Claim For Benefits
Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission |
1000 DMV Drive Richmond Virginia 23220 |
Jurisdiction Claim #: |
1-877-664-2566 |
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Claim Administrator #: |
All injured workers should complete this section for |
workers’ compensation injuries |
Injured Worker’s Name:
City: |
State: |
Zip: |
Home Phone: |
Work Phone: |
Parts of Your Body Injured: |
Employer's Name:
City: |
State: |
Zip: |
Employer’s Phone: |
How injury occurred: |
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
Date of Injury: |
Average Gross Earnings per week: |
$ |
Location of accident (City or County): ________________________ State __________________ |
If claiming an occupational disease:
·name of occupational disease:_________________________________________________
· date you last worked for this employer:
· date doctor told you disease was caused by work:
I hereby file this claim to protect my rights under the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Act for the injury or disease described above. Unless indicated in Part B below, I am not requesting the Commission take any specific action at this time.
_________________________________________ |
________________________________ |
________________ |
Injured Worker’s Signature (Required) |
Print Name |
Date |
I need assistance obtaining the following benefits and request a hearing if necessary:
I need a lifetime Award of medical benefits for my injury (including any treatment already received & paid for) **
I missed work because of my injury for the periods: From:______________ To:_________________**
From:______________ To:_________________
I earned less pay while at work because of my injury for the periods: From: ______________To:________________**
From: ______________To:________________
I have a loss of use or amputation of a body part, loss of hearing/vision, lung disease or bodily scarring/disfigurement. **
I have unpaid medical bills or out of pocket medical/prescription/transportation expenses relating to my injury. **
I am requesting death benefits to dependents or funeral expenses.
Other _______________________________________________________________________________
(i.e. Change in Condition, Permanent Total Disability, etc.)
** Attach medical records, itemized bills, or receipts.
If there are any questions regarding this form, please contact the Commission toll-free at 1-877-664-2566.
VWC Form #5
Rev. 11/09
Claim for Benefits
VWC Form #5
Filing Instructions
1.If you have been paid by your employer or claim administrator for time missed from work because of your injury or for medical treatment for your injury, you must file a claim with the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission to protect your right to benefits under Virginia law. Even if you are not requesting specific benefits at this time, you should still submit this form with Part A completed within two years of the date of your accident or diagnosis of disease.
2.If you are requesting specific benefits or if the claim administrator has denied your claim, complete Part B of this form and submit the medical reports either attached to the form, or as soon as possible.
You may obtain copies of your medical records directly from your physician.
Importance of Medical Records:
Medical records showing that your accidental injury or disease is work related must be filed with the Commission. File these medical records with your claim or as soon as possible. If you are unable to obtain copies of your medical reports and bills, you may request a subpoena by sending the name and address of the medical provider to the Clerk of the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission. A $12.00 money order made payable to the Sheriff of the city or county where the medical provider is located must be included for each subpoena. The Commission cannot issue subpoenae outside Virginia.
3.The parties are advised that Mediation and ADR services may be available upon request. For further information contact 804-205-3139, toll-free 877-664-2566, or visit
4.For questions or assistance with completing this form, please contact the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission toll free at 1-877-664-2566 or visit our website at
Benefits Covered under the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Act:
•Lifetime Medical Benefits – Payment for expenses related to the injury or occupational disease. Includes payment/reimbursement of out of pocket medical, prescription and transportation expenses.
•Wage Loss Replacement (Temporary Total/Temporary Partial Disability): Full or partial wage loss replacement for medically authorized disability from work.
•Permanent Partial Disability – Compensation for loss of use of a body part, loss of hearing/vision, amputation, lung disease or bodily disfigurement/scarring.
•Permanent Total Disability – Lifetime wage replacement for loss of both hands, arms, feet, legs, eyes or any two in the same accident, or is paralyzed or disabled from a severe brain injury.
•Death Benefits – In cases where injury results in death, surviving spouse, children, or certain other dependants may be entitled to wage loss replacement benefits and payment of funeral/transportation expenses.
•Other: Mileage reimbursement, Cost of Living Increases, if eligible. (total wage loss and fatal benefits)