W6 Form PDF Details

Are you a Canadian business owner wondering what the W6 form is and how it impacts your company? The W6 or worker-employee information sheet is widely used in Canada, as well as other countries, to provide employers with important information about their employees. It's an essential step for any business to make sure they are compliant with regulations regarding labour law and taxation. In this post, we'll discuss exactly why the W6 form matters for businesses in Canada and explain the specific details of its use. By understanding the importance of having accurate employee data on file, you can ensure your business stays up to date with relevant laws and remains organized overall.

Form NameW6 Form
Form Length5 pages
Fillable fields0
Avg. time to fill out1 min 15 sec
Other namesw6 form online, number form w6, w 6 tax form, w6 forms

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Excise Warehouse

Remittance advice for tobacco goods


HMRC 12/20

Notes for completing form W6

This form is for Excise Duty and Value Added Tax on tobacco goods only. Complete a separate form for each proprietor. All entries must be clear. Do not overwrite, rub out or use correcting fluid on entry errors. You must rule through and arrange for the signatory to initial any amendments. You must also rule through any unused lines.

Registration number – complete using the VAT Registration Number (eventually to be replaced by a new national trader numbering system).

Warehouse code – this is your warehouse authorisation number (to be phased out when the new trader numbering system is introduced).

Consecutive reference number – each W6 form you submit must contain a unique consecutive reference number (CRN). The CRN must not exceed 7 digits and it must consist of numbers only (you must not use any other characters or spaces in the CRN). You should number the W6 forms consecutively in an annual series, starting from the warehousekeeper’s first stock accounting period in the year; for example: during stock period 1, number the forms 11234, 11235, 11236 and so on; during stock period 2, number them 21234, 21235, 21236 and so on. Duplicate CRNs must not be used in the same period. A separate, unique numbering sequence should be used for cash remittance advices (W6) and deferment advices (W6D), and for each warehouse operated by the warehousekeeper.

Calculation of Excise Duty. Details of the tax types and duty rates are in the Integrated Tariff of the United Kingdom Volume 1 Part 12.

Section 1

Line 1

Show the total retail value in the first box;

In the Rate of duty box enter the percentage rate of duty.

Line 2

Show the quantity in thousands, for example, for 20,000 cigarettes enter 20.00;

In the Rate of duty box enter the current rate of duty.

Sections 2 to 5

Enter the quantity in kilograms to 2 decimal places;

In the Rate of duty box enter the current rate of duty.

Value for VAT – this can vary. If, whilst in warehouse, the goods have been subject to a supply, or additional services such as storage or handling, it may affect the VAT position. You can find detailed guidance in Notice 702 imports. Note that the value for VAT must include Excise Duty in all cases (and customs duty if applicable).

It is advisable to use separate forms, clearly noted, for detailing any underpayments or overpayments uncovered – include a cross reference to the previous mistaken entry, with a brief description of the reason for the error.

For cigarettes only you should also include a separate statement showing an analysis of the overall totals by:


b)total cigarettes of that brand

c)recommended retail price of pack

You can avoid financial penalties by making sure that you have given complete and accurate information on this form and that you submit the form and pay the duty due prior to release of the goods from the warehouse. You have the right to appeal if we impose such a penalty.


HMRC 12/20

Value for VAT – supplementary guidance from 1 January 2021

From 1 January 2021, there are changes in the way that VAT is accounted for on goods brought into the UK from the EU or third countries. Separate forms, clearly noted, will need to be used detailing the different types of removal from excise warehouse. These are listed below for removals from GB and NI warehouses.

Guidance on using postponed VAT accounting is at www.gov.uk/guidance/check-when-you-can-account-for- import-vat-on-your-vat-return.

Guidance on how to complete your VAT return when using postponed VAT accounting is at www.gov.uk/guidance/complete-your-vat-return-to-account-for-import-vat.

Goods removed from an excise warehouse in Great Britain

Goods entering GB from the EU before 1 January 2021, and released from duty suspense in an excise warehouse on or after 1 January 2021

EC free circulation goods subject to acquisition VAT procedures. In these cases complete the Value/Rate boxes and enter 'ACQ VAT' in the amount of VAT box. Please retain this information for your records.

