VP Form 337A
Send your completed application to:
Licensing Services Branch
GPO Box 2807AA
Phone: 1300 651 645
E-mail: licensingservices@police.vic.gov.au
Internet: www.police.vic.gov.au
Application for a Permit to Acquire a Longarm
Read instruction pages carefully before completing application form.
Part 1 - Category of Licence that Longarm(s) to be acquired under
(All applicants must complete this part)
Specify the Firearm Licence Number that the firearm(s) will be acquired and registered under.
(Licence Number)
Part 2 - Personal Information (All applicants must complete this part)
Current Name
Family Name
First Given Name
Second Given Name
Third Given Name
Previous Name
Have you changed your name?
No |
If “yes”, refer to instructions. |
Body Corporate and/or Business Name (if applicable)
Residential or Business/Body Corporate Address
Property name (if applicable): |
Flat / Lot etc... |
Street Number |
Lot Number |
/ |
/ |
Street Type |
Street Name |
(RD, ST, AVE, etc) |
Town / Suburb |
State |
Postcode |
Postal Address (only complete this section if you want your permit forwarded |
Box/Bag/Street Number |
to an address different to your residential address) |
GPO Box |
PO Box |
Locked Bag |
Private Bag |
Street Type |
Street Name |
(RD, ST, AVE, etc) |
Town / Suburb |
State |
Postcode |
Part 2 - Personal Information (continued) (All applicants must complete this part)
Contact details (All applicants must complete, if applicable)
(Work - Optional)
E-mail Address (indicate exact case)
Part 3 - Storage Address (All applicants to complete this part)
Storage Address
The instruction pages describe the storage requirements of Schedule 4 of the Firearms Act 1996. Do your storage facilities comply with Schedule 4 requirements?
(For storage requirements, see Part 3 of instruction pages) |
Yes |
No |
Will the firearm(s) be stored at the residential address specified above |
Yes |
No |
If you answer “no”, please specify the storage address below: |
Name of property Owner / Occupier: |
If ‘no’ please explain: ..................................
Property name (if applicable):
Flat / Lot etc...Street Number
Street Name
Street Type
(RD, ST, AVE, etc)
Town / Suburb |
State |
Postcode |
Part 4 - Longarm(s) to be acquired (All applicants to complete this part)
Firearm 1
Firearm Category
You must indicate full calibre details eg. 223REM, 303BRITISH.
Calibre 1
Calibre 3
Calibre 2
Serial Number (optional)
Police Reference
Number (optional)
Part 4 - Longarm(s) to be acquired (continued) (All applicants to complete this part)
Genuine Need/Reason for this Firearm -
You must explain a genuine need/reason (except Category A) for the firearm you are applying to acquire:
-Firearms collectors, please explain how this firearm fits the theme of your collection:
-if the firearm is to be used for an official purpose, you are required to supply further documentation – eg. An authority to Control Wildlife issued by the Department of Substainability and Environment.
Please tick the box if the firearm to be acquired is being imported from overseas:
Firearm Collectors
If you are acquiring a firearm for the purpose of collecting, you must provide your membership details below. What is the theme of your collection? {Cross the appropriate box(es)}:
(Name of Firearm Collectors Organisation) |
(Membership Number) |
(Expiry Date) |
Heirlooms Licences
Your application must include a certificate of deactivation from a Licensed Firearm Dealer that the proposed firearm has been rendered permanently inoperable in accordance with the Firearms Act 1996, Schedule 2.
Firearm 2
Firearm Category
You must indicate full calibre details eg. 223REM, 303BRITISH.
Calibre 1
Calibre 3
Calibre 2
Serial Number (optional)
Police Reference
Number (optional)
Genuine Need/Reason for this Firearm -
You must explain a genuine need/reason (except Category A) for the firearm you are applying to acquire:
-Firearms collectors, please explain how this firearm fits the theme of your collection:
-If the firearm is to be used for an official purpose, you are required to supply further documentation – eg. An authority to Control Wildlife issued by the Department of Substainability and Environment.
Please tick the box if the firearm to be acquired is being imported from overseas:
Firearm Collectors
If you are acquiring a firearm for the purpose of collecting, you must provide your membership details below. What is the theme of your collection? {Cross the appropriate box(es)}:
(Name of Firearm Collectors Organisation) |
(Membership Number) |
(Expiry Date) |
Part 4 - Longarm(s) to be acquired (continued) (All applicants to complete this part)
Firearm 3
Firearm Category
You must indicate full calibre details eg. 223REM, 303BRITISH.
