red flags that could impact a student's athletic performance or well-being. This form not only facilitates a safe sports environment but also underscores the importance of a pre-participation evaluation in safeguarding student athletes' health and safety.

Form NameStandard Physical Form
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesform standard physical, physical form standard, physical form blank, printable blank physical form

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O.K. Conference





Pre-Participation Physical Exam Form



Medical Examination



















Ht:__________ Wt:___________ HR:___________ BP:___________ BP reck:___________

Corrective Lenses: Y or N

Vision: R________ L________







Physical Exam





General Appearance
































Lymph Nodes
























































































Upper Extremity
















Lower Extremity








Joint Specific (optional)








Hernia (males only)















General Medical






























2.[ ] Cleared for LIMITED PARTICIPATION (specify)_______________________________________


3.[ ] NOT CLEARED for participation (explanation) ________________________________________


4.[ ] Requires further evaluation before final recommendation ________________________________


I certify that I have examined the above student and recommend him/her as being able to compete in supervised athletic activity as dictated by the clearance recommendations above.

Printed Name:______________________________________________ Date:__________________

Signature:_________________________________________________ MD, DO, PA, or NP

A Current-Year Physical is one given on or after April 15 of the previous school year.

O.K. Conference

Pre-Participation Physical Exam Form

Emergency Information



School: _____________________

Name:__________________________________ DOB:__________ Gender: M F


Parent/Legal Guardian Name(s):_______________________________________________________






Phone #s: Home:__________________ Work:___________________ Cell:____________________

Emergency Contact(s):

Name:________________________________ Relationship:____________ Phone:_______________

Name:________________________________ Relationship:____________ Phone:_______________

Insurance Information:

Family Insurance Co.:__________________________________________ Phone:_______________

Contract/Group #:___________________________ Policy #:_________________________________

Parent/Legal Guardian Consent & Assumption of Risk:

Participation in interscholastic athletics requires an acceptance of risk of injury. These risks include, but are not limited to the following: death, quadriplegia, paraplegia, internal injury, closed head injury (possibly including post-concussion syndrome) and musculo-skeletal injuries (including sprains, strains, and fractures). Some of these injuries may result in medical treatment, surgery, and/or permanent disability. I understand that coaches, athletic trainers, and physicians (including side-line team physicians) will use their professional judgment when administering proper medical treatment. I have had the opportunity to ask questions, hereby recognize the risk of injury, and give my consent for my son/daughter to participate in interscholastic athletics. I further consent for the disclosure of information otherwise protected by FERPA and HIPPA for the purpose of determining eligibility for interscholastic athletics to the MHSAA, OK Conference, and school district. I also agree to accept and comply with all MHSAA, OK Conference, and school district athletic policies.

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature:_______________________________________ Date:___________

Student-Athlete Signature:_____________________________________________Date:___________

Authorization of Treatment:

I, ________________________________, hereby give my permission for my son/daughter, ____________________________,

to undergo medical treatment for any injury or illness he/she may sustain or acquire while participating in interscholastic athlet- ics. I understand that medical personnel, including athletic trainers and sideline team physicians, will perform only those proce- dures within their training, credentialing, and scope of professional practice to prevent, care for, and rehabilitate athletic injuries or illnesses. In the event more serious medical treatment/procedures are required and I cannot be reached for my consent, I authorize any licensed medical practitioner to perform such treatments/procedures medically necessary to alleviate the problem.

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature:_______________________________________ Date:___________

A Current-Year Physical is one given on or after April 15 of the previous school year.

Medical History



1. Do you have any chronic or ongoing medical conditions?



If yes, explain:____________________________________________________________________

2. Have you ever been hospitalized and/or had surgery for any reason?Yes No If yes, explain:____________________________________________________________________

3. Do you have any allergies (medications, insects, foods, etc.)?Yes No If yes, explain:____________________________________________________________________

4. Are you currently taking any medications or supplements (include over-the-counter)? Yes No If yes, explain:____________________________________________________________________

5. Have you had a medical problem or injury since your last physical exam?Yes No If yes, explain;____________________________________________________________________

6. Have you ever passed out or nearly passed out during or after exercise?



Have you ever had chest pain, tightness, or pressure during or after exercise?



Have you ever been dizzy or light headed during or after exercise?



Do you get more tired or short of breath than others during exercise?



Does your heart ever race or skip beats (irregular beats) during exercise?



Has a doctor ever ordered a test for your heart (e.g. ECG/EKG, echocardiogram?



Have you ever been told you have any of the following (check all that apply):

High blood pressure

Heart murmur

High cholesterol

A heart infection

Kawasaki disease


Explain ALL yes answers & checked items:_____________________________________________


7. Has anyone in your family died suddenly OR of heart problems before age 50?



Do anyone in your family have a heart problem, pacemaker, or implanted defibrillator? Yes


Has anyone in your family had unexplained fainting, seizures, or near drowning?



