Tennessee Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Form

The Tennessee motor vehicle power of attorney is a legal document allowing a vehicle owner to designate another person to handle matters related to their vehicle. This could include registering the vehicle, applying for a title, or making other transactions at Tennessee’s Vehicle Services Division. This power of attorney form is specific to motor vehicle matters and is limited to the actions specified in the document.


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In Tennessee, the document typically used for this purpose is Form RV-F1311401. It requires the vehicle owner’s (principal’s) information, the appointed agent’s information, and details about the vehicle, such as make, model, year, and VIN. The document must be signed by the vehicle owner in the presence of a notary public to be valid. This ensures that the appointed agent handles the owner’s decisions correctly and legally in their absence or incapacity.

Comprehensive Tennessee POA forms are available to ensure proper documentation for those who need to delegate authority for various legal and financial matters.

Tennessee Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Form Details

Document Name Tennessee Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Form
State Form Name Form RV-F1311401
Relevant Link Tennessee Vehicle Services Division
Avg. Time to Fill Out 15 minutes
# of Fillable Fields 45
Available Formats Adobe PDF

Filling Out Tennessee Motor Vehicle POA

You can use Form RV-F1311401 to authorize someone to manage vehicle-related transactions on your behalf in Tennessee, such as registration or title transfers. Here are the detailed steps for filling out this document.

1. Fill in the Date and Principal’s Information

Enter the current date at the top of the form, which says “DATE.” In the section beginning with “I,” write your full name, then appoint your attorney-in-fact by entering their full name and address, including city, state, and zip code. This person will be authorized to handle your vehicle transactions.

2. Describe the Vehicle

In the section labeled “Make,” “Model,” “Body Type,” “VIN,” and “Year,” provide the respective details of the vehicle for which you are granting power of attorney. This ensures that the POA is limited to the specific vehicle mentioned.

3. Specify Authorized Transactions

Check the appropriate boxes next to the transactions your attorney-in-fact is authorized to perform. These can include:

  • Duplicate Title
  • Transfer of Title
  • Noting of Lien
  • Application for Title and Registration
  • Request for Verification of Ownership on Vehicles Found Abandoned, Immobile, or Unattended
  • Vehicle Information Request
  • Any other specified transactions

Your attorney-in-fact will be able to perform the vehicle-related tasks you have specified.

4. Principal or Business Information

If an individual owns the vehicle, provide your name and signature where indicated. If owned by a business, write the business name and have an authorized representative sign on behalf of the business. Also, provide the physical address, city, state, zip code, telephone number, and email address.

5. Notarization

The form must be signed in the presence of a notary public. The notary section requires your presence and may ask for identification to verify your identity. The notary will fill out this section, including their commission expiration date.

6. Final Check

Before finalizing the document, make sure no required fields are left blank and that no alterations or erasures are made to the entries, as this could render the document void. Once all parts are completed, ensure the notary has affixed their seal.

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Published: Jul 2, 2024