Calibre 1
Calibre 3
Calibre 2
Serial Number (optional)
Police Reference
Number (optional)
Genuine Need/Reason for this Firearm -
You must explain a genuine need/reason (except Category A) for the firearm you are applying to acquire:
-Firearms collectors, please explain how this firearm fits the theme of your collection:
-If the firearm is to be used for an official purpose, you are required to supply further documentation – eg. An authority to Control Wildlife issued by the Department of Substainability and Environment.
Please tick the box if the firearm to be acquired is being imported from overseas:
Firearm Collectors
If you are acquiring a firearm for the purpose of collecting, you must provide your membership details below. What is the theme of your collection? {Cross the appropriate box(es)}:
/ /
(Name of Firearm Collectors Organisation) |
(Membership Number) |
(Expiry Date) |
Part 5 - Statutory Declaration (All applicants must complete this Part)
I, (print given names)
of (print address)
(family name)
in the state of Victoria
declare that all the particulars in this document are true and correct. I make this declaration in the belief that persons making a false declaration commit an offence against section 140A of the Firearms Act 1996.
Declared at
Before me*
Authority Type
See Instruction Pages (Part 5) for a list of persons who can sign the Statutory Declaration.
Privacy Statement: The information collected in this application is being collected by Victoria Police. It will be used in accordance with the provisions of the Firearms Act 1996, Private Agents Act 1966, Control of Weapons Act 1990 and the Information Privacy Act 2000. Your information may be disclosed to employers, approved bodies and other statutory authorities by Victoria Police for the purpose of law enforcement and the administration of justice. Applicants may gain access to their information through application to the Victoria Police Freedom of Information Unit. Failure to provide information requested in this application may result in this application being denied or delayed.

Instruction Pages for Application for a
Permit to Acquire a Longarm
The information contained in your application is treated as Strictly Confidential
This application form is to be used by current Firearms Licence holders who wish to acquire a longarm. If you do not possess a current Firearms Licence that permits you to possess a longarm, you may submit your Firearms licence application together with this Application for a Permit to Acquire a Firearm. However, the Permit to Acquire cannot be issued until you have received and paid (if a fee is payable) for your Firearms Licence.
Waiting Periods for Permits
If this application is to acquire your first firearm, the Permit to Acquire cannot be issued until 28 days has elapsed from the receipt of your application. If you already possess other registered firearms the Permit to Acquire will be issued as soon as possible.
How to use these instruction pages
There are Five Parts in the Permit to Acquire application form. You may not have to complete all parts. These instruction pages help you decide whether you have to fill out each part, and how to fill out the parts that apply to you.
•The form is to be completed in black or blue pen only.
•Attach copies of supporting documents securely to your Application and forward to Licensing Services Branch, GPO Box 2807AA Melbourne 3001.
•Contact Licensing Services Branch on telephone number 1300 651 645 or e-mail us at: licensingservices@police.vic.gov.au Online Resources: http://www.police.vic.gov.au
Do not send: original identification documents; cash, cheques or money orders.
Entering Information
Please print in capital letters and avoid contact with the edge of the boxes. When you are asked to make a choice, place a cross in the appropriate box.
Multiple Acquisition of Firearms
The application can be used to acquire multiple firearms of the same licence category. A Permit to Acquire will be issued for each firearm proposed to be acquired. A separate fee is payable for each permit issued.
Separate Permit Applications are to be submitted if you want to acquire multiple firearms under different licence type.
Interstate Acquisition of Firearms
A person may use a Permit to Acquire issued in Victoria to acquire a firearm from, or through, a Licensed Firearms Dealer in New South Wales or South Australia.
Part 1 - Category of Firearm and Licence Details (All applicants must complete this part)
Identify the Category of Firearm you propose to acquire from the firearm list below.
