Uba Token Form PDF Details

In the dynamic landscape of banking and financial services, the intersection of security measures with customer convenience often necessitates an intricate balance. The Uba Token form, serving as a notable artifact within this realm, encapsulates this delicate equilibrium through its structured provisions for the indemnification related to the release of a security token to a third party. At the core, the form embodies an agreement where the customer, acknowledging the inherent risks, agrees to indemnify United Bank for Africa PLC against all conceivable ramifications stemming from this action. This includes, but is not limited to, unauthorized monetary transfers from the customer's account, the potential loss or misplacement of the token, and the unforeseen possibility of the token being acquired or used by unauthorized entities. Moreover, the form accentuates the customer's acceptance of sole responsibility for any losses arising from such unauthorized use, further highlighting the security token's role as a critical safeguard against internet banking transfer fraud. This undertaking not only underscores the complexities involved in safeguarding digital banking assets but also reflects on the legal frameworks that aim to govern these interactions, all within the jurisprudential confines of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Uba Token form, thus, stands as an emblematic instance of how legal instruments adapt to the evolving paradigms of banking security and customer service exigencies.

Form NameUba Token Form
Form Length1 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out15 sec
Other namesexample of uba user id, how to know my uba user id, how do i get my user id for uba secure pass, how to get my user id for uba

Form Preview Example

Dat e:

To: United Bank for Africa PLC, 57, Marina,

Lagos. Dear Sir,


I, ____________________________ w hose address is ____________________________ _________________

(hereinafter called “t he Custom er” w hich expression shall w herever t he context so adm it s includes assigns my heirs assigns and personal represent at ives) hereby give t his Indem nit y to United Bank For Africa PLC (hereinafter called 't he Bank' w hich expression shall include it s successors-in-t it le and assigns) .

WHEREAS I have requested t hat t he Bank release t he securit y token linked to my account num ber

_________________ __________w it h t he Bank to __________________________________ w hose address is

______________________ or to my designated courier service (hereinafter called “my proxy”) for onw ard

delivery to m e, not w it hst anding t he advice of t he Bank t hat t he securit y token is a last securit y check against banking t ransfer fraud.

IN CONSIDERATION of t he Bank releasing t he securit y Token in t he m anner I have indicated, I hereby

indem nify and hold t he Bank harm less and fully indem nified from any claim , act ion, dam ages, liabilit y or suit arising from t he release of t he securit y Token, including but not lim ited to t he follow ing;

1.The risk of unaut horized t ransfer of m onies from my account ;

2.The loss or m isplacem ent of t he Token;

3.The event of t he said token falling into t he hands of unaut horized persons after it s release to my proxy.

4.The loss-in-t ransit or unaut horized usage of t he Token during t ransit or w hilst in t he custody of my nom inated courier service

I acknow ledge and recognize t hat t he securit y Token is a last resort securit y check for internet banking

t ransfers and as such, I undert ake to be fully and solely responsible for all risks t hat m ay arise from t he said release of t he Token to my proxy, and against all losses w hich m ay be suffered by m e as a result of

unaut horized t ransfer of m onies or ot her t ransact ions in my account as a result of t he release of t he securit y Token to my proxy.

This Undert aking shall be a cont inuing obligat ion in respect of any and all m at ters connected to or arising from t he Bank's releasing t he securit y Token to my proxy.

This Indem nit y shall be const rued in accordance w it h t he law s of t he Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Dated t his _________day of ____________________ 20_____________________

Duly cert ified and endorsed by m e:

Nam e (account ow ner):

Signat ure:


In t he presence of:

Nam e:

Signat ure:


w w w.ubagroup.com

How to Edit Uba Token Form Online for Free

By using the online PDF editor by FormsPal, you can easily complete or change how do i get my user id for uba secure pass right here and now. The tool is constantly updated by us, acquiring cool features and growing to be much more versatile. This is what you will want to do to begin:

Step 1: Press the orange "Get Form" button above. It is going to open our tool so you could start filling in your form.

Step 2: After you start the editor, you'll notice the document made ready to be filled out. Other than filling out different blanks, you can also perform some other actions with the PDF, specifically adding custom text, editing the original textual content, inserting illustrations or photos, signing the PDF, and a lot more.

This document will require you to enter some specific information; in order to guarantee accuracy and reliability, you should pay attention to the suggestions further on:

1. Start completing your how do i get my user id for uba secure pass with a selection of essential blanks. Get all of the necessary information and make sure not a single thing neglected!

Writing segment 1 in uba united form online

2. After performing the last part, head on to the next step and fill in the necessary details in these blank fields - This Indemnit y shall be construed, Dated this day of, Duly certified and endorsed by me, Name account owner, Signature, Date, In the presence of, Name, Signature, Date, and w w wubagroupcom.

w w wubagroupcom, Signature, and In the presence of of uba united form online

You can easily make a mistake when filling in your w w wubagroupcom, for that reason make sure you go through it again prior to when you send it in.

Step 3: Make certain the information is right and then click "Done" to finish the project. Join FormsPal right now and instantly gain access to how do i get my user id for uba secure pass, prepared for download. All adjustments made by you are saved , making it possible to modify the file later if required. We do not sell or share the details you use while working with forms at our website.