Vvc Edu PDF Details

In the constantly evolving landscape of education, students seeking to advance their academic journey at Victor Valley College may encounter the necessity of completing specific prerequisites before enrolling in higher-level courses. The Victor Valley College Prerequisite Equivalency/ Challenge Form, revised in May 2013, serves as a crucial tool for those who need to either demonstrate the completion of equivalent coursework elsewhere or wish to challenge a prerequisite for a variety of reasons. This comprehensive form accommodates various scenarios, such as transfer students providing details of equivalent courses completed at other colleges or universities, and high school students presenting information on completed courses or Advanced Placement (AP) test scores. Additionally, it outlines several grounds on which a student may wish to challenge a prerequisite, including assertions of already possessing the necessary knowledge or skills, questioning the validity of the prerequisite, issues of availability, allegations of discriminatory practices, or procedural discrepancies by the district. The form further guides students through the process of submitting their challenge, detailing the potential outcomes, including the necessity of an accompanying transcript upon submission, and emphasizes the college's adherence to state regulations enforcing course prerequisites for student success. Victor Valley College's structured approach, as outlined in this form, illustrates a commitment to upholding academic standards while providing pathways for students to advocate for their educational progression.

Form NameVvc Edu
Form Length2 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out30 sec
Other namesvvc challenge, da 3434, victor valley prerequisite, valley equivalency form

Form Preview Example

REV. 05/2013



Office Use Only


Initials /Date




Notified (if denied)





Student ID#





(Please print)


















































Example: Math 90





The VVC prerequisite course(s) is/are:

Example: Math 50


I have completed an equivalent course to the prerequisite of this course.

Transfer Students: Please provide information on

prerequisite ou se o

pleted ith C o

ette .


Course Title/units

Letter Grade





























High School Students: Please provide information on

prerequisite course o pleted ith C o ette . For a completed AP test, provide copy of test scores.

High School


Course Title

Letter Grade

























A transcript must accompany form upon submission.

I have not completed the prerequisite of this course and I want to challenge it based on the following:

Knowledge or ability to succeed.

Invalid prerequisite.

Prerequisite course not available.

Prerequisite is discriminatory or applied in a discriminatory manner.

Prerequisite not established in accordance with the

dist i t’s p o ess fo esta lishi g prerequisites/co-requisites.

EAP Math Co ditio al status.

(follow instructions on reverse side).

EAP E glish Ready o Math eady status ot o file

with VVC (follow instructions on reverse side).


Please explain the basis of this challenge and attach any necessary documentation:

I acknowledge that Victor Valley College has determined that this prerequisite is necessary for success in the course and that I am taking personal responsibility for succeeding without this prerequisite. If this challenge is denied, I will be dropped from the class.

“tudent’s “ignature:






Student’s “ignature:










Today’s Date:





Today’s Date:






































The app op iate fa ulty ha e e ie

ed the stude

t’s petitio a d atta hed do u e tatio , a

d based on their recommendation,



this petition is: [

] Approved

[ ] Not approved for the following reason(s):




































































Signature of Department Chair or Division Dean


A student will not be enrolled by Admissions & Records staff until this signed form with attached documentation is returned to the Admissions and Records Office.


- General Information -

VVC is required by the State of California to enforce course prerequisites. We believe completing prerequisites before enrolling in higher level courses will ensure your success as a student. If you have taken the prerequisite at another school, you must complete the prerequisite equivalency section of this form. If

you wish to challenge the prerequisite based on your knowledge or ability, you must provide an explanation on the p e e uisite hallenge section of this form. This may necessitate providing documentation, which should be attached to your form.

-Upon submission of this challenge petition, an Admissions & Records staff member may forward the petition to the corresponding Department Dean/Chair for review.

-Once the petition is returned to the Admissions & Records office, the action determined by the Department Chair or Division Dean will be upheld.

-An approved petition will allow the student to enroll into the class or the waitlist.

-Denied petitions require the student to be removed from the waitlist.

-The student will be notified by email of the petition outcome.

-The student should contact the Division Dean for appeals to this challenge petition.

-Petitions will not be accepted if a student has an academic or administrative hold on his/her record.


You may challenge the prerequisite for the course you wish to enter by choosing one of the following options:

1.Knowledge or ability to succeed: You believe you can succeed in the course without meeting the prerequisite based on knowledge or ability gained outside of the classroom. The challenge (and documentation) will be reviewed by the appropriate department.

2.Invalid prerequisite: You believe the prerequisite is not valid because it is not necessary for success in the ou se fo hi h it is e ui ed. You u de sta d the fa ulty of the depa t e t a d the ollege’s

Curriculum Committee have considered and approved the prerequisite. The Department Chair or Division Dean will determine whether the required course is necessary for success in the target course.

3.Prerequisite course not available: You believe the prerequisite course was not made reasonably available. The Department Chair or Division Dean will determine whether the required course was reasonably available.

4.Prerequisite is discriminatory: You believe the prerequisite is discriminatory or is applied in a discriminatory manner. The area Department Chair or Division Dean will review the evidence submitted.

5. District process: You elie e the p e e uisite as ot esta lished i a o da e ith the dist i t’s process for establishing prerequisites and co-requisites. The Department Chair or Division Dean will determine whether or not establishment of the course prerequisite followed district policy.

6.EAP Math Conditional status process: If your EAP Math status is conditional, a copy of your EAP results (both pages) AND a copy of high school transcripts showing successful completion of a math course at the level of Algebra II or higher in the senior year must be attached.

7.EAP English or Math Ready process: If you E glish o Math EAP has a status of Ready a d VVC does not have your English or Math EAP on file, complete the challenge form and attach a copy of your EAP results (both pages).

REV. 05/2013

How to Edit Vvc Edu Online for Free

Our PDF editor makes it easy to fill out forms. You should not perform much to enhance vvc form online forms. Simply try out these particular steps.

Step 1: Choose the button "Get form here" to access it.

Step 2: Now, you can change the da form 3434. Our multifunctional toolbar enables you to include, erase, adjust, highlight, and undertake many other commands to the content and areas within the form.

These parts will make up the PDF document:

stage 1 to filling out vvc challenge

Type in the necessary details in Prerequisite not established in, High School Students Please, A transcript must accompany form, Please explain the basis of this, I acknowledge that Victor Valley, tudents ignature, Students ignature, Semester, Todays Date, Semester, Todays Date, FOR DIVISION USE ONLY, The appcidopcidiate facidulty, and Not approved for the following segment.

step 2 to completing vvc challenge

Step 3: Once you pick the Done button, your final file is readily transferable to each of your devices. Or, you can send it via mail.

Step 4: Ensure that you stay away from potential complications by creating no less than a couple of copies of the document.

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