Colorado Minor Child Power of Attorney Form

The Colorado minor child power of attorney allows a parent or legal guardian to grant another individual the authority to make certain decisions and perform specific responsibilities regarding their child. The authority conferred through Colorado child power of attorney can cover various activities and decisions, including educational matters, medical care, and the child’s everyday welfare. However, this power of attorney form does not provide custodial rights to the appointee.

colorado minor child poa

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The Colorado Revised Statutes specifically address the delegation of parental or custodial responsibilities in sections 15-14-105. The statute outlines the requirements and limitations for executing a power of attorney concerning a minor child:

  • The delegation can last no longer than twelve months unless an extension is granted under exceptional circumstances.
  • To be legally valid, the power of attorney must be in writing, signed by the delegating parent/guardian, and notarized.
  • The parent or legal guardian who granted the power of attorney can revoke it by providing written notice to the temporary guardian or any other relevant parties.

Properly executing the power of attorney will ensure it is valid and enforceable in Colorado. You can also download and fill out all Colorado POA forms on our site.

Colorado Minor Child Power of Attorney Form Details

Document Name Colorado Minor Child Power of Attorney Form
Other Name Colorado Temporary Guardianship Form
Relevant Laws Colorado Revised Statutes, Section 15-14-105
Duration One Year
Avg. Time to Fill Out 8 minutes
# of Fillable Fields 15
Available Formats Adobe PDF

Filling Out Colorado Minor Child POA Form

The Colorado JDF 751 form (delegation of power by parent or guardian) allows the appointed attorney-in-fact to act on behalf of the parent or guardian in matters concerning the child’s or incapacitated person’s care and welfare. Here’s a detailed guide on how to complete this form.

1. Identify the Delegator

Enter your full name as indicated at the beginning of the form. This officially identifies you as the parent or guardian who is delegating power.

2. List the Child or Incapacitated Person

Provide the full name, date of birth, and relationship of each child or incapacitated person for whom you delegate responsibility. This section ensures that the authority granted by the document is clearly defined and limited to specified individuals.

3. Appoint the Attorney-in-Fact

Enter the full name of the person you are appointing as the attorney-in-fact. This individual will receive the authority to make decisions and act on your behalf in relation to the care of the specified minors or incapacitated persons.

4. Define the Scope of Authority

Review the predefined powers you are granting to your attorney-in-fact, as listed under the authority section of the form. These include managing day-to-day care, education, recreation, property, and medical or dental care. Ensure you understand each of these powers, as they provide broad control over the welfare of the designated individuals.

5. Set the Duration

Specify the date until which this power of attorney will be effective. Remember, the delegation of power cannot exceed 12 months from the date of signing the document.

6. Sign and Date the Form

Sign and date the form in the presence of a notary public or clerk. This formalizes the document, making it a legally binding agreement.

7. Notarization

Have the form notarized to validate your identity as the signatory. The notary will fill out the county and state where the notarization occurs, the date, and their commission expiry.

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Published: Jul 4, 2024