The State Form 14072, officially titled "Indiana Animal Bites Report," serves as a vital document for the Indiana State Department of Health, meticulously recording incidents involving animal bites within the state. Crafted to ensure comprehensive documentation, this form captures crucial details ranging from the reporting agency case number and victim incident circumstances to the classification of the bite. It spans various sections that collectively gather information about the victim, the owner, and the biting animal, including demographics, vaccination status, and the extent and location of the injury. Additionally, it delves into the aftermath of the incident, exploring whether the animal was quarantined, the treatment administered to the victim, and any follow-up actions taken. This form acts as an essential tool for public health officials, facilitating effective monitoring and management of animal bite incidents to mitigate risks of rabies and other diseases. Moreover, it serves an educational purpose, emphasizing the importance of responsible pet ownership and public safety. Through its detailed classification system, the form aids in evaluating the severity of bites, ensuring that both human and animal victims receive appropriate care and interventions.
Question | Answer |
Form Name | State Form 14072 |
Form Length | 3 pages |
Fillable? | No |
Fillable fields | 0 |
Avg. time to fill out | 45 sec |
Other names | dog bite report form for indiana, in state dept health form 47970, indiana bites report fillable', cps report form indiana |
Official Indiana Animal Bites Report
Indiana State Department of Health
State Form 14072
Reporting Agency Case Number
Incident & Circumstances Animal Parent
Incident Location Address |
Reported by (name) |
Reporting Agency |
Bite Classification |
/ |
/ |
/ |
Reported by (phone) |
(see reverse side of this page to classify) |
County |
/ |
/ |
Incident |
On |
Off |
Property |
Received by (name) |
Exposure Date |
Victim Type (circle 2) |
Human |
Animal |
Juvenile |
Adult |
Reported Date |
Reported Time |
Release Date |
Person bitten (if animal victim, use this space for animal victim's owner): |
Owner of Animal: |
Last |
First |
Mid. |
Date of Birth |
Last Name |
Street Address |
City |
Zip |
Sex |
M |
F |
Home Telephone |
Work Telephone |
First Name |
/ |
/ |
Sex |
M |
F |
Biting Animal |
Color/Markings |
Name |
Sex |
Date of Birth |
Dog |
Cat |
Other |
M |
F |
Street Address |
City |
Zip |
Telephone |
Neutered |
Home: |
Breed |
Y |
N |
Work: |
Parent if victim is a juvenile: |
Animal's Veterinarian |
Prior Incidents |
Last |
First |
Mid. |
Rabies Vaccine |
Date |
/ |
/ |
Y |
N |
Street Address |
City |
Zip |
Telephone |
Home: |
Rabies Tag Number |
License Number |
Microchip Number |
Citation issued? |
Work: |
Y |
N |
If animal victim: |
Location of Quarantine |
Breed/Species |
Color/Markings |
Name |
Vaccine Date (rabies) |
Date of Quarantine |
Quarantined by (name) |
Release Date |
Sex M F |
Time of bite |
Released from Quarantine by (name): |
(if animal victim) |
Treating Physician (or veterinarian) |
Quarantined? |
Name: |
Owner release card (date received): |
Yes No |
Telephone: |
Released from shelter quarantine (date): |
Location on Body and Extent of Injury: |
Lab #/Result: |
Victim's statement of incident (animal owner if animal victim): |
Animal owner's statement of incident: |
State Department of Health required information (must be completed):
Species (fill in the correct biting species):
Bat |
Dog |
Hamster |
Raccoon |
Cattle |
Ferret |
Horse |
Rat |
Cat |
Fox |
Mouse |
Squirrel |
Chipmunk |
Gerbil |
Rabbit |
Other |
If Other, specify
Did the animal exhibit any of the following:
Inability to eat/drink
Excessive salivation |
Paralysis |
Depression |
Animal confined (indoors, penned, tethered, or on leash)
Animal not confined (stray, roaming, etc.)
Wild Animal |
Provoked |
Unprovoked |
Unknown |
Other |
Action taken with animal: |
No Action |
Body destroyed |
Escaped/not found |
Head sent to ISDH Lab |
Pet quarantined (see dates above) |
Other |
(dog, cat, ferret only) |
Unknown |
I, the undersigned, have received a copy of the quarantine guidelines, have read them, and understand them. I agree to comply with all provisions of the quarantine guidelines and understand that noncompliance may result in seizure of my pet if it is in home quarantine or loss of my pet if it is not properly claimed at the end of the quarantine period from the quarantining agency.
Witness___________________________________ |
Date __________________ |
Signature__________________________________________ |
DISTRIBUTION: White - Enforcing Agency, Canary - Local Health Department, Pink - Owner
Animal Bite Classification System – Proper Use
Bites are classified alphanumerically. The alpha designation indicates the victim, geographic location, and if the animal has bitten previously. The numeric designation indicates severity with (1) the least severe and (5) the most severe.
Section I – Victim |
Section II – Confined/Stray |
Section III – Repeat Biter |
Section IV – Bite Severity |
H = Human |
C = Confined at the time of |
R = Repeat biter, previous |
1. |
Minor Scratch |
the bite |
information on file |
2. |
Minor, punctures 4 or |
D = Other animal |
less |
(domestic) |
S = Stray, roaming, off |
O = No previous bites |
3. |
Moderate, punctures |
property, or not legally |
4. |
Severe, punctures (4 or |
W = Other animal |
restrained |
more) deep may include |
crushing or tears from |
shaking |
5. |
Death |
Example: H/C/R/3 = A bite to a human; the animal was legally confined at the time of the bite; the animal has bitten previously, and this is a bite of moderate severity.
Initial Owner/Victim Contact – Action for Quarantine
Location: |
Description: |
Date: |
Officer: |
Results: |
Failed Quarantine (indicate reason):
Victim contacted on the 10th day:
Agent contacting victim:
Individual spoke with:
Reserved space for office use:
If your animal has been quarantined at a shelter or local veterinarian, the required date to pick up the pet is___________________________________. If you do not reclaim your pet
from (or make arrangements with) the quarantining agency by the end of the business day of the date entered above, and pay appropriate fees at the time of reclaim, the animal will become the property of the agency at that time. The disposition of the animal may be determined at that time by the quarantining agency.
(Location of quarantine is at the discretion of the quarantining agency.)
1.Facility used for confinement shall ensure an
2.The animal shall not leave the quarantine premises for any reason. The animal shall not have contact with humans or other animals for the
3.At the first sign of illness in the animal, the owner shall notify the quarantining agency. Symptoms to watch for include fever, loss of appetite, excessive irritability, unusual vocalization, change in behavior, restlessness, jumping at noises, trouble walking, excessive salivation, tremors, convulsions, paralysis, stupors, or unprovoked aggression.
4.At the end of the
5.If these guidelines cannot be met or are violated at any time during the quarantine, the animal will be seized and the
6.When a pet has been exposed to rabies and it is not vaccinated, euthanasia is recommended. Alternatively, the owner has the option of arranging for a
Questions regarding medical treatment and advice should be directed to your family physician. Concerns regarding tetanus toxoid and/or rabies prophylaxis may be addressed by your physician or the local health officer. If your pet has been injured by another animal, contact your veterinarian for appropriate treatment.