EC free circulation goods where the requirement to account for acquisition VAT is extinguished because the goods are supplied on whilst in warehouse in GB. Supply VAT is due. Complete the Value/Rate/amount boxes. You will receive a C79 certificate to support your claim for input tax deduction.

Goods entering GB from the EU or third countries under customs rules, and released from duty suspense in an excise warehouse on or after 1 January 2021

To use postponed VAT accounting to declare and recover import VAT on your VAT return, complete the Value/Rate boxes and enter 'ACQ VAT' in the Amount of VAT box. Please retain this information for your records. Please ensure that you retain evidence of how you calculate the value for VAT declared. You will need this to complete your VAT return as you will not receive a monthly postponed import VAT statement.

If you do not wish to use postponed VAT accounting to declare and recover import VAT on your VAT return, complete the Value/Rate/amount boxes. You will receive a C79 certificate to support your claim for input tax deduction.

Goods produced in GB or NI which are supplied in warehouse in GB

Supply VAT is due on the last supply made in warehouse. Complete the Value/Rate/amount boxes. You will receive a C79 certificate to support your claim for input tax deduction.

Goods removed from an excise warehouse in Northern Ireland

Goods entering NI from the EU and released from duty suspense in an excise warehouse

There will be no change to the way that VAT is accounted for. This means that where you enter ‘ACQ VAT’ it means acquisition VAT, and it is essential that this is shown on a separate form from entries in the

next category.

Goods entering NI from third countries under customs rules, and released from duty suspense in an excise warehouse on or after 1 January 2021

To use postponed VAT accounting to declare and recover import VAT on your VAT return, complete the Value/Rate boxes and enter 'ACQ VAT' in the Amount of VAT box. Please retain this information for your records. Please ensure that you retain evidence of how you calculate the value for VAT declared. You will need this to complete your VAT return as you will not receive a monthly postponed import VAT statement.

If you do not wish to use postponed VAT accounting to declare and recover import VAT on your VAT return, complete the Value/Rate/amount boxes. You will receive a C79 certificate to support your claim for input tax deduction.

Goods produced in GB or NI which are supplied in warehouse in NI

Supply VAT is due on the last supply made in warehouse. Complete the Value/Rate/amount boxes. You will receive a C79 certificate to support your claim for input tax deduction.


HMRC 12/20

Excise Warehouse

Remittance advice for tobacco goods

Please read the notes before completing this form


Proprietor details

Name .....................................................................................

Address .................................................................................



.......................................... Postcode ....................................

Warehousekeeper details

Name .....................................................................................

Address .................................................................................



............................................. Postcode ........................

Consecutive reference number

For HMRC use

Proprietor Registration Number

Declarant Registration Number (if different to above)

Warehouse Code

Calculation of Excise Duty









Tobacco product

Rate of duty


Amount of Excise Duty






































Section 1




Retail value £





























































































































































Quantity (thousands)


































































































































Section 2


































Quantity (kilos)


































































































































Section 3































Hand rolling tobacco



Quantity (kilos)


































































































































Section 4































Other smoking tobacco



Quantity (kilos)


































































































































Section 5































Chewing tobacco



Quantity (kilos)



























































































































































Total Excise Duty




























































Value for VAT

Rate of VAT



Amount of VAT

3 1 8 1 3






































































































































Grand total due



















































Date of receipt

Late item *Yes/No

Amount of payment




Data input

Checked by





I................................................................................................................................ declare that the information given on this form is true and complete.


(name in capital letters)



Phone number


(*Proprietor/partner/director or duly authorised person)

*Delete as necessary




W6 (Copy 1)

Page 1

Excise Warehouse

Remittance advice for tobacco goods

Please read the notes before completing this form


Proprietor details

Name .....................................................................................

Address .................................................................................



.......................................... Postcode ....................................

Warehousekeeper details

Name .....................................................................................

Address .................................................................................



............................................. Postcode.................................

