UCC 1-308 PDF Details

In essence, the UCC 1-308 form is a declaration that the person submitting it reserves all of their rights and liberties, and does not accept any liability for any contracts or agreements they did not enter into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally. It also asserts that the person submitting the form is a Sovereign and not a United States citizen or a 14th Amendment citizen.

By signing the form and having it notarized, the person submitting it is providing legal documentation of their declaration and protection of their rights. It is important to note that the effectiveness of this form may vary depending on the specific legal situation and jurisdiction.

Form NameUCC 1-308 Form
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields13
Avg. time to fill out3 min 6 sec
Other namesucc law section 1 207 1 308, ucc 1 308 form, ucc 1 308 on drivers license, ucc law sections 1 207 and 1 308

Form Preview Example

Affidavit of reservation of rights UCC 1-308/1-207


THIS IS A PUBLIC COMMUNICATION TO ALL Notice to agents is notice to principles

Notice to principles is Notice to Agents Applications to all successors and assigns All are without excuse

____________ : ______, sui juris

All rights reserved UCC 1-308/1-207

c/o _________________________________

________, ________ a republic near [_____]

Phone: [ _________________ ]

Non-domestic without the United States

Let it be known to all that I, ____________ : ______ explicitly reserve all of my rights. See UCC1-308

which was formally UCC 1-207.

Ҥ 1-308. Performance or Acceptance Under Reservation of Rights.

(a)A party that with explicit reservation of rights performs or promises performance or assents to performance in a manner demanded or offered by the other party does not thereby prejudice the rights reserved. Such words as "without prejudice," "under protest," or the like are sufficient.

I retain all of my rights and liberties at all times and in all places, nunc pro tunc (now for then) from the time of my birth and forevermore. Further, I retain my rights not to be compelled to perform under any contract or commercial agreement that I did not enter knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally. And furthermore, I do not accept the liability of the compelled benefit of any unrevealed contract or commercial agreement. I am not ever subject to silent contracts and have never knowingly or willingly contracted away my sovereignty.

Further, I am not a United States citizen or a 14th amendment citizen. I am a Sovereign of the republic and reject any attempted expatriation. See 15 untied States statue at large, July 27th, 1868 also known as the expatriation statue.

Violation fee of my liberty is $250,000 per incident or per 15 minutes or any part thereof. Wherefore all have undeniable knowledge.


Affiant, ____________ : ______, sui juris, a natural born Sovereign of _________ in its dejure

capacity as a republic and as one of the several states of the union created by the constitution for the united States of America 1777/1789. This incidentally makes me an American national and a common man of the Sovereign People, does swear and affirm that Affiant has scribed and read the foregoing facts, ad in accordance with the best of Affiant’s firsthand knowledge and conviction, such are true, correct, complete, and not misleading, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Signed By: ________________________________ sui juris, This Affidavit is dated ______________


State_____________ County __________________

Subscribed and sworn to before me a, Notary Public, the above signed ____________ : ______,

This _______ day of ________, _______ year


Notary Public

MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ___________________


Affidavit of reservation of rights UCC 1-308/1-207


John-Raymond: Doe, sui j uris


All rights reserved UCC 1-308/1-207

Notice to agents is notice to principles

c/o 1218 Graymont Boulevard

Notice to principles is Notice to Agents

Nashville, Tennessee a republic near (372 14]

Applications to all successors and as.signs

Phone: [6 15-555-1 212]

All are without excuse

Non-domestic without the United States

Let it be known to all that I, John-Raymond : Doe explicitly reserve all of my rights. See UCCl -308 which was forma lly IJCC 1-207.


Affiant. John-Raymond: Doe. sui iuris. a natural born Sovereign ofTennessee in its dejure

capacity as a republic and as one of the several states of the union created by the constitution for the united States of America 1777/1 789. This incidentally makes me an American national and a common man of the Sovereign People, does swear and affirm that Affiant has scribed and read the fo regoing

facts. ad in accordance with the best ofAffiant's firsthand knowledge and conviction. such arc true,

correc~ complete, and not misleading, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Signed By: _____________ sui juris, This Affidavit is dated ______


State______ County ________

Subscribed and sworn to before me a, Notary Public, the above signed ,John-R aymond: Doe, T his ___ day of______year

Notary Public


How to Edit UCC 1-308 Form Online for Free

This PDF editor was designed with the purpose of making it as simple and easy-to-use as possible. These steps can certainly make managing the ucc law sections 1 207 and 1 308 easy and fast.

Step 1: Click the "Get Form Here" button.

Step 2: You'll find all of the functions that you can undertake on the template when you have entered the ucc law sections 1 207 and 1 308 editing page.

For every single area, prepare the data requested by the platform.

step 1 to filling in ucc 1 308 birth certificate

Write down the requested information in the space AFFIDAVIT Affiant sui juris a, Signed By sui juris This, NOTARY PUBLIC, State County Subscribed and sworn, Notary Public, and MY COMMISSION EXPIRES.

ucc 1 308 birth certificate AFFIDAVIT Affiant    sui juris a, Signed By  sui juris This, NOTARY PUBLIC, State County  Subscribed and sworn, Notary Public, and MY COMMISSION EXPIRES fields to complete

Step 3: Click the Done button to be sure that your completed document can be transferred to each electronic device you want or forwarded to an email you specify.

Step 4: Generate duplicates of your form. This will prevent possible future problems. We do not see or publish the information you have, for that reason you can be confident it is secure.

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