Firearm |
Firearm Types Applicable to this Application Form |
Categories |
A |
Airguns; paintball firearms; rimfire rifles (includes pump action not semi-automatic) shotguns (not semi-automatic or |
pump action); any combination of a shotgun and rimfire rifle; muzzle loading shotguns. |
B |
Muzzle loading firearms (except shotguns); centre fire rifles (includes pump action not automatic or semi-automatic); |
any combination of shotgun, and centre fire rifle, or black powder ball firing cannon. (Category B licence automatically |
allows you to use Category A firearms). |
C |
Semi-automatic rimfire rifles (magazine capacity no more than 10 rounds); semi-automatic shotguns |
(magazine capacity not more than 5 rounds); pump action shotguns (magazine capacity not more than 5 rounds); |
tranquilliser guns. |
D |
Semi-automatic rimfire rifles (magazine capacity of more than 10 rounds); semi-automatic shotguns (magazine |
capacity of more than 5 rounds); pump action shotguns (magazine capacity of more than 5 rounds); semi-automatic |
centre fire rifles. |
E |
Machine guns, tear gas guns or projectors; shotguns or rifles with a length of less than 75cm measured parallel to the |
barrel; cannons (which are not black powder ball firing); mortars; bazookas; rocket propelled grenades, large calibre |
military firearms designed to fire an explosive or projectile. |
NOTE: A Junior Firearm licence Holder cannot own firearms, but can use A and B longarms, C longarms (being shotguns) or General Category Handguns under supervision of an appropriate firearms licence holder.
How to Complete Part 1
Specify the Firearm Licence Number that the firearms will be acquired and registered under.
Part 2 - Personal Information (All applicants must complete this part)
How to Complete Part 2
Provide your current personal details in the boxes provided. Make sure to leave a space between words. If this is an application for a Body Corporate or Government Department, the Nominated person’s name must be specified, including the Body Corporate name. If you have ever changed your name, you must provide a certified copy of your change of name certificate or full birth certificate that includes the schedule of any name changes or marriage certificate.
If applicable, you must provide your e-mail address, and contact telephone details to enable Licensing Services Branch to contact you if a problem is encountered in the processing of your application. When providing your e-mail address, make sure you indicate the exact case, punctuation marks and location of the ‘@’ symbol. Please specify the business or body corporate address.
Part 3 - Firearms Storage (All applicants must complete this part)
The Firearms Act 1996 (Schedule 4) provides for new storage standards for firearms and ammunition. The following is a brief summary of the storage requirements which you must be able to satisfy.
Category A and B requirements
•Hard wood or steel container – not easy to penetrate
•If the container weighs less than 150kg when empty, it must be securely fixed to the floor or wall frame.
•When a firearm is in the container, the container MUST be locked with a lock of sturdy construction.
•The premises must have an effective alarm system if more than 15 firearms are stored on the premises.
•Ammunition must be stored in a separate locked container (not within the firearm) unless the receptacle is purpose built to store ammunition separately from the firearms.
Category C, D and E Longarm requirements
•Steel safe – not easy to penetrate
•If the safe weighs less than 150kg when empty, it must be bolted to the structure of the premises.
•When a firearm is in the safe, the safe MUST be locked.
•The premises must have an effective alarm system if more than 15 firearms are stored on the premises.
•The key to the safe must be carried by the licence holder or kept securely in a separate room from the safe.
•Ammunition must be stored in a separate locked container (not with the firearm) unless the receptacle is purpose built to store ammunition separately from the firearms.
Category 1 & 2 Collectors requirements (All categories of firearms)
Firearms must be stored:
•On premises, or a part of the premises, which is a permanent building and which has secure locks on all openings.
•In a room where:
•The walls of which are solid enough to be a substantial physical barrier to entry; and
•The windows must be covered by security bars.
•Any doors:
•Must be solid material or covered by steel sheet or reinforced by firmly fixed steel mesh;
•Must be fitted with a lock of a dead latch type or an extra hasp and barrel bolt padlock which is of such a nature as to reduce the possibility of the door being sprung from the jamb; and
•Hinged with concealed hinge pins or which are welded to prevent pins from being removed.
•In a container:
•To be made of steel or another robust material;
•Fixed to the wall or floor of the room;
•With doors that are attached with concealed or welded hinges; and
•When firearms are in container, it must be locked, with a lock which is so constructed as to prevent the doors of the container being easily sprung.
•The premises must have a monitored alarm system if more than 5 firearms are stored on the premises.
•Firearms can only be removed from the container by the licence holder.
•The key to the container in which the firearm is stored must be carried by the licence holder or kept securely in a separate room from the container, not accessible to persons who do not hold the appropriate licence.
•Any bolt or firing pin which is required to be stored separately from the firearm it is part of, must be stored in the same manner as is required for the storage of a firearm under a licence for Category A or B Longarm.