Consecutive reference number

For HMRC use

Proprietor Registration Number

Declarant Registration Number (if different to above)

Warehouse Code

Calculation of Excise Duty





Tobacco product

Rate of duty


Amount of Excise Duty




























Section 1




























Retail value £


















3 1 6 1 1


























































Quantity (thousands)


















3 1 6 1 1



















































Section 2




























Quantity (kilos)


















3 1 6 1 5



















































Section 3


























Hand rolling tobacco


Quantity (kilos)


















3 1 6 1 9



















































Section 4


























Other smoking tobacco


Quantity (kilos)


















3 1 6 2 3



















































Section 5


























Chewing tobacco


Quantity (kilos)


















3 1 6 2 7


































































Total Excise Duty














































Value for VAT

Rate of VAT



Amount of VAT

3 1 8 1 3


































































































Grand total due









































Date of receipt

Late item *Yes/No

Amount of payment




Data input

Checked by







I................................................................................................................................ declare that the information given on this form is true and complete.



(name in capital letters)




Phone number



(*Proprietor/partner/director or duly authorised person)

*Delete as necessary





W6 (Copy 2)

Page 2


How to Edit W6 Form Online for Free

w6 forms can be filled in online without any problem. Simply try FormsPal PDF tool to finish the job right away. Our professional team is ceaselessly endeavoring to improve the editor and enable it to be much better for clients with its multiple features. Bring your experience one stage further with continuously developing and fantastic possibilities we offer! Starting is simple! All you need to do is follow the following basic steps below:

Step 1: Click on the "Get Form" button at the top of this webpage to get into our editor.

Step 2: Using our handy PDF editing tool, you may accomplish more than simply fill out blank form fields. Try all the features and make your documents seem great with customized text added in, or modify the original input to excellence - all accompanied by the capability to incorporate stunning images and sign the PDF off.

For you to finalize this document, be sure to provide the required information in every field:

1. The w6 forms involves certain details to be inserted. Ensure that the subsequent fields are finalized:

Stage no. 1 for filling out w6 form online

2. The subsequent stage is usually to fill out the following fields: Section Cigarettes, Retail value, Quantity thousands, Quantity kilos, Quantity kilos, Quantity kilos, Quantity kilos, Value for VAT, Section Cigars, Section Hand rolling tobacco, Section Other smoking tobacco, Section Chewing tobacco, Total Excise Duty, Rate of VAT, and Amount of VAT.

Step no. 2 of completing w6 form online

3. This next portion is related to Declaration, Grand total due, I declare that the information, name in capital letters, Signature Phone number, Proprietorpartnerdirector or duly, Delete as necessary, W Copy, and Page - fill out each one of these empty form fields.

Learn how to complete w6 form online part 3

4. This next section requires some additional information. Ensure you complete all the necessary fields - Excise Warehouse Remittance advice, Date, Proprietor details, Warehousekeeper details, Name Name, Address Address, Consecutive reference number, Postcode Postcode, Proprietor Registration Number, Declarant Registration Number if, Warehouse Code, For HMRC use, and Date of receipt - to proceed further in your process!

Step # 4 in completing w6 form online

As for Consecutive reference number and Address Address, be certain you review things in this current part. Both these are considered the key ones in the document.

5. To wrap up your form, this final section features a couple of extra blank fields. Typing in Retail value, Quantity thousands, Quantity kilos, Quantity kilos, Quantity kilos, Quantity kilos, Value for VAT, Section Cigarettes, Section Cigars, Section Hand rolling tobacco, Section Other smoking tobacco, Section Chewing tobacco, Total Excise Duty, Rate of VAT, and Amount of VAT should conclude everything and you'll definitely be done before you know it!

Quantity kilos, Quantity kilos, and Section  Other smoking tobacco in w6 form online

Step 3: Immediately after looking through your entries, press "Done" and you are good to go! Join FormsPal now and easily access w6 forms, ready for downloading. Every modification you make is handily kept , which enables you to modify the file at a later point if required. At FormsPal, we endeavor to be sure that all your information is kept secure.