Tx Police Clearance Form PDF Details

In an era where security clearances and background checks are increasingly becoming a prerequisite for a variety of activities and international travel, the Tx Police Clearance form serves as a crucial document for residents within Dallas County, Texas. Mandated by the Dallas County Sheriff's Department, this form is a testament to the department's commitment to providing essential services to its constituents, under the leadership of Sheriff Lupe Valdez. Available for a non-refundable fee of thirty-five dollars, payable exclusively via cashier’s check or money order to the “Dallas County Sheriff’s Office,” this form caters to individuals in need of hunting letters, visa clearance letters, or general police clearance letters. The meticulous design of the form demands comprehensive personal information, including any former or alias names, thereby ensuring that the clearance provided is thorough and reliable. Additionally, the form stipulates that the clearance covers records only within Dallas County, highlighting its specific jurisdictional utility. The requirement for the form to be notarized, accompanied by a driver’s license or I.D. card, and a second form of identification, further underscores the seriousness with which the sheriff’s department treats these requests. This process underscores a fundamental aspect of public service—ensuring that individuals can prove their legal and criminal history status when required, through a process that is both rigorous and centered on safeguarding personal information.

Form NameTx Police Clearance Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namespolice clearance certificate, texas police clearance, tx police clearance, police clearance certificate houston texas

Form Preview Example

Dallas County Sheriff’s Department

133N. Riverfront Boulevard, LB - 31 Dallas, Texas 75207 - 4313


Attn: Semone Lilly

Telephone : 214 - 653 - 3462 Fax: 214 – 653 - 3420

Please fill out this form completely and return to this office with a cashier’s check or money order in the amount of a thirty-five ( $35.00 ) which is non-refundable, made payable to the “Dallas County Sheriff’s Office.(NO PERSONAL CHECKS, DEBIT OR CREDIT CARDS) If you have any

questions, please contact

Semone Lilly ( 214 ) 653- 3462, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.





Hunting Letter

Visa Clearance Letter

TO: _____________________________________________________________________________________

(If request is for a Visa or Hunting Letter, the COUNTRY to which you are traveling)

Police Clearance Letter

WHY and Who: ___________________________________________________________________________

(If request is for a POLICE CLEARANCE LETTER, please state why you need the

letter and who can verify your request, name and telephone number)

(Information will be for records in Dallas County only)

I, _________________________________, do hereby authorize Sheriff Lupe Valdez, or her designee, to

research the contents of any criminal history record that the Dallas County Sheriff’s Office may possess concerning me. I also agree to hold Sheriff Valdez, or her designee, harmless should any information given to me become distributed to others.

Name: (Please print) ________________________________________________________________________


List any former or alias names: ________________________________________________________________


Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________

(Street & Number)(City) (State) (Zip Code)

Date of Birth: _______________________ Race: _____________________ Sex: _______________________

Social Security No.: __________________ Driver’s License No./I.D. card: ________________ State:_________

Daytime Telephone Number: (____)____________________ Alternate Number: _(____)__________________

Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________________________

Subscribed and sworn to before me this ______________ Day of ________________, Year ________________


NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of TEXAS

My Commission expires: __________________________


Note: This form may be mailed to the Sheriff’s Department upon completion (it must be notarized with a copy of Driver’s License or I.D. card plus a 2nd form of identification) to the address indicated above. The original form and payment MUST be sent by courier service or through the U.S. mail. If payment is made in advance, the letters may be sent to you at the address indicated on this form. If you pick up the letter and make payment in person at that time, the cashier’s window is open Monday thru Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) Again, only CASH, MONEY ORDER OR CASHIER’S CHECK accepted…… NO PERSONAL