Massachusetts Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Form

The Massachusetts vehicle power of attorney allows a principal to designate an agent to handle tasks associated with their vehicle, such as registration, title transfers, and dealings with the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV). Sections 5-501 to 5-507 of the Massachusetts General Laws pertain to the legal framework surrounding powers of attorney, including motor vehicle-related. This segment outlines the essential details and requirements for creating, using, and terminating powers of attorney.


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Massachusetts laws dictate specific requirements for the creation and execution of a Motor Vehicle POA to ensure it is legally binding:

  • Proper form. The Massachusetts POA must be completed using the template provided by the RMV or a legally equivalent document.
  • Notarization. The principal’s signature on the POA must be notarized to confirm identity and volition.
  • Witness information. The signatures of two witnesses are required. The witnesses must also provide their printed names and dates of birth.
  • Specific authority. The document should clearly outline the specific powers granted to the agent, avoiding general or ambiguous terms.

The Massachusetts TTLREG109 (Vehicle Owner’s Limited Power of Attorney) form is used for vehicle transactions. It is valid for 30 days from the date of signature or until the RMV or an authorized business partner processes the vehicle registration and title. The RMV accepts the TTLREG109 form or any other free-form POA that meets Massachusetts legal requirements.

Massachusetts Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Form Details

Document Name Massachusetts Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Form
State Form Name Form TTLREG109
Relevant Link Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles
Avg. Time to Fill Out 15 minutes
# of Fillable Fields 57
Available Formats Adobe PDF

Filling Out Massachusetts Vehicle POA

The form must be completed accurately to avoid invalidation. The form specifically warns that you certify under penalty of perjury that all information provided is true and correct.

1. Enter Vehicle Information

Start by filling in the vehicle details for which the power of attorney is granted. This includes the make, model, model year, Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), and title number if available.

2. Provide Owner Information

Input the personal details of the vehicle owner(s) who is granting the POA. This section should include the first, middle, and last names, driver’s license numbers, and the states where the licenses were issued. Also, provide complete addresses for each owner, including street, city, state, and zip code. If there are two owners, ensure both information is filled out completely.

3. Specify Agent Information

Identify the agent or attorney-in-fact who will act on behalf of the owner(s). Fill out their full legal name, driver’s license number, the state where it was issued, and complete address. This person is granted the authority to handle RMV-related transactions for the vehicle, so ensure their information is recorded accurately.

4. Certification and Signature

The owner(s) must certify the information in the document. This involves signing and dating the form and declaring under penalty of perjury that all the information provided, including any supporting documents, is true and correct. Ensure all signatures are handwritten, as this is a requirement for the form’s validity.

5. Complete Witness Information

The form requires the signatures and printed names of two witnesses. These witnesses verify the authenticity of the owner(s)’ signatures. Each witness must also provide their date of birth. The witnesses’ details help further authenticate the document and ensure its legal standing.

6. Final Review and Submission

Review the document once all sections are filled out to ensure all information is complete and accurate. Check for any errors or missing information. After reviewing, submit the completed form to the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles.

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Published: Jul 2, 2024