Does anyone in your family have any of the following cardiovascular conditions:

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Marfan syndrome

Brugada syndrome

Arrythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy

Long QT syndrome

Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia

Short QT syndrome

Explain ALL yes answers & checked items:_____________________________________________


8. Have you ever had a concussion, head injury, or recurrent headaches?Yes No If yes, explain:____________________________________________________________________

Have you ever been knocked out or unconscious?Yes No If yes, explain:____________________________________________________________________

Do you have headaches with exercise?Yes No If yes, explain:____________________________________________________________________

Have you ever had any of the following after a hit, blow to the head, or falling:


Prolonged headache

Inability to move your arms or legs

Memory problems Numbness, tingling, or weakness in your arms or legs

Explain ALL checked items (include dates):_____________________________________________


Have you ever had a stinger, burner, or pinched nerve?Yes No If yes, explain:____________________________________________________________________

Have you ever had seizures, convulsions, or a history of epilepsy?Yes No If yes, explain:____________________________________________________________________

9. Have you ever become ill, dizzy, or passed out while exercising in the heat?Yes No If yes, explain:____________________________________________________________________

Do you get frequent muscle or heat cramps when exercising?Yes No If yes, explain:____________________________________________________________________

Do you or someone in your family have sickle cell trait or disease?Yes No If yes, explain:____________________________________________________________________

10.Do you or someone in your family have asthma or another obstructive lung disorder? Yes No If yes, explain:____________________________________________________________________

Do you cough, wheeze, or have difficulty breathing during or after exercise?Yes No If yes, explain:____________________________________________________________________

Have you ever used an inhaler or taken asthma medication?Yes No If yes, explain:____________________________________________________________________

11.Do you currently have, or have you EVER HAD any of the following:

Hernia Mononucleosis Diabetes Kidney disease Scoliosis Absent spleen Explain ALL checked items (include dates):_____________________________________________


12.Are you missing one of a set of paired organs (kidneys, eyes, ovaries, testes, etc.)? Yes No If yes, explain:____________________________________________________________________

13.Have you ever sprained, strained, dislocated, fractured, broken, experienced repeated swelling in, had a stress fracture in, or otherwise injured any bones or joints? (check all that apply)







Elbow Wrist








Explain ALL checked answers (include dates):__________________________________________



14.Have you ever had a condition/injury that required x-rays, MRI, CT scan, or therapy? Yes No If yes, explain:____________________________________________________________________

15.Do you use any special equipment (braces, pads, mouthguards, neck rolls, etc.)? Yes No If yes, explain:____________________________________________________________________

16.Have you had any problems with your vision or injuries to your eyes?



Do you wear glasses, corrective lenses, or protective eyewear?



Explain ALL yes answers:___________________________________________________________

17.Have you ever had any skin problems (rashes, itching, MRSA, herpes, acne)?Yes No If yes, explain:____________________________________________________________________

18.Have you ever had an eating disorder or restricted food to lose weight?



Do you want to weigh MORE or LESS than you do now?



Do you feel stressed?



Explain ALL yes answers:___________________________________________________________

20.FEMALES ONLY Age at 1st menstrual period?___________ Date of most recent?____________

Number of periods in the last 12 months?________ Longest time between periods?__________

21.Has a doctor ever denied or restricted your participation in sports for any reason? Yes No If yes, explain;____________________________________________________________________

**I hereby state that, to the best of my knowledge, the answers to the above questions are complete and correct.

Signature of Athlete:_____________________________________________ Date:_____________

Signature of Parent/Guardian:______________________________________ Date:____________

How to Edit Standard Physical Form Online for Free

Our top rated programmers worked hard to develop the PDF editor we are pleased to deliver to you. The application makes it possible to easily complete form standard physical and will save you precious time. You just have to try out this particular guideline.

Step 1: Choose the "Get Form Now" button to start out.

Step 2: At the moment, you can start modifying your form standard physical. Our multifunctional toolbar is at your disposal - insert, remove, alter, highlight, and conduct similar commands with the content material in the document.

For every single area, add the information requested by the program.

standard physical form blanks to consider

Indicate the data in RECOMMENDATIONS CLEARED WITHOUT, I certify that I have examined the, Signature MD DO PA or NP, Participation in interscholastic, ParentLegal Guardian Signature Date, StudentAthlete SignatureDate, Authorization of Treatment, I hereby give my permission for, ParentLegal Guardian Signature Date, A CurrentYear Physical is one, and A CurrentYear Physical is one.

Finishing standard physical form stage 2

It is important to give particular details in the section Medical History, Do you have any chronic or, No If yes explain, Yes, Have you ever been hospitalized, No If yes explain, Yes, Do you have any allergies, No If yes explain, Yes, Are you currently taking any, No If yes explain Have you had a, Yes, Have you ever passed out or, and Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes.

Filling out standard physical form part 3

The Heart murmur High cholesterol, No No No, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Marfan, Have you ever had a concussion, No If yes explain, Yes, Have you ever been knocked out or, No If yes explain, Yes, Do you have headaches with exercise, No If yes explain, Yes, Have you ever had any of the, Prolonged headache Confusion, and Inability to move your arms or legs area has to be used to put down the rights or obligations of both parties.

standard physical form Heart murmur High cholesterol, No No No, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Marfan, Have you ever had a concussion, No If yes explain, Yes, Have you ever been knocked out or, No If yes explain, Yes, Do you have headaches with exercise, No If yes explain, Yes, Have you ever had any of the, Prolonged headache Confusion, and Inability to move your arms or legs fields to insert

Finish by reading the following sections and filling in the proper information: Have you ever had a stinger burner, No If yes explain, Yes, Have you ever had seizures, No If yes explain, Yes, No If yes explain, I hereby state that to the best of, and Signature of Athlete Date.

Filling out standard physical form step 5

Step 3: After you have hit the Done button, your document is going to be available for export to every electronic device or email you indicate.

Step 4: Get duplicates of the form. This may protect you from forthcoming problems. We do not look at or disclose your data, as a consequence feel comfortable knowing it is safe.

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