Instructions for Completing the Personal Data Form, VCU-1
The following is a guide to completing the form VCU-1. The form should be completed on- line by filing in the applicable data fields. Handwritten forms will be discarded.
Section One: Fill in this section as completely as possible leaving blank only those fields that do not apply in your case.
Section Two: Fill in this section if the police certificate from the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) states "No Trace" or "No Live Trace" or does not list, in full, your arrests/cautions/convictions.
You are also required to fill in this section if the arrest, conviction or caution took place outside the United Kingdom.
It is important to note that the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act does not apply to U.S. visa law and a spent conviction, regardless of when it may have occurred must be declared when applying for the visa.
Section Three: Fill in this section, if as a result of any conviction, you served a prison sentence.
Section Four: Fill in this section if you have ever been denied entry into the United States. You are required to enclose a copy of the report of the incident, form I-877, if you have one.
Section Five: Fill in this section if you have ever violated the terms of a U.S. visa or the Visa Waiver Program and/or have overstayed the period of time granted by U.S. immigration.
Section Six: Fill in this section if you have ever answered "YES" to any of eligibility questions on the visa application form DS-160 that have not been fully explained in Sections Two to Five. Please review the information you have provided for accuracy
Print the form and date and sign it
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This form should be completed on-line by filing-in the applicable data fields. Handwritten forms will be discarded.
Section One
Surname: ________________________________________________________________
First Names: ______________________________________________________________
(i.e. maiden name, previous married name etc.)
Date of Birth: _____________ Place of Birth:_____________ Passport #: _______________
Purpose of Travel/Type of Visa for which you are applying: _________________________________
Have you previously been found ineligible for a U.S. visa? Please state the section of law under which you were found ineligible, if known _______________________________________________________
Did you receive a waiver of the ineligibility? Yes/No
Section Two
If you have been arrested or summoned for, charged with, indicted for, cautioned or convicted of a crime or other offense, please give full details including date, place and nature of offense:
Date |
Location & Type |
Offense |
Sentence |
(dd/mm/yyyy) |
(Magistrate, Crown, Sheriff etc.) |
(State in full) |
(State in full) |
Section Three
If, as a result of any conviction, you served a prison sentence please complete the questions in full:
Duration of Sentence Imposed (months/years): ______________________________________
Duration of Sentence actually served (months/years): __________________________________
Date of release from prison (dd/mm/yyyy): ________________________________________
Date of release from probation (dd/mm/yyyy): ______________________________________
Section Four
If you were denied entry into the United States please complete the following and attach a copy of your turnaround report (I-877/I-275) if you have one:
Date of refused entry (dd/mm/yyyy): ____________________________________________
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Location of refused entry: ___________________________________________________________
Reason for refused entry (if known): __________________________________________________
Section Five
If you violated the terms of a U.S. visa or the Visa Waiver Program and either overstayed or were deported from the United States, please complete the following section:
Date entered the U.S. (dd/mm/yyyy): ____________________________________________________
U.S. Visa Type (Visa Waiver Program or Visa Category): ______________________________________
Date deported the U.S. (dd/mm/yyyy): ___________________________________________________
Admitted for how long: ________________________________________________________________
Date departed: _______________________________
Reason for overstay/deportation:
Section Six
If you have answered “Yes” to question any of the eligibility questions on the online nonimmigrant visa application form, DS-160 that has not been explained fully in Sections Two to Five, please
explain and include any relevant dates and locations. If you have any supporting documentation such as Doctors’ letters, please attach these too.
Date: ___________________
VCU 1 May 2011 | |