NOTE: If less than 15 Category A or B firearms are owned under a Category 1 Firearms Collectors Licence and no other firearms are stored at the premises, storage can be specified below:
•Hardwood or steel container – not easy to penetrate;
•If the container weighs less than 150kg empty, it must be securely fixed to the floor or wall frame; and
•When the firearm is in the container, it MUST be locked with a lock and be of sturdy construction.
Ammunition and Heirlooms Licence Requirements
•Hard wood or steel container – not easy to penetrate
•If the container weighs less than 150kg when empty, it must be securely fixed to the floor or wall frame.
•When a firearm is in the container, the container MUST be locked with a lock of sturdy construction.
•A firearm under an heirlooms licence may be displayed by being fixed to a wall in a manner that makes it unable to be readily removed.

Part 4 - Longarm(s) to be acquired (All applicants must complete this part)
You must provide details of the firearm(s) you wish to acquire.
•You can apply for multiple firearms of the same category.
•The licence holder may only use the permit to acquire a firearm of that Type, Action and Calibre specified.
•You can not acquire a firearm with a calibre less than or greater than that specified on the permit. Amendments to the permit by Licensed Firearm Dealers WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
Category A and B longarms
Category A longarms: Prior to applying for a Permit to Acquire you are required to identify the firearm Type and Calibre only.
Category B longarms: You are required to identify the firearm Type, Action and Calibre. The Type, Action and Calibre of the firearm will then be printed on the permit. The full calibre details must be provided, eg 223REM, 303BRITISH, 270WIN etc. Provide the serial number and/or Police Reference Number (if known) of the firearm you are applying to acquire.
With the exception of Category A firearms, you must show your genuine need/reason for the acquisition of a firearm. To show a genuine need, you have to explain why you need that particular category of firearm. For example, a recreational hunter may need different types of firearms to hunt different game. A sport and target shooter may need a number of firearms in the same category to shoot in different competitions. If you are acquiring a Category B firearm you will need to explain why your genuine need cannot be met by a Category A firearm.
Category C, D, E Longarms and Heirlooms
Category C and D Longarms: For Category C or D Permit Applications, you can only acquire and own ONE semi-automatic Rimfire Rifle and/or ONE semi-automatic shotgun or pump action shotgun. Approval may in some circumstances be granted to acquire more than one Category C firearm, being a shotgun, for the reason of clay target shooting.
If you intend to acquire a Category C, D or E Longarm, or if you are acquiring a firearm under a Heirlooms Licence, you must supply full firearm details. The full calibre details must be provided, eg. 223REM, 303BRITISH, 270WIN etc.
You must show your genuine need/reason for the acquisition of a firearm. To show a genuine need, you have to explain why you need that particular category of firearm. For example, a recreational hunter may need different types of firearms to hunt different game. A sport and target shooter may need a number of firearms in the same category to shoot in different competitions. You must explain why your genuine need can not be met by another category of firearm.
Provide the serial number and/or Police Reference Number (if known) of the firearm you are applying to acquire.
Heirlooms Licences. Your application must include a certificate of deactivation from a Licensed Firearm Dealer that the proposed firearm has been rendered permanently inoperable in accordance with the Firearms Act 1996. Schedule 2.
Category 1 or 2 Firearms Collectors.
The acquisition of the firearm must meet the theme of your collection which you indicated on your licence renewal/application. Provide the serial number and/or Police Reference Number (if known) of the firearm you are applying to acquire.
If you wish to acquire a Category D or E longarm you must provide full details of that firearm and a certificate of deactivation from a Licensed Firearms Dealer that the proposed firearm(s) have been rendered permanently inoperable in accordance with the Firearms Act 1996, Schedule 2. You must also detail your genuine reason for acquiring this firearm.
Example of correctly completed form:
Firearm Category
Magazine/ |
B |
Firearm |
C |
F |
Firearm |
B |
A |
Firearm |
Firearm |
0 5 |
Type |
Action |
Configuration |
Capacity |
R |
E |
M |
I |
N |
G |
T |
O |
N |
7 |
0 |
0 |
You must indicate full calibre details eg. 223REM, 303BRITISH.
Calibre 2 |
Serial Number |
A |
B |
C |
1 |
2 |
3 |
(optional) |
Police Reference |
7 |
5 |
8 |
4 |
4 |
5 |
2 |
Number